
The birth and "coronation" of the second dimension of the comic strip "Ice Pier" at the Beijing Winter Olympics |


Recently, the Beijing Winter Olympics mascot "Ice Pier"

Become a "top star"

The Internet set off a "ice pier" DIY boom


We invited the painters Sugar Stain worm and Rob

Decode it for you

"Ice piers" in the two-dimensional world

Birth and "Coronation"

The birth and "coronation" of the second dimension of the comic strip "Ice Pier" at the Beijing Winter Olympics |
The birth and "coronation" of the second dimension of the comic strip "Ice Pier" at the Beijing Winter Olympics |
The birth and "coronation" of the second dimension of the comic strip "Ice Pier" at the Beijing Winter Olympics |
The birth and "coronation" of the second dimension of the comic strip "Ice Pier" at the Beijing Winter Olympics |
The birth and "coronation" of the second dimension of the comic strip "Ice Pier" at the Beijing Winter Olympics |
The birth and "coronation" of the second dimension of the comic strip "Ice Pier" at the Beijing Winter Olympics |
The birth and "coronation" of the second dimension of the comic strip "Ice Pier" at the Beijing Winter Olympics |

In addition to the ordinary "ice pier"

2D World Village

Also born a limited edition gold "ice pier"

Poke the video

See the golden flying sky for the "ice pier" "coronation"

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Finally, let's go to the workshop together

Look at the birth of the real-world "ice pier"

The birth and "coronation" of the second dimension of the comic strip "Ice Pier" at the Beijing Winter Olympics |
The birth and "coronation" of the second dimension of the comic strip "Ice Pier" at the Beijing Winter Olympics |

Hand-painted special thanks: painter Sugar Stained Worm Rob

The rest of the GIFs are derived from web video

Producer: Zhao Danping

Producer: Wei Tiemin, Liu Kai

Planner: Tan Xuanxuan

Editor: Lu Ye

Produced by the external Hong Kong and Taiwan Department

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