
This sweet potato yuan rice sweet bean bun, I bet 99% of people have not eaten

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
This sweet potato yuan rice sweet bean bun, I bet 99% of people have not eaten

【6-150】 This is a story of the steamer bean bun in the next yuan day to show respect for my decision not to restrain the hoarding of meat for the winter... The last moon festival of this year is ----- 2021.11.19

By sure Wang 【Douguo Food Official Certified Master】

Sweet potato one

Honey beans 100 grams

Glutinous rice flour 40 g +

Raisins Yes

Goji berries selected

This sweet potato yuan rice sweet bean bun, I bet 99% of people have not eaten

1, choose a small sweet potato that is pleasing to the eye, peel and wash it clean, there are almost two or two

This sweet potato yuan rice sweet bean bun, I bet 99% of people have not eaten

2, casually cut all the hob pieces of thick slices can be, directly throw the pot and add a small cup (three or four two?) water

This sweet potato yuan rice sweet bean bun, I bet 99% of people have not eaten

3, high heat to turn on the medium heat, cook it for four or five minutes turn off the heat and simmer a soft, normal should be melon is easy to poke through the pot basically no water state

This sweet potato yuan rice sweet bean bun, I bet 99% of people have not eaten

4, directly pull into a large bowl, pour a small two or two honey red beans, visually measured and sweet potato weight is not much different

This sweet potato yuan rice sweet bean bun, I bet 99% of people have not eaten

5, try to mix well and press some of the sweet potatoes into a puree, and sprinkle the goji raisins that have been rinsed in advance

This sweet potato yuan rice sweet bean bun, I bet 99% of people have not eaten

6, probably mix well to see the situation to add glutinous rice flour, with the addition of mixing points to the end

This sweet potato yuan rice sweet bean bun, I bet 99% of people have not eaten

7, probably scratched to the extent that the honey bean melon pieces are wrapped in a thin layer of powder that looks loose but can be easily grasped into a ball

This sweet potato yuan rice sweet bean bun, I bet 99% of people have not eaten

8, divide into your favorite size to find a way to save into a nest - there is a pit in the middle than a solid dumpling is better cooked

This sweet potato yuan rice sweet bean bun, I bet 99% of people have not eaten

9, put in the steamer basket to sit on the boiling water pot steaming it for ten minutes to cook, (not sure time can quietly open the lid to taste carefully hot to confirm that you can eat again) turn off the heat and move out to eat while it is hot

This sweet potato yuan rice sweet bean bun, I bet 99% of people have not eaten

10, gone yo, see you tomorrow ~

1. Anti-cancer

Effectively inhibits the occurrence of colon cancer and breast cancer.

2. Laxative weight loss

Eating sweet potatoes can effectively prevent sugar from turning into fat, which is conducive to weight loss and bodybuilding. Sweet potato contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which cannot be digested and absorbed in the intestine, can stimulate the intestine, enhance peristalsis, laxative detoxification, especially for senile constipation has a good effect.

3. Improve immunity

Sweet potato leaves have health care functions such as improving immunity, stopping bleeding, lowering sugar, detoxification, and preventing night blindness.

4. Anti-aging

Inhibits the production of melanin and prevents the appearance of freckles and age spots. Redness can also inhibit skin aging, maintain skin elasticity, and slow down the aging process of the body.

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