
Warm and melting! Yunnan 17-year-old "two-dimensional" girl hand-painted pennant group photo, thank you Shenzhen doctors

Reading Chuang/ Shenzhen Business Daily reporter Zhao Hongfei Correspondent Wang Suqi

Recently, Dr. Peng Minjie, a hepatobiliary surgeon at Shenzhen University General Hospital, sent a tweet on his WeChat circle of friends: This is a set of beautiful hand-drawn cards, in which a hand-painted pennant group photo makes people warm and melting.

On this hand-painting, Wen Wen'erya, director of the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery of Shenzhen University General Hospital, Jia Haiying, the head nurse of Shenzhen University, smiled and bent, Peng Minjie and Dr. Wei Xiaolin were handsome and handsome; there was also a long-haired girl wearing a hospital gown, she held a pennant in her hand, and the engraved "Thank you Professor Liu, thank you for the liver and gallbladder surgery I love" engraved on the pennant is the voice of this sweet girl!

Warm and melting! Yunnan 17-year-old "two-dimensional" girl hand-painted pennant group photo, thank you Shenzhen doctors

Sakura warmed her heart to draw a group photo of the pennant

Warm and melting! Yunnan 17-year-old "two-dimensional" girl hand-painted pennant group photo, thank you Shenzhen doctors

Dr. Peng Minjie of the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery of Shenzhen University General Hospital's WeChat circle of friends

The young girl Sakura (pseudonym), who sent a pennant to the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery of Shenzhen University General Hospital and drew these hand-drawn cards by hand, is 17 years old this year, and in less than a year, Sakura has come to The Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery of Shenzhen University General Hospital twice from Yunnan for treatment, which has made her and the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery of Shenzhen University General Hospital a special fate.

A high school girl in Yunnan was found to have a huge tumor of the pancreas and flew to Shenzhen for surgery

Sakura, a 17-year-old high school student from Dali, Yunnan, is a girl who loves "two-dimensional" manga. On January 1, 2021, Sakura found a huge tumor of the pancreas in her hometown, which may be malignant. Sakura's mother found out through a doctor friend that there is a doctor in the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery of Shenzhen University General Hospital, Dr. Liu Xiangde, who is a famous "liver carving master" who specializes in difficult surgery. As a result, Sakura's family immediately flew from Yunnan to Shenzhen.

After a series of examinations and preparations, Liu Xiangde, director of the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery of Shenzhen University General Hospital, personally undertook the knife and performed a Whipple operation for Sakura, also known as pancreatic duodenectomy. Due to the wide scope of this surgical resection, involving many organs and great risks, it is known as the largest surgery in abdominal surgery.

During the operation, Liu Xiangde accurately removed part of Sakura's stomach, duodenum, part of the jejunum, gallbladder, extrahepatic bile ducts and related lymph nodes according to the standard surgical method. The operation lasted 6 hours and was very successful. Pathological results confirmed that Sakura's pancreatic solid pseudo papilloma was benign. After the operation, Sakura's recovery was also smooth, and after 24 days in the hospital, she was successfully discharged from the hospital.

After nearly a month together, Sakura and the doctors and nurses have formed a deep friendship, and she has become more and more smiling on her face, who was originally silent and does not like to talk. Before being discharged from the hospital for the first time, Sakura and her parents presented a pennant to the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery of Shenzhen University General Hospital.

Warm and melting! Yunnan 17-year-old "two-dimensional" girl hand-painted pennant group photo, thank you Shenzhen doctors

Before Sakura's first discharge, the whole family sent a pennant to the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery of Shenzhen University General Hospital, and this wonderful moment was Sakura's hand-painted "creative source"

The heart has a brilliant year, and the hand painting heals itself and warms others

Unexpectedly, 11 months later, due to sudden blood in the stool, on November 1, 2021, out of trust in the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery of Shenzhen University General Hospital, the family took Sakura from Yunnan to Shenzhen again.

Sakura is a school bully who has been studying in the key classes of the local key middle school. After the surgery at the beginning of this year, she had the dream of becoming a doctor. Therefore, she changed from liberal arts to science, and set herself the goal of "top ten grades". It turned out that because Sakura was working harder than before, especially in order to catch up with the homework she had fallen behind due to illness, her pressure increased, and she did not pay attention to controlling her diet, resulting in gastrointestinal bleeding. Sakura's sudden blood in the stool this time does not rule out that it is a stress ulcer caused by nervous high pressure.

Sakura's condition this time was not too serious, and after a week of fasting, stomach protection, and rehydration treatment, she quickly got under control.

After only a week in the hospital, Sakura once again spent time with her familiar doctors, brothers, nurses, and sisters. Although she was in pain, she was very happy. This "two-dimensional" girl, who likes to read comics the most after studying, has long been prepared to put on paint and draw page after page of cute and healing cartoon bookmarks. Her Q version of Doctor Nurse, Lina Belle, Doraemon, Ghost Blade... It also warmed and touched everyone in the ward.

During her hospitalization, Sakura drew one bookmark after another with her hand holding a hanging bottle and gave them to her favorite doctors and nurses. Finally, a group photo of the pennant was drawn. In order to complete it in time, the morning before the discharge, she also deliberately put on the alarm clock and got up early to continue.

Warm and melting! Yunnan 17-year-old "two-dimensional" girl hand-painted pennant group photo, thank you Shenzhen doctors

Sakura's mother's WeChat circle of friends

Sakura's mother said, "It hurt me to watch her draw day after day, but it didn't stop me, I know that this is her wish all along... Everything here makes her have too much attachment, unlimited trust and gratitude. ”

Before leaving the hospital, Sakura finally drew a group photo of the first time she gave the pennant. At the age of 17, she and the medical team became "comrades-in-arms" who defeated the disease together.

Review: Yu Fanghua

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