
The Winter Olympics asked | Which event won the most Winter Olympic gold medals in China?

author:China News Network
The Winter Olympics asked | Which event won the most Winter Olympic gold medals in China?

The XXIV Winter Olympics will open in Beijing on February 4, 2022. The Sports Department of China News Network launched a series of columns "100 Questions about the Winter Olympics", which aims to popularize the knowledge of the Winter Olympics, answer hot questions, and talk about ice and snow anecdotes, so as to help everyone have a better viewing experience during the Beijing Winter Olympics.

No. 26 Winter Olympics 100 Questions | Which event won the most Winter Olympic gold medals in China?

The Winter Olympics asked | Which event won the most Winter Olympic gold medals in China?

The short track speed skating women's 500 meters is the small event in which the Chinese delegation won the most gold medals at the Winter Olympics. In this event, Chinese players have created many historical moments.

In the women's 500m short track speed skating final at the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, China's Yang Yang lived up to expectations and took the lead in crossing the finish line, winning the first gold medal in the history of the Winter Olympics for the Chinese team. Since then, the short track speed skating women's 500 meters has become the gold medal event of the Chinese team, and has repeatedly created brilliant achievements in the Winter Olympics.

At the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Wang won the gold medal in the women's 500m short track speed skating. It was also after this Winter Olympics that Wang Meng officially took over the banner of the Chinese short track speed skating team from Yang Yang, and the Chinese short track speed skating project performed very strongly in the next Winter Olympic cycle.

Four years later, at the Vancouver Winter Olympics, Wang Meng defended his title in the women's 500 meters event, and in the final, although the starting stage experienced unexpected situations such as opponents falling down and running, Wang Meng still withstood the pressure and led the skating to the end with an absolute advantage.

This makes her the first athlete in the history of the Chinese Winter Olympics to defend her title. In this competition, Wang Meng alone won three gold medals, which also created the history of China's Winter Olympics.

The Winter Olympics asked | Which event won the most Winter Olympic gold medals in China?

On the evening of February 15, 2006 Turin time, Wang Meng won the gold medal in the women's 500m short track speed skating competition at the Winter Olympics at the Pallavilla Stadium in Turin. This was the first gold medal won by the Chinese sports delegation at the Turin Winter Olympics. The picture shows her holding high the national flag around the scene to celebrate. Photo by Wu Zhonglin, China News Service

At the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Li Jianrou achieved the fourth consecutive Winter Olympic championship for the Chinese team in the women's 500m event of short track speed skating. Her championship winning experience is more "legendary", before the game, Li Jianrou was not the most optimistic player, but Fan Kexin, the number one favorite fan of the Chinese team to win gold, accidentally fell in the semi-finals, and veteran Liu Qiuhong failed to enter the final, and she became the only seedling of the Chinese team in the final.

In the final, Li Jianrou was originally in the last place after firing the gun, but the players in front collided and fell, and finally Li Jianrou miraculously won the championship.

The Chinese team won the gold medal four times in the short track speed skating women's 500 meters event, which is the result of the joint efforts of several generations of Chinese short track speed skaters. Hopefully, at the Beijing Winter Olympics, they will bring good news again. (Wang Hao)

The Winter Olympics asked | Which event won the most Winter Olympic gold medals in China?
The Winter Olympics asked | Which event won the most Winter Olympic gold medals in China?

Source: China News Network