
New curriculum, new teaching materials to promote the reform of high school education methods, see what Huangpu does

author:Shangguan News

Starting this semester, new teaching materials will be introduced for all subjects at the Shanghai high school level. What challenges will the new curriculum and new teaching materials bring to the teaching methods of teachers, and what changes will they bring to the cultivation of students' core literacy?

Recently, as the only experimental area in Shanghai to promote curriculum leadership projects, Huangpu District has carried out the implementation of "double new" and curriculum leadership project demonstration activities for ordinary high schools. Through 15 open classes, young and middle-aged teachers from the three high schools of Gezhi Middle School, Datong Middle School and Xiangming Middle School comprehensively demonstrated the various practices and thinking of Huangpu District around "focusing on curriculum construction, changing teaching methods, developing core literacy, and cultivating innovative talents" under the background of "double new".

New curriculum, new teaching materials to promote the reform of high school education methods, see what Huangpu does
New curriculum, new teaching materials to promote the reform of high school education methods, see what Huangpu does
New curriculum, new teaching materials to promote the reform of high school education methods, see what Huangpu does

When it comes to "One Hundred Years of Solitude", many people are discouraged by its unique magical realism narrative style, complex character relationships and other reasons, when it enters the new chinese textbook of the second grade of high school, how do the teachers take this class, and can the students understand this text? With this question in mind, the reporter walked into the open language class taught by Song Shiguang, the leader of the language discipline in Huangpu District and a chinese teacher at Shanghai Datong Middle School: "One Hundred Years of Solitude" - the magic and reality of Rebecca.

"The rebecca biography written by the students and the comments between each other are very exciting. Next, we put Rebecca and her sister Margot in marquez's autobiography "Living to Tell" together, understand the author's creative method and extraordinary imagination when creating the character of Rebecca, and try to think about the way and method of the author's fusion of reality and magic. ”

The students actively spoke and expressed their opinions, and the two characters of Rebecca and Margot were intertwined in plots such as "bells" and "eating soil". Under the interaction and guidance of teacher Song Shiguang, the students gradually came to the answer that "all magic ultimately points to the thinking of reality".

"Well, today's lesson is here, after the class, please combine the study of this class, try to analyze Rebecca's role in "One Hundred Years of Solitude", and write a 500-word literary short review. Interested students can also try to write a 1,000-word essay under the topic of 'Rebecca and Lin Daiyuzhi Comparative Study'. ”

At the end of the course, the students were eager to try their homework. In the after-class exchange session, Mr. Song Shiguang also took "being a kite chaser" as the theme, and told how he used "double newness" as the wind to create a new classroom for students to "strive to cut into the trap, strive to solve the problem throughout, strive to interact positively and effectively, and strive to close the afterglow and leisurely". Young Chinese teachers who came from various schools to observe the lesson said that they had new inspiration on how to take the lesson "One Hundred Years of Solitude" (excerpt).

New curriculum, new teaching materials to promote the reform of high school education methods, see what Huangpu does

Problem-driven, teacher action, student initiative, teacher-student interaction, the whole display activity, not only the Chinese class taught by Mr. Song Shiguang is unique, other courses are equally exciting: in the math class with the theme of "frequency and probability", students discuss the problems thrown by the teacher, exploring "According to biology, the probability of giving birth to boys and girls is 1/2, if a couple decides to have two children, they must have a boy and a girl"? In the ideological and political class, the "government departments", "crab farmers", "dealers" and "consumers" played by students in different roles were fiercely discussed at the "Gezhi 2021 Yangcheng Lake Hairy Crab Industry Development Summit Forum"...

Wu Zhao, principal of Gezhi Middle School, said that at present, the school has implemented the three-year plan for the construction of national demonstration schools according to the "double new", orderly promoted the implementation of new courses and new teaching materials in various disciplines, and accumulated replicable and generalizable stage practical experience. For example, the school takes the major concept of discipline as the core, makes the course content structured, the teaching content, the theme as the guide, and the curriculum content contextualizes; in terms of examination propositions, it pays attention to closely linking social reality with student life experience, emphasizing the comprehensive use of knowledge, analysis and ability to solve practical problems.

The reporter also learned from the display activity site that at present, Huangpu District has taken teaching and research as a breakthrough, formed an innovative teaching and research ecology of "district teaching and research office - district discipline center group - film-level collaboration block - school-level teaching and research group", and established a "district-school linkage" development link based on sharing, empowered regional teaching and research with informatization, created a network "interactive space", and developed the "Huangpu District Teaching Practice Guide Based on New Textbooks", forming a series of high-quality educational resources that can be radiated.