
This person's seniority is higher than that of the founding generals, and his old partner Peng Zong was criticized for 59 years, and he insisted on not saying a word

author:Historical Source History Column

Welcome to Shi Yuan's history column No. 2669. Among the famous generals of our army, one person did not participate in the appraisal in 1955, but his seniority and contribution exceeded that of most of the founding generals, and this person was Peng Zong's old partner and comrade-in-arms Teng Daiyuan. Teng Daiyuan began to engage in the leadership of the Railway Corps in the late stages of the Liberation War, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he became the first minister of railways and did not hang up posts in the army, so he did not participate in the appraisal in 1955.

This person's seniority is higher than that of the founding generals, and his old partner Peng Zong was criticized for 59 years, and he insisted on not saying a word

In 1928, Teng Daiyuan, together with Mr. Peng, led the famous Pingjiang Uprising, which was one of the eight major uprisings in the early days of our party and had a huge impact. How high is Teng Daiyuan's status? The Central Red Army on Jinggang Mountain has the saying of the "Zhumao" Red Army, but the main force of the Central Red Army is not only the First Army, but also the Third Army. The Third Army was developed by the Fifth Red Army, the commander was General Manager Peng, and the political commissar was Teng Daiyuan. In Peng Zong's entire military and political career, one of his best partners was Teng Daiyuan. Later, Teng Daiyuan became the deputy political commissar of the Central Red Army, and in 1937 became the chief of staff of the Central Military Commission, which obviously surpassed most of the founding generals and even approached some marshals.

This person's seniority is higher than that of the founding generals, and his old partner Peng Zong was criticized for 59 years, and he insisted on not saying a word

Teng Daiyuan's cooperation with Peng Zong was mainly concentrated during the Red Army period, and during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression he spent most of his time working in the rear, and he had his credit for the Anti-Japanese War and the intelligence front, and also formed the artillery unit of our army. After 1945, the artillery of the Northeast People's Liberation Army was extremely strong, including the foundation laid by him and Zhu Rui. Teng Daiyuan is a good comrade-in-arms of Peng Zong, with an extremely upright personality. At the Lushan Conference in 1959, Mr. Peng was criticized and framed, and many generals Mingzhe said a lot of bad things about Mr. Peng, but there was no Teng Daiyuan in it.

This person's seniority is higher than that of the founding generals, and his old partner Peng Zong was criticized for 59 years, and he insisted on not saying a word

During the criticism and group discussion at the conference, Teng Daiyuan never spoke when talking about Peng Zong's issues, and no matter how others guided him, he refused to talk about any "problems" of Peng Zong. Because Teng Daiyuan's seniority status was too high, no one could do anything with him. It lasted until the end of the Lushan Conference and the enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission, and Teng Daiyuan did not fall into the well of his former comrades-in-arms and old partners. Teng Daiyuan's secretary was worried about the leader's attitude and asked him privately: Why don't you talk about a little problem at such a critical time? Teng Daiyuan said solemnly: Peng zong has no problem, he just has a big temper and always offends people.

This person's seniority is higher than that of the founding generals, and his old partner Peng Zong was criticized for 59 years, and he insisted on not saying a word

It is not difficult to see from Teng Daiyuan's words that he not only made great contributions to the revolution, but also acted with integrity. In fact, not only in the case of General Peng, but also in the special period, The two founding generals, Lü Zhengcao and Song Renqian, were also framed, and some people even sought out Teng Daiyuan nine times in succession, hoping that this old cadre who spoke very heavily could tell some things about Song Renqian, and as a result, he severely rebuked him back. In addition to his own adherence to principles, he also told his secretaries and staff not to "others threaten and induce, you talk nonsense, you must keep the bottom line." Teng Daiyuan's subordinates all respected the chief as a person, and his character was well known in the military and political circles.

This person's seniority is higher than that of the founding generals, and his old partner Peng Zong was criticized for 59 years, and he insisted on not saying a word

The above-mentioned General Lü Zhengcao was the successor of TengDaiyuan's Minister of Railways, who became the second Minister of Railways of New China after Tengdaiyuan in 1965. At that time, some people framed Lü Zhengcao and wanted Teng Daiyuan to provide "help", saying that Lü Zhengcao had said a lot of bad things about Teng Daiyuan. Teng Daiyuan Zhengse said: I know Comrade Lu Zhengcao very well, and even if there are differences in work, it is normal. Don't give people a random hat, his opposition to me does not mean that I have reason to frame him. The people who came knew that it was useless to talk too much, so they had to go away in ashes. In 1973, Teng Lao died, although he did not receive any military rank during his lifetime, he was an "uncrowned general" in the hearts of the military and the people, worthy of eternal respect and remembrance by future generations.

This person's seniority is higher than that of the founding generals, and his old partner Peng Zong was criticized for 59 years, and he insisted on not saying a word

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