
Zhang Xu of "Directly Connected To Counties and Cities" investigated and supervised the central heating work in the urban area of Chengcheng County

author:Huashan Net

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Recently, Zhang Xu, the governor of Chengcheng County, investigated and supervised the central heating work in the urban area, and coordinated the on-site coordination to solve existing problems.

Zhang Xu of "Directly Connected To Counties and Cities" investigated and supervised the central heating work in the urban area of Chengcheng County

At the Qinyao Power Plant (biomass heating power generation project), Zhang Xu inspected the equipment operation, fuel collection, safety management, etc., listened to the progress report of the current heating work, and coordinated the on-site coordination to solve existing problems.

Zhang Xu of "Directly Connected To Counties and Cities" investigated and supervised the central heating work in the urban area of Chengcheng County

He stressed that heating is the biggest livelihood in winter, we must firmly establish the people-centered development thinking, always put the masses' cold and warm in mind, continuously improve the quality of heating services and emergency response capabilities, and go all out to ensure that the masses are safe and warm through the winter. It is necessary to further consolidate the responsibility for safe production, strengthen the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers, and ensure the smooth operation of heating facilities and equipment and safe heat supply. It is necessary to improve the emergency plan, do a good job in operation and maintenance, repair service and emergency repair, and strive to improve the ability to respond to emergencies and extreme weather and the level of emergency disposal, ensure the quality of heat supply, and ensure that nothing is lost. It is necessary to take the satisfaction of the masses as the primary criterion, smooth the service hotline and supervision and complaint channels, respond to the heating demands of the masses in a timely manner, check the areas where the heating problems are more concentrated, and check door by door, change passive visits to active problem solving, and provide more accurate, efficient and high-quality heating services for the masses.

Zhang Xu of "Directly Connected To Counties and Cities" investigated and supervised the central heating work in the urban area of Chengcheng County

Reporter: Li Pengfei Editor: Wang Luya

Source: Chengcheng County Rong Media Center

Editor: Li Hui Dang Wenjuan (Intern)

Review: Li Miao

Final Judge: Zhao Yongbin

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