
Lin Zhiling, written by the powerful poet Yang Ke, and "Xu Fan" by Che Yangao, which is better?

author:Essay for three people

We now have a lot of "famous poets", and for the sake of safety, whenever I talk about poets, I will add the word "famous" in front of them. Today, however, a new term has been discovered, that is, "power poet". Yang Ke's collection of poems, "I Saw My Motherland in a Pomegranate," was published, with several bold characters written on the cover— "Contemporary Powerful Poets."

Lin Zhiling, written by the powerful poet Yang Ke, and "Xu Fan" by Che Yangao, which is better?

This inevitably makes me a little confused, "famous poets" or "powerful poets", which is more powerful? "Famous" means that the reputation is very loud, and "strength" means very powerful. It is reasonable to say that since they are all "famous", they must have strength? Are there still poets who are "famous" without relying on strength? It's really hard to say.

Lin Zhiling, written by the powerful poet Yang Ke, and "Xu Fan" by Che Yangao, which is better?

Yang Ke (Image from the Internet)

In fact, "famous poets" are blooming everywhere now, but there are few people who really know their names. Therefore, this "famous" is actually somewhat watery, but it is not as real as "strength poet". Therefore, "famous poets" are a bit unreliable, and "powerful poets" should be more reliable.

In this collection of poems by "strength poet" Yang Ke, the poem "I saw my motherland in a pomegranate" still has a certain "strength". There is also a poem "Smelling and Knowing Women", and it can be seen that this poem is written by Lin Chiling. It is a navigation system that uses Lin Chiling's voice as a voice.

Lin Zhiling, written by the powerful poet Yang Ke, and "Xu Fan" by Che Yangao, which is better?

"Hearing" is easy to do, but "knowing" her is not so easy. "Myo Man's posture / swaying on the mainland screen", the author does not seem to have seen her, after all, is a "strange woman". Therefore, this can only be the poet's "imagination", and "strength" is not reflected.

Speaking of poets writing stars, especially female stars, it is inevitable to think of Che Yangao and his "Xu Fan". Che Yangao is definitely a "famous poet", after all, he won the title of "China's Top Ten Poets" in April 2009 and the Poetry Award of the Fifth Lu Xun Literature Award in October 2010.

Lin Zhiling, written by the powerful poet Yang Ke, and "Xu Fan" by Che Yangao, which is better?

Che Yangao is known as the "Lamb Body" because of this song "Xu Fan". This poem caused a sensation at the time, after all, Che Yangao's identity was relatively special, he was not only a "famous poet", but also an official. Che Yangao not only wrote "Xu Fan", but also "Liu Yifei".

Lin Zhiling, written by the powerful poet Yang Ke, and "Xu Fan" by Che Yangao, which is better?

Che Yangao (image from the Internet)

Che Yangao's "Xu Fan" and Yang Ke's "Smelling and Recognizing Women", which is better? It's really hard to tell the difference. After all, one of them is a "famous poet" and the other is a "poet of strength". Both poems are not short, and both poems have a common feature, that is, only the last sentence is barely considered poetry.

Che Yangao has a "lamb body" because of "Xu Fan", will Yang Ke create a new poetic style because of "Smelling and Knowing Women"? General "poetic style" is not named after the author's real name, such as Zhao Lihua's "pear blossom body" and Che Yangao's "lamb body". So, if Jank creates a new poetic form, what should it be called?

Lin Zhiling, written by the powerful poet Yang Ke, and "Xu Fan" by Che Yangao, which is better?

Judging from these two poems, there is really no difference between "famous poets" and "powerful poets". Whether it is strength or fame, the poems written are like a tune. This also shows from the side that whether he is now a "famous" or "powerful" poet, he is either both powerful and famous, or neither powerful nor famous. Which kind of it belongs to, everyone weighs it themselves.

Poets writing about stars, especially female stars, have expanded the writing space of modern poetry and have new writing themes. We have so many female stars, write a poem for each of them, isn't that a thick book of poetry? A few days ago, didn't Li Shaojun, editor-in-chief of "Poetry Journal", say that "women's writing" is a "promising" subject? This is indeed a good idea.

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