
"Little snow": At the beginning of winter, the heart has some potatoes

author:Life Times
"Little snow": At the beginning of winter, the heart has some potatoes

Each ingredient has its own season. Eat buds in spring, melons in summer, fruits in autumn, and roots in winter. Taking the four o'clock as the guide, in one meal and one food, the rotation of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter is perceived.

In 2021, Life Times launched a series of planning "Twenty-four Solar Terms • Eating Light" to meet the seasonal vegetables and fruits, perceive the flow of time between the lips and teeth, and live up to the good times of the year.

"Little snow": At the beginning of winter, the heart has some potatoes

Rain falls cold, condensed into snow

In the "Seventy-two Waiting Solutions to the Moon Order", it is recorded: "In the middle of October, the rain fell and the cold was thin, so it condensed into snow. The small ones are not prosperous. At this time, when it comes to light snow, the temperature is gradually lower than 0 °C, although there is occasional snowfall, but the amount of snow is generally not large. The farmer said, "The snow is full of snow, and the next year will be a good year." ”

After a little snow, it gets colder

The "Medical Commentary" says: "The six qi of the small snow day are intertwined, and the yangming dry gold is added to the cold water of the sun." Light snow is a festival that reflects precipitation and temperature, and it is also a time when cold waves and strong cold air activity are frequent, after which the weather will become colder and the precipitation will gradually increase.

Winter wax wind pickling, stored for winter

Folk customs of "winter wax wind pickling, stored in winter" After the light snow festival, the temperature drops sharply and the weather becomes dry, which is a good time to process bacon.

At this time, I start to make sausages and bacon, and when it comes to the Spring Festival, I just enjoy the food. In the south, there is a folk custom of eating rice dumplings in the tenth month of the lunar calendar, and there is a saying that "October Dynasty, Rice Dumpling Lu Lu Burn".

Sweet potatoes are fragrant and warm to the heart

Sweet potatoes, also known as sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes. Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Sweet potato has the effect of tonifying weakness, strengthening qi, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and strengthening kidney yang.". In winter, holding a steaming sweet potato in your hand, you will bite it down and taste soft as honey.

Baked sweet potatoes, why extra sweet

Sweet potatoes are rich in starch and dietary fiber, as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals. Sweet potatoes with red and yellow hearts are high in carotene, high in sugar and sweet in taste. Especially when roasting, the amylase in sweet potatoes is activated by high temperatures, and there is enough time to break down the starch into sweet maltose. Although it tastes sweet, it contains only 0.2 grams of fat per 100 grams of sweet potatoes, produces 99 kcal of energy, about one-third of the same amount of rice, and has a strong sense of fullness, making it a good low-fat, low-calorie food.

4 steps to pick out the sweetest sweet potato

Sweet potatoes pick small ones, up and down the same thickness. Observe the surface of the sweet potato for mold or notches. Sweet potatoes with a dull and rough skin indicate that they are not fresh. Sweet potatoes are afraid of low temperatures, easy to freeze in the refrigerator, and should be stored in a dry and cool place.

Sweet potatoes eat more easy to produce a large amount of carbon dioxide in the gastrointestinal tract, so that people have bloating, hiccups, it is recommended not to exceed 100 to 200 grams per day, and do not eat raw. People with weak gastrointestinal function, eating on an empty stomach will stimulate a large amount of secretion of stomach acid, causing abdominal discomfort. People with stomach ulcers and polyacid chronic gastritis should eat fewer sweet potatoes. Sweet potato glycemic index is higher, diabetics should eat less.

Small snow to supplement, warm kidneys and yang

When it comes to light snow, the cold in nature is enhanced, and health care should follow the principle of protecting yang qi and eat less spicy and stimulating foods.

Warm to repel the cold

As the saying goes, "three nine supplements a winter, the next year without pain", during the snow season, you can eat some warm supplementary foods, such as lamb, beef, cashew nuts, goji berries, mustard fruit, yam, chestnuts.

Tonifies the kidneys

Xiaoxue is relatively strong in the kidneys, be careful not to eat too salty. Diet should reduce saltiness and increase bitterness to maintain the balance of yin and yang and internal organs of the human body. Black foods such as black sesame seeds, black beans, and black fungus help nourish the kidneys.

Xiaoxue health care, focusing on hiding essence

Chinese medicine believes that "winter main treasure", one of which is "Tibetan essence". Essence is the basic substance of life activities and is the source of energy, physical strength and immunity of the human body. At this time, sealing the kidney essence can lay a good foundation for resisting the severe cold and rising yang qi in the coming year.

Rub your ears

In Chinese medicine, there are "ear people, kidney officials also". This means that regular rubbing of the ears can benefit the kidneys. With empty fists in both hands, the thumb index finger pushes the ear chakra to the point of ear heat.

Waist and foot protection

The sole of the foot is the starting point of the kidney meridian, the waist is the home of the kidney, and maintaining the warmth of the waist and feet is the key to hiding sperm. Keep your feet warm and soak your feet in hot water at about 40 °C every night. Pressing and tapping the waist and sacribal area can play a role in warming the kidneys and yang.

As the earth gradually enters the cold season, the year is also coming to an end. Bai Juyi wrote in the poem: "Green ants are newly brewed wine, and the red clay stove is small." Late to the day want snow, can you drink a cup of nothing? ”

One early winter night, the snow fell quietly, the window was calm and quiet, and the house was warm. ▲

Experts interviewed

Peng Yuqing, vice chairman of the Professional Committee for the Treatment of Pre-existing Diseases of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Li Fangling, director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Beijing Geriatric Hospital

Chi Xiaoling, Director of the Department of Hepatology, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Editor: Luo Rong Art Design: Fang Qian

Copyright notice: This article is the original of Life Times, and unauthorized reproduction is refused.

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