
Prose: People reach middle age and know what warmth is

author:Zi-Ink Literature
Prose: People reach middle age and know what warmth is

Author: Zi Mo

Middle-aged students, in addition to the sunshine and fire only for, there is always some warmth you need, such as the enthusiasm for life, there are also people who treat each other sincerely.

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After middle age, there is always a feeling of coldness, which seems to be indifferent or silent.

No matter which kind, it can touch your feeling of middle age, let you have a few more views on life in the vicissitudes of the years, and say a few words about the difficulty of life.

It may be because of the coldness in the heart, so, after middle age, I am more willing to feel some warm and happy things.

01, the world is thin and cool, warm need to be felt with the heart

In the movie "The Melting Pot", it is said: "The reason why winter is so cold is to tell everyone how important the warmth of the people around them is." The most beautiful and precious thing in the world, on the contrary, cannot be heard and seen clearly, and can only be felt with the heart. ”

In this world, there are too many unsatisfactory and contrary to wishes, when we walk through thousands of mountains and rivers, immersed in the hope of future life, there will always be unexpected, sudden things are disturbed, making you feel a chill.

Just like a person who does not meet with talent, not everyone can meet their own Bole, lucky things will always not fall on themselves, inevitably lost.

If this is fate, then fate is always half good and half bad, perhaps, while life is as cold as winter, will it allow you to meet a person who understands you in this world? What about heart-warming? The answer, no, is no.

Lin Qingxuan said: "Even the aroma of a piece of tea is a person who is looking for a taste between heaven and earth." ”

Perhaps, everyone has spent their whole lives looking for a confidant, a person who has exactly the same soul as himself, and in the end, he will not be able to do so.

Therefore, it is better to meet a person who understands you than to pass by thousands of guests in your life; a word that understands you when you are sad can melt the cold heart to the bone.

"Augmenting the Sage Text": "A good word is warm in three winters, and a bad word hurts people in June." ”

Many times, a word of sympathy and understanding can give people great comfort, add courage, and feel warm even in the cold winter.

Savor the years, Pepsi from joy, do not waste good time, do not live up to the small scenery, there is always light in the heart, warmth, good luck will follow!

In life, a cup of hot tea, warm is the body; a sentence to understand, warm is the heart.

In life, the most real thing to have is that I am here, and the years are quiet. The best time is when you are with each other, but you can not meet each other, and still become the most beautiful in your heart.

Emotionally, the most beautiful feelings are that I understand, you also understand, no need to say much, understand each other; the best feelings, is that both sides understand, but do not have to say that the heart knows each other, no words are tacit understanding; if the feelings are close, there is no word and pity.

After middle age, the most afraid of looking at the wrong person, staggering friends, to understand who is the real friend: gold with fire test, people with money to test, a try to know the truth or false.

Those who help you without opening your mouth are intimate friends; those who help you as long as you open your mouth are good friends; those who open your mouth and promise to help you, but in the end they do not help you, are wine and meat friends; there is another kind of friend who not only does not help you, but also steps on a foot, that is not a friend.

If you are not afraid of not knowing people, you are afraid of people being better than people. Friends are warm, not friends try to stay away, they will only make you chill.

No matter who it is, it is good to be kind and tolerant.

Prose: People reach middle age and know what warmth is

02, the kindness of the heart is also a kind of warmth

Feng Zikai said: "Deep planning is like a valley, and deep friendship is like water." Deep understanding of the great righteousness, deep understanding of the subsections. Already, Quiet! , kindness and forgiveness, kindness with grace. Good bo to waves, good to fine karma. So, the best! Don't feel the time, don't hurt your heart. Don't be beautiful, don't be vain. ”

Warmth is relative, do not do to others what you do not want, learn to be convenient with others, but also with yourself.

The hearts of the people are mutual, and you salute me by a foot, and I salute you by a foot. Respect is always mutual.

"Thousands of miles to repair the book is only for the wall, let him three feet and why bother." The Great Wall is still there today, and Qin Shi Huang was not seen in that year. ”

This statement comes from Liuzhi Lane, and there is more allusion: During the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, there was a man named Zhang Ying in Tongcheng, Anhui Province, who became a university scholar, and his neighbor Wu Shi wanted to encroach on the edge of his house, and his family wrote to Beijing, asking Zhang Ying to suppress Wu's arrogance with official authority.

Who knew that Zhang Ying replied to a poem: "Thousands of miles of cultivation books are only for the wall, so why bother him to be three feet." The Great Wall is still there today, and Qin Shi Huang was not seen in that year. "The meaning is clear: back off.

The family got the poem and took the initiative to give in three feet. Wu Shi heard it, was moved and retreated three feet, three plus three equals six, it became "six feet alley".

Get along with people and remember three sentences:

First, remember the benefits of people: have good thoughts, the grace of dripping water, and repay each other with a spring. Remember the goodness of others, with a grateful heart, the years will be tolerant of you.

Second, help people in difficulty: can spare people and forgive people, can help people when they can help, so-called, karma, good has good retribution.

It can be said that it is a helper, a foot long. Allow people to return, dekuan a zhang, thick moral carrier!

Third, look at people's strengths: look at the advantages of others, do not use colored glasses to look at others, degrade others, and do not raise your status, if you appreciate others, you will find that you are more and more cute, the world is more and more harmonious.

Prose: People reach middle age and know what warmth is

03, the rest of life is safe and healthy, but also an indispensable warmth of life

Su Qian said: "In this life, only health and appearance are irreversible, and everything else is possible." Let go of greed and worry and develop a radiant self. As for the rest, a lifetime is still long, and it is not too late to chase it slowly. ”

How long is a lifetime, but thirty thousand days. No one knows how far away it is forever, and when I look back, I find that I have passed half a life.

Life has gone through ups and downs, and only then do we know that peace is the best. Life has tasted sour, sweet and bitter, and only then do you know that blandness is true. Life goes up and down, and after experiencing the rise and fall of the world, I know that contentment and happiness are the most important. After thinking hard, I realized that I was a little confused, and I could make myself a lot less troubled.

A life is not long, with a willing attitude, living a life of peace and letting nature live, even if you live an ordinary and ordinary life, you must live every day for the rest of your life, this is the real well-

Middle-aged life, there may be only one thing left, that is, to live the second half of life, live well, live out the temperature of life, live out the beauty of life maturity, in addition to life and death, other things are very simple.

Do not seek that everything has the most beautiful ending, only that there will be no regrets; do not seek everything to go smoothly, in line with their own wishes, only to make the mood peaceful, life beautiful; do not seek to be able to influence anyone, only to be sincerely accompanied all the way, and treat themselves well.

In fact, time is originally plain white, what you add to it, it is what it looks like, you add sadness, it is desolate; you add joy, it is cheerful; and I, just want to add warmth to it, because middle-aged life, pleasing yourself is happiness.

After middle age, in the face of reality, in the face of life, in the storm, we must learn to comfort ourselves, be happy with ourselves, and give ourselves a piece of inner brightness.

After middle age, I will be warm with one heart, learn to be confident, seek inward, and give myself a simple warmth.

After middle age, in the face of responsibilities and obligations, learn to take responsibility, learn to bear, let the heart live, understand with affection, and remain strong.

After middle age, life is always needed, an indifferent freedom; with a calm, to create a warmth to life.

Prose: People reach middle age and know what warmth is

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