
Time-lapse? Xi'an paulownia blossoms, the public shouted strange! Experts say...

Source: Shaanxi City Express

We often say

Weather in Xi'an "wayward"

Not only in our dress

Even the plants on the streets of Xi'an

They were all "confused" by the weather

In the past two days, many citizens who have passed by the intersection of Zhuhong Road and Fengcheng Third Road in the northern suburbs of Xi'an have found that the paulownia trees on the street have actually blossomed, giving people a scene of spring.

Time-lapse? Xi'an paulownia blossoms, the public shouted strange! Experts say...
Time-lapse? Xi'an paulownia blossoms, the public shouted strange! Experts say...

Citizen: "It's all winter, why are they still blooming?" ”

Citizen: "It is impossible to blossom at this time, and I don't believe it to anyone." ”

Oh, yes!

No picture, no truth

But look at the sight of this branch blossoming

One has to believe it

Time-lapse? Xi'an paulownia blossoms, the public shouted strange! Experts say...

Many people may have questions


Paulownia trees bloom in March and April every year

How about these trees in front of you

It bloomed before the New Year?

Time-lapse? Xi'an paulownia blossoms, the public shouted strange! Experts say...

In response to this situation, the reporter contacted Ma Yankang, chief horticulturist of Xi'an Botanical Garden.

Ma Yankang, chief horticulturist of Xi'an Botanical Garden, said: "The temperature has risen in the past two days, the sunshine time and temperature are relatively close to spring, which has played a misleading role for plants, plants think that spring is coming, and they will blossom, this phenomenon is called secondary flowering in botany." ”

Time-lapse? Xi'an paulownia blossoms, the public shouted strange! Experts say...

Teacher Ma told reporters that this year's phenomenon is more prominent, and there are many places on the streets of Xi'an, not only paulownia trees, almond trees, begonias, etc.

Ma Yankang, chief horticulturist of Xi'an Botanical Garden, said: "By the spring of the second year, the flowers that have bloomed will no longer bloom, which has little impact on ornamental plants, but has a relatively large impact on cash crops, especially affecting the yield of the second year." ”

You say

The weather in Xi'an is "wayward" isn't it?

Source: City Express

Reporter: Zhu Jingwei

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