
Ratings lead the run, the mainstream media recognizes, calm and composed "new" Chen Kun "lethality" is so strong

author:Wu Entertainment Society

The opening chapter begins with a soul torture question: How do you feel about the contemporary military drama "The Boat of Peace", which is being broadcast on CCTV?

Don't be automatically dissuaded as soon as you see the three words "military drama", and there are not too many people who are "really fragrant" after one or two episodes of serious taste.

Directed by Cao Dun and starring Chen Kun and Zhang Tianai, "The Boat of Peace" ended tonight, and for the audience who chased the drama with a sense of truth all the way, the editor actually burst out in his mind "It is too big!" " sigh.

Counting the rows of "Boat of Peace", there are too many and too many -

The prime-time broadcast of CCTV1 is self-evident in the wide audience and the number of viewers;

Ratings lead the run, the mainstream media recognizes, calm and composed "new" Chen Kun "lethality" is so strong

Indeed, "The Boat of Peace" won the first place in the ratings of the same period at the beginning of CCTV, and still ranked first in the prime-time TV series in the second week of broadcasting, and the excellent results of CVB dehydration ratings for two consecutive weeks were convincing;

Ratings lead the run, the mainstream media recognizes, calm and composed "new" Chen Kun "lethality" is so strong

The offline broadcast is amazing, and the positive reviews online are not to be outdone.

There is "News Network" to emphasize the start of the broadcast to pay enough attention, there are also hot search lists with a variety of hot topics fancy debut, as well as @ people's navy crazy call, the recommendation of major official media is the norm.

Ratings lead the run, the mainstream media recognizes, calm and composed "new" Chen Kun "lethality" is so strong
Ratings lead the run, the mainstream media recognizes, calm and composed "new" Chen Kun "lethality" is so strong

This side of the broadcast platform, ratings pomp, official media recommendation is enough surprises, there are also major mainstream media recognition has been broadcast, the "big row of noodles" to the end:

On the same day, it has successively appeared in the People's Daily, Guangming Daily, and Wen Wei Po, and "went hand in hand" with the Ciie Expo and the Winter Olympic Games, telling the story of contemporary China and playing a harmonious movement of a community with a shared future for mankind;

Ratings lead the run, the mainstream media recognizes, calm and composed "new" Chen Kun "lethality" is so strong
Ratings lead the run, the mainstream media recognizes, calm and composed "new" Chen Kun "lethality" is so strong
Ratings lead the run, the mainstream media recognizes, calm and composed "new" Chen Kun "lethality" is so strong

There are also Global Times and China Television News interviewing Chen Kun, the star of "The Boat of Peace", and the front and back of the stage where he plays the role of a soldier are vividly displayed in front of readers with language and writing.

Ratings lead the run, the mainstream media recognizes, calm and composed "new" Chen Kun "lethality" is so strong

Whether it is strongly recommended by the official media or recognized by the mainstream media, all kinds of appearances are proof of the ingenuity of "Boat of Peace" as a production. And the lead actor Chen Kun interprets a "screw" style military image to the slightest, Zhang Duhang is a screw on the boat of peace, but also the epitome of the image of thousands of soldiers.

If you want to ask why, then in the interview with Chen Kun of the Global Times, the eye-catching sentence "I hope to show a more three-dimensional image of naval soldiers" is the answer.

Ratings lead the run, the mainstream media recognizes, calm and composed "new" Chen Kun "lethality" is so strong

Chen Kun "changed" - this is the biggest emotion of many viewers after knowing Zhang Duhang in "Boat of Peace".

He cut clean and neat inches, almost unrecognizable, wearing a naval uniform, he was a gentleman with a cool and straight, full of military breath, and the melancholy temperament of "Jin Yanxi" that was often in the eyes in the past no longer existed, and some of them could feel the perseverance of endless peace of mind in the dark.

Ratings lead the run, the mainstream media recognizes, calm and composed "new" Chen Kun "lethality" is so strong

For Chen Kun, Zhang Duhang, who starred in "The Boat of Peace", not only did the appearance break through the "change", but even the way of performance, there were also visible changes to the naked eye.

It is not that Chen Kun, who has contributed countless classic works and excellent character roles in the past 22 years, has regressed in acting, on the contrary, on the basis of the experience of previous role precipitation, he chose a more calm and calm performance method in order to be more suitable for the character attributes of Zhang Duhang, a naval doctor in "The Boat of Peace".

Ratings lead the run, the mainstream media recognizes, calm and composed "new" Chen Kun "lethality" is so strong

Carefully recalling the scene of Chen Kun in "The Boat of Peace", it is not difficult for us to find that his emotional out-of-control, hysterical moments are few and far between, more often, plain dialogue and exchange, three words and two words is a Zhang Duhang character trait.

When Zhang Duhang and Lu Yang completed the difficult operation of "sea stitches" in the rough wind and wave area, in the face of Lu Yang's advice, Chen Kun looked directly into each other's eyes to give his own answer, and in the light tone of the clouds, he could automatically brain out of this doctor with excellent medical skills, and silently work hard behind people.

Ratings lead the run, the mainstream media recognizes, calm and composed "new" Chen Kun "lethality" is so strong

Sometimes, even if there are no lines, the eyes become a window for Chen Kun to express his desires.

Because he is a military doctor, whether he is a soldier with a gun or a scalpel as a doctor, time is life, Zhang Duhang does not have much time to space for language dialogue, and can only rely on "eye skills" to speak.

Under the interpretation of Chen Kun, Zhang Duhang's firmness and full of strength when holding the gun, and the concentration and professionalism when holding the scalpel can also be successfully perceived by the audience across the screen.

Ratings lead the run, the mainstream media recognizes, calm and composed "new" Chen Kun "lethality" is so strong
Ratings lead the run, the mainstream media recognizes, calm and composed "new" Chen Kun "lethality" is so strong

When Zhang Duhang returned home to face his lover, his eyes had a completely different reaction, taking care of his wife lying on the hospital bed, his eyes were full of gentle care, and he also carried some caution for fear of loss.

It is also strange to say that Chen Kun's acting with his eyes is really amazing, the emotions are infiltrated into the eyes, and the feelings are naturally cathartic from it, which easily drives the audience and finally successfully triggers emotional resonance.

Ratings lead the run, the mainstream media recognizes, calm and composed "new" Chen Kun "lethality" is so strong

A few small fragments have once again refreshed our understanding of Chen Kun as an old drama bone of the powerful faction.

Yes, you can always believe in Chen Kun's character shaping power.

Cut the head and wear the military uniform to stand in a military posture, dignified and upright, sassy and straight; simple line dialogue, the tone also hides the article, the character trait jumps on the screen; expresses emotions with the eyes, and the silent moisturizing objects resonate with the audience.

This time, under the calm and calm performance method of "The Boat of Peace", Chen Kun let Zhang Duhang, a resolute military doctor, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Ratings lead the run, the mainstream media recognizes, calm and composed "new" Chen Kun "lethality" is so strong

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