
After Taiwan's rich second generation beat people into the ICU with baseball bats, they were surprised by the "baseball lynching group"

Recently, violent cases in Taiwan have occurred frequently. First, the rich second generation was robbed of the car and beat the male college student into the ICU with a baseball bat, and then 5 young people who drove a Mercedes-Benz car chased people with baseball bats and other murder weapons to smash the car in front of the police station to vent their anger. A few days ago, the island's intranet exposed 2 videos of Kaohsiung street abductors beating, and the perpetrators were called "Kaohsiung baseball lynching groups" by Taiwan media.

After Taiwan's rich second generation beat people into the ICU with baseball bats, they were surprised by the "baseball lynching group"

A man in Kaohsiung was beaten up, pictured from Taiwan media

Comprehensive United News Network, "ETtoday News Cloud", China Times News Network and other Taiwan media reported that the violence video of the "Kaohsiung Baseball Lynching Group" began to circulate on the Internet as early as the 16th. One of the 23-second videos shows a man chased and beaten by multiple people in a streetside path, the man was kicked wildly after falling to the ground, and some of them took out electric shock batons to attack him, and the man kept crying and apologizing, saying: "Thank you!" Thanks! (Hokkien, meaning sorry)"

Another 3 minute and 59 seconds video shows the victim being blindfolded by a mask and showing obvious electric shock marks on his legs. In addition, from time to time, the video can see a group of criminal suspects holding baseball bats in their hands, constantly asking the man: "Money grin?" Where does Xiao Zhao live? ”

The man was then beaten with a stick, all at the ankles, tibia and knees. The abuser also threatened to cut off his finger, and the man cried out: "Just pay you back." But the teenager who shot the film said fiercely: "No, in addition to the money to be returned, the hands and feet must be broken (dropped)" and constantly asked "where is Xiao Zhao". In addition, the man was poured an unknown liquid into his mouth.

After Taiwan's rich second generation beat people into the ICU with baseball bats, they were surprised by the "baseball lynching group"

The man was dragged to a clearing and beaten and abused, pictured from the Taiwan media

According to the Kaohsiung police investigation, this violent incident occurred on the 8th and 9th of this month, caused by a dispute between the two parties over the virtual currency transaction. Previously, the Kaohsiung Man surnamed Zhao (hereinafter referred to as Zhao Mou) and the man surnamed Su (hereinafter referred to as Su Mou) engaged in the trading of virtual currency Tether coin learned from the Internet that the man surnamed Yang (hereinafter referred to as Yang Mou) in Taichung wanted to buy TEDCOin worth NT$2.6 million, so he contacted the coin merchant nicknamed "Sun" to trade.

"Sun" agreed to sell coins and entrusted Su and Zhao to contact Yang in Taichung. At noon on the 8th, after the two sides negotiated business, Su and Zhao collected NT$2.6 million from Yang and drove away from Taichung. However, soon Yang found that his e-wallet did not receive "Sun" to remit TEDA coins, he thought that the transaction was fraudulent, contacted a man surnamed Xu (hereinafter referred to as Xu Mou) to pick up people, and found a friend surnamed Lin (hereinafter referred to as Lin Mou) to borrow a car, and chased down 2 people in Kaohsiung to block Su and Zhao in 5 cars, and wanted to return the 2.6 million that were taken away.

On the side of Su and Zhao, after the completion of the transaction on the 8th, Su drove Zhao home first, and then returned the car to a car rental house in Sanmin District, Kaohsiung, but was blocked by the "baseball lynching group" driving 5 cars. After Su was forcibly taken to a car and taken to a vacant lot in Renwu District, he was beaten and forced to ask about Zhao's whereabouts, and the "baseball lynching group" even took a video.

Su could not bear the siege, and asked Zhao to come forward. At more than 2:00 a.m. on the 9th, Zhao went to Tuku Road in Nanzi District, Kaohsiung to meet with Su according to the appointment, and was escorted to the car by many people and beaten with baseball bats, demanding that Zhao pay money. Zhao then contacted his girlfriend to bring 2.6 million yuan in cash to the other party, and this group of talents took the money and left.

It was not until the video of the "Kaohsiung Baseball Lynching Group" violence circulated on the Internet that the Kaohsiung police learned to follow the line to find Su and Zhao. At that time, the police found that the two had multiple traumas on their bodies, and only after questioning did they know that they had a dispute with someone and were attacked.

This afternoon, the Kaohsiung police went to Taichung to arrest Yang Mou, a coin merchant suspected of being a gang member of Stick Su and Zhao, and his friend Lin Mou. In the evening, the police arrested Xu Mou, who was involved in the case, and 5 men surnamed Chen, Fang, Lin, and Lü in Kaohsiung, and also arrested a man surnamed Xu in Tainan, who was suspected of obstructing freedom, gathering crowds to cause trouble, intimidation, and injury.

After Taiwan's rich second generation beat people into the ICU with baseball bats, they were surprised by the "baseball lynching group"

Yang was arrested in Taichung today, pictured from Taiwan media

It should be noted that the recent violent incidents of "baseball gate" on the island have occurred frequently, and even the sarcastic topic of "crazy baseball for all" has appeared. The Kaohsiung City Police Bureau only issued a press release on the 16th, saying that other counties and cities have recently had several violent incidents of fighting with baseball bats, alluding to the cases of public security corruption such as Taichung Fu'er Dai because Maserati was hacked and used baseball bats to beat male college students into the ICU, the New Taipei 5-person "Baseball Youth League" chased people to smash cars in front of the police station to vent their anger, and even opened gas gun demonstrations.

The Kaohsiung Municipal Police Department also said in a press release that in order to prevent night-time street violence and drunk driving, the police immediately planned to expand the inspection of eight major industries in the city. The Municipal Police Department also mobilized 17 sub-bureaus and dispatched about 550 police forces every day to join the city's expanded temporary inspection and other work to comprehensively prevent the occurrence of violent street brawls.

As a result, on the night of the 16th, two videos of violence flowed out of the Internet, and the place where the violence occurred was in Kaohsiung. "ETtoday News Cloud" commented that compared with the slogan of the Municipal Police Department to "prevent the whole people from crazy baseball", "the 'Kaohsiung Baseball Lynching Group' is particularly ironic."

This article is an exclusive manuscript of the Observer Network and may not be reproduced without authorization.

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