
Actor Chen Kun: I have been a single father for many years, why am I still single?

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Actor Chen Kun: I have been a single father for many years, why am I still single?

Chen Kun, burdened with the important responsibility of nurturing his son Chen Zunyou's growth, has spent a long and difficult 20 years. Looking back on the past, those bitter memories in the career of North Drift come to mind, which is moving.

On that vast and cold winter night, Chen Kun worked as a waiter in a restaurant in a thin dress, unable to withstand the biting cold. A kind-hearted girl stumbled upon his predicament and asked with concern, "Don't you feel cold when you're dressed so thinly?" Chen Kun barely squeezed out a smile, how dare he admit that he had already been shivering from the cold.

However, when the girl's brother learned of this, he specially bought a pair of warm woolen pants for Chen Kun, so that he could survive the extremely cold winter.

At that time, Chen Kun was still young, and he always seemed a little powerless in the face of the challenges of life. However, fate did not give up on his test because of this. When he just stepped into the Beijing Film Academy to study, he was fortunate to meet Zhao Baogang, a hot director at that time.

Actor Chen Kun: I have been a single father for many years, why am I still single?

Director Zhao praised Chen Kun's talent and expressed his hope on the spot that he hoped to use Chen Kun as the leading actor in his first work "Never Look Away". However, just as the filming was about to begin, Zhao Baogang suddenly changed his mind and made Chen Kun feel disappointed on the grounds that Lu Yi was more suitable to play the leading role.

This sudden change brought a heavy blow to Chen Kun, and he was teary-eyed, wondering where he was not doing well enough.

Sure enough, when Director Zhao's new work "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind" started filming, in order to make up for his previous wrong decision, he took the initiative to extend an olive branch to Chen Kun.

Despite all kinds of setbacks and difficulties, fate did not give up the test of Chen Kun. When he first entered the Beijing Film Academy, by chance, he met the well-known director Zhao Baogang.

Actor Chen Kun: I have been a single father for many years, why am I still single?

Director Zhao was full of praise for Chen Kun's acting skills and talent, and expressed his hope on the spot that he hoped to use Chen Kun as the leading actor in his first work "Never Look Away".

However, just as the filming was about to begin, Zhao Baogang suddenly changed his mind and made Chen Kun feel disappointed on the grounds that Lu Yi was more suitable to play the leading role. A change in personnel arrangements made Chen Kun fall into confusion and confusion, and he stared at the director who had given him support and encouragement with tears in his eyes, and he had mixed feelings in his heart.

Fortunately, Chen Kun's staunch supporter and head teacher Cui Xinqin attacked accurately and helped. Cui Xinqin did not hesitate to call Zhao Baogang's phone, and expressed his position in a resolute tone: "You owe Chen Kun a play, and you must let him play the starring role in the next work!" She praised Chen Kun's superb acting skills and endless potential, and firmly believed that his talent would never be allowed to be buried in time.

As expected, when Zhao Bao was just preparing for his new work "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind", he felt deeply guilty and took the initiative to hand over the responsibility of the actor to Chen Kun, hoping to make up for his previous negligence.

Actor Chen Kun: I have been a single father for many years, why am I still single?

Director Zhao personally presided over the grand banquet and paid tribute to Chen Kun.

During the banquet, Zhao Baogang was depressed, and Chen Kun carefully noticed this. He stepped forward and asked the reason with concern, only to see Director Zhao say with a worried face that the candidate for the heroine has not yet been determined, and he is looking forward to finding an excellent actress who is proficient in dance and has a beautiful face.

Hearing this, Chen Kun immediately flashed a candidate in his mind - a friend he once met in the Oriental Song and Dance Association who was good at dancing, and she once confided in Chen Kun her desire to devote herself to her acting career.

Chen Kun immediately dialed the phone, invited the friend to dinner, and personally recommended the characters in this drama to her to help her realize her dream.

Actor Chen Kun: I have been a single father for many years, why am I still single?

In the film and television industry, Chen Kun is undoubtedly an all-round artist with both strength and appearance. His acting skills are top-notch, and he gives his all and holds no reservations even when filming action scenes.

For example, during the filming of "Dragon Gate Flying Armor", for the needs of the plot, Chen Kun had to wear heavy costumes in the hot summer and perform thrilling fight scenes.

Sweat soaked his hands, even oozing blood, and his hands took on a pale color. The director looked at all this, his heart was full of pity, and he proposed to hire a professional stand-in to perform on his behalf, so as not to make Chen Kun too tired.

However, Chen Kun flatly rejected the offer, insisting that he had to go into battle himself. This kind of dedication and professionalism to work moved everyone present.

Actor Chen Kun: I have been a single father for many years, why am I still single?

However, looking back on Chen Kun's acting career, he has always been troubled by his handsome appearance. People tend to ignore his outstanding professional qualities and focus only on his handsome face.

