
Liu Ji Bowen wrote "Yu Ion" Lu Ban

author:The avenue of the world to Jane


The city of Yu Ion [came to the market], and wept (tònɡ) when he saw the bad house. Or [someone asked]: "Is it qì and?" [Can this still be repaired?] Yu Ion said: "There is Lu Ban and Wang Er ze Ke Ye, and now that they are dead, who can conspire with them [who can still plan to repair it]?" I heard that the house is broken and the building [the main beam, that is, the horizontal wooden beam at the highest point of the roof] can be repaired [repaired], and now the building and the beam are decayed and broken, and the lifting is covered [lifting it will overturn], it is not touchable, it is better to remain [it is better to maintain the status quo for a while], then the unsolved (ménɡ) rafters (jué) [the square rafters of the house] are still attached [so that the rafters that have not yet disintegrated still have something to cling to], so that the able [wait for those who can repair it]." If the vibration destroys it, it will be blamed (jiù) on the one who repairs it, and Flkovdang will be [unable to bear it]. In fact, the house will be new and its material [moreover, the repair house will use new wood], and its decay [inside is eroded and decayed by insects], and its outer and middle collapse (kuì) (bǐnɡ) [all that are intact on the outside and ulcerated on the inside must be screened], and the rafters (chuán) think that the rafters (yínɡ) [the pillar in front of the hall house], and the column of the non-zhuó (zhuó) column thinks that the rafter [cannot erect the rafters as pillars, and cannot cut the pillars as rafters]. Its material is also, but its good, do not ask about its production [choose wood, only choose the superior, do not ask its place of origin]. Maple, 柟 (nán) [same as "Nan"),Pine,栝(ɡuā)[Ancient Book Refers to Juniper Tree], Fir (shān), Maple (zhū), 柞 (zuò), Tan (tán) all harvested, the larger one is Dong as a beam, the smaller one is 杙 (yì) [small wooden stake] is 栭 (ér) [the square wood on the top of the pillar support beam], the curver is the maple (jī) [the square wood supporting the beam on the pillar], the straight one is the tree, the elder one is the cuī (cuī) [椽], the short one is the 棁 (zhuō) [the short column on the beam], The one who is not in the air and the liquid body [not hollow and wet wood], is useless. The big wood (jié) of the present medical lu (lǘ) [repairing the house] [now the big wood repairing the house is gone], the rules are not permanent [the rules have no uniform standards], the work is lost [the construction cannot be measured], the axe saw knife chisel, do not know what to cut, gui, camphor, maple, chestnut (lú), cut into a maple (yǒu) salary [cut for firewood], although there is Lu Ban, Wang Er can not be (zhé) [immediately, immediately] to perform their skill [can not immediately perform their skill], and the situation is nothing [not to mention that there is no skilled craftsman]? How can I not be sad? ”

Liu Ji Bowen wrote "Yu Ion" Lu Ban

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