
How are people growing up changing?

author:Knowledge transfer hand

With the rise of short video platforms, what is the evolution trend of media ecology? What is the cultural state of humanity in the future?

Teacher Lin Guizhi mentioned a sentence in "Seconds Praise", I think I can answer this question, she said: "No matter how many platforms there are, how cool the new applications are, please don't be intimidated by the number and trend." Today's platforms and applications, like traditional television, radio, and print media, are merely channels of communication. There is only one true ultimate medium, and that is our brains. ”

Yes, what really deserves our attention in this era is not the media forms such as audio and video, but the expansion of the sensory system, and the world is changing with the expansion of the sensory system. Those who say that children don't read, why are you in a hurry? He has his new means, if he can act on the human brain, to express himself, OK. But there must be some children who will continue to read, and it will form its own unique advantage, as long as it finally acts on the brain. So people who don't read books, especially people who write books, you have to pay attention, you don't write well, it's not that no one reads, we have to understand this truth.

Follow this line of thinking and push forward. The sensory system is becoming a channel for people to communicate, right? The whole world is actually reorganizing, so correspondingly, our personal growth patterns must also be reorganized. This is a bigger problem.

It turns out that we think that the emotional world is to eat, drink and have fun, and the rational world is to strive for progress.

So in the past, the elite crushed us in extremely abstract ways, they continued to abstract the world and then scare everyone else to death. Like when we were in college, who can pronounce so many foreign names with one mouth, Ostrovsky, Stanislavsky, others will think, wow, that's awesome. These foreign names are not next to each other, why do you say it so slippery? I was impressed. If anyone has a mouth that is "postmodernism", it will be scared to death when it is heard - those people are sitting in the cafés of the Paris alley, isn't that a fairy for us? At that time, it was scary with concepts, and there are still many people who are obsessed with it until now.

In the past, people liked to throw big words and concepts, which was a collection of concepts of the rational world. The conceptual world is a dark cloud hanging over human beings, which means who has more time to learn, who has strong abstract ability, who has a strong memory, who invests more educational resources, who is the elite, and the world is shrouded by concepts.

But today it's clearly not. The bottom of the whole world is not knocking on doors, but secret passages. It becomes how many secret passages you know, how many feelings you have in your head, and how many situations you can initiate quantum entanglement with others. A word, a look, and an action can evoke similar feelings in other people's hearts. This collection of feelings becomes an important way of accumulating knowledge. The richness of the human sensory system has become an important competitiveness.

I've seen a saying, "When you find someone who understands everything you say, communicates smoothly, and you enjoy the process, it's like finding a life partner and soulmate." 99% chance is that you have met someone with a higher EQ IQ than you, who is backwards compatible with you. ”

Yes, did you find that? A particularly secret change is taking place in this world, that is, people who were better than me in the past can let me see that he is strong. Today that person is better than me, actually good friends with me, I did not know that he was better than me. Don't you think there's anything strange about it? This brings me to the interesting phrase, "The rich look down on the poor, and the latter knows; while the educated look down on the uncultured, the latter don't know." ”

He's not because he's tall, he's in designer bags, he lives in mansions, he's learned, he's a professor... Neither. We may earn about the same, but his world is richer than yours. People think about where to go on the weekend, and you can't think of it. Others are willing to play with him, not willing to play with you, and kill you alive. This is how our world is presented.

You will find that the competition in this world has become a competition for who has more feelings in their own bodies, who has more feelings, and who has more life experience. A lot of experience, if nothing else, he speaks well, he does something to help him more people, his empathy is good, he can understand others, he can make good products.

Yes, you see, in the past life was a ladder, you had to climb up, now life has become a basket, you keep collecting things in it. In the past, life was gourd, 7 babies changed the law to fight with snakes, and now they become little girls picking mushrooms, you have to collect all kinds of things in your basket, that is the source of competitiveness.

There's an article called "The Importance of Coming Out and Playing."

Yeah, why come out and play? Is playing also about growing? Didn't you say that "karma is good at being diligent and playful"?

Because you don't play, you're stuck in a world of self-expression. "Why are our online statements often distorted and exaggerated? Because when we talk to each other, we should be under each other's eyes. The ego is not accomplished independently, and it is under the gaze of the other party that we are strongly aware of ourselves as an independent self. But when you post a comment on the Internet, it seems that you are hiding in the dark, often not in the true sense of communication, just emotional venting.

If a person wants to form a life of independent self-awareness, he must not only reflect, but also go out, express his personal feelings in real interpersonal interactions, and accept the influence of others.

"Through the establishment of public cultural spaces and face-to-face communication, the inward development of individualization is completed."

We humans are shaped by publicity. So, why do you have to come out and play? Rationality does not exist for human nature. We are feeling one by one under one scene after another, shaping our own brains.

The critique of reason, we need not say it again, the great philosophers of the 19th and 20th centuries are criticizing. I saw a very interesting example recently.

It is said that there is a research and development team to engage in game AI, there are wolves and sheep in the game, wolves go to catch sheep, this wolf is AI. There is a design logic here, if the wolf catches the sheep, it will be rewarded with 10 points, and if the wolf hits the obstacle, it will deduct 1 point. In addition, in order to let the wolf catch the sheep as soon as possible, the wolf will be punished with 0.1 points for every 1 second spent. At the end, the higher the wolf's score, the better. Sounds particularly scientific, right?

The R&D team then trained the AI with neural network techniques to see how entering different parameters would affect the wolf's behavior. They probably trained 200,000 times, found that the training effect is getting worse and worse, puzzled, obviously changed the parameters, how can it not be effective? They studied it for three full days and finally found out why.

You know what? The wolf, is the very rational AI, it found that the difficulty of catching the sheep is too great, the process of chasing the sheep is still wasted a lot of time, the result is not caught, it is better to find a stone at the beginning to crash to death, so that the last remaining points can be more. At the beginning of each game, the wolf would find a stone and crash to death. So no matter how the researchers change the parameters and conditions, no matter what direction the wolf faces, whether there is a sheep in its field of vision, what its own speed is, what the speed of the sheep is, all of this is useless, because the wolf commits suicide from the beginning.

Yes, this is the problem of many modern people, when you do not switch life into feelings, and when you cash all feelings into absolute reason, you will find that it is better to die directly. Imagine if you have to fight for who is loser and who is the winner in this life, if you use this goal to limit the success of life, it is better to commit suicide at birth and crash to death. Because then you will most likely not become a loser. This is the best way to remain undefeated, and the social median must feel that it has failed. This is ridiculous, and it would be particularly absurd to think about the world with rational thinking all the time.

Of course this is a very extreme example, what am I trying to say? You make the game process unimportant, when the vast majority of people are calculating, whether I want to get married, whether I want to have children, whether the cost of getting married is enough, whether my children I can raise, whether I can get into college. In this way, it is indeed the most cost-effective not to get married and not to have children. But what is your loss? The experience of married life is gone, you can't be a mother and father. This is an absolute loss, but the average person does not count it that way. This is precisely what the rational abstract world has lost. Yes, a purely rational life is simply not worth living.