Even the innocent and flawless friendship with Zhou Xun was maliciously misunderstood by the paparazzi without basis, and it was portrayed as an ambiguous relationship, and rumors spread everywhere.

However, for these baseless rumors, Chen Kun has never cared too much about his sincere and frank attitude towards his friends, for example, once, a friend specially prepared a delicious dish of dried bamboo shoots for him, Chen Kun tasted it, and was really full of praise, and immediately ate a large bowl full of affection, facing the deep affection of his friends, Chen Kun also responded in his own unique way, it is this pure and flawless heart, which makes the outside world's speculation and questioning of him seem so ridiculous.

What cast a shadow over Chen Kun's emotional world was undoubtedly the explosive news that he suddenly publicly admitted that he already had a son. Regarding the life story of this mysterious son Chen Zunyou, the outside world has always regarded it as an unsolved mystery.

Actor Chen Kun: I have been a single father for many years, why am I still single?

All of a sudden, all kinds of speculations and inferences came like a tide, some people speculated that the child's biological mother was the actress He Yan, who had publicly expressed her admiration for Chen Kun, He Yan was not only beautiful, but also had a deep cooperative relationship with Chen Kun, so this speculation seemed quite convincing, however, some people also proposed that the child's mother was actually a personal nanny hired by Chen Kun, but soon after, this speculation was quickly denied, because when everyone saw the real face of the nanny, they were surprised to find that she was over half a hundred years old, The appearance is ordinary and unremarkable, which forms a strong contrast with the handsome and dashing Chen Kun, and obviously cannot become Chen Zunyou's mother.

No matter what the truth is, Chen Kun has always been tight-lipped about his son's life experience, and he just silently took on the responsibility of raising Chen Zunyou alone. Under the careful care of his father, Chen Zunyou gradually grew into a personable young man.

Whenever Chen Zunyou is talked about, people will involuntarily recall that childhood full of laughter, when Chen Zunyou was still in kindergarten, there was an extremely well-behaved and lovely little girl in the class, always by his side, this little girl's sweet smile is like a spring breeze, which makes people feel refreshed and happy, and can't help but be moved, Chen Zunyou is also attracted by her petite and exquisite, and cares for this little girl.

One afternoon, with firm determination and courage, Chen Zunyou expressed his deep emotions to the lovely little girl he had been secretly in love with for a long time: "Can we join hands in the marriage hall after we grow up and mature in the future?" This immature but sincere confession of love made everyone present smile.

Actor Chen Kun: I have been a single father for many years, why am I still single?

However, what Chen Zunyou never expected was that the little girl replied innocently: "I want to marry your uncle!" ”。

Hearing such an answer, Chen Zunyou instantly felt shocked and confused, and his immature face revealed a complex expression of anger and confusion. He immediately rushed home and confided in his father Chen Kun about the bitterness in his heart.

After listening to what happened to his son, Chen Kun couldn't help but be amused by this unexpected episode, and he could only patiently comfort his son: "Zunyou, you are still young now, let's wait until the future to think about these things."

Time flies, and now Chen Zunyou has grown into a handsome and dashing young man, whenever he walks side by side with his father Chen Kun in the bustling streets and alleys, the father and son look more like a pair of brothers and sisters.

Actor Chen Kun: I have been a single father for many years, why am I still single?

Thinking back to the "uncle" that the little girl said at the beginning, isn't it the heroic and mighty Chen Kun now? The innocence of what was once a child has now become a beautiful memory shared between father and son.

A friend also seems to have a deep understanding, and she has insisted on introducing a girlfriend to Chen Kun many times, hoping to find a lifelong partner who suits him. After months of hard persuasion, Chen Kun reluctantly agreed to meet with the person he introduced.

However, just when the time of the agreed meeting was approaching, the other party suddenly notified the cancellation of the appointment due to many reasons such as heavy work and entangled affairs, and Chen Kun had to leave the agreed place alone, with a look of loss that could not be concealed on his face.

If you ask Chen Kun directly, what are the qualities of his long-awaited ideal partner? He will not hesitate to tell you that understanding and support for each other is exactly the quality he coveted.

Actor Chen Kun: I have been a single father for many years, why am I still single?

Unfortunately, however, these expectations have never been met in real life.

After so many years, Chen Kun is still alone, unable to find the person who has a heart with him. Although he is surrounded by all kinds of friends, as well as his son Chen Zunyou by his side, he has always lacked a bosom partner who can really understand him and care about him, which makes this high-profile male god occasionally feel a little lonely and melancholy.

Whenever Chen Kun is alone in the empty room, witnessing his son Chen Zunyou playing happily in the spacious and bright living room, there will always be a unique expectation in his heart - what a happiness and joy it will be to have a gentle and considerate virtuous helper by his side, share the time of harmony and beauty, and walk hand in hand on the long and wonderful road of life! However, the cruel reality is like a heavy shackle, violently striking at this beautiful vision, and it seems so pale and powerless.

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