
A total of 20 theme tours ended with the 2021 Changsha County Traffic Safety Education Caravan Event

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily - Hunan Channel

People's Daily Changsha, November 19, 2021 "Free Safe Road, Beautiful Countryside Trip" of "Raising Awareness and Advocating Civilization, Eradicating Bad Traffic Habits" Missionary Activities to the Countryside, starting from Xianglong Street in Changsha County, opening the Changsha County Traffic Safety Theme Tour Publicity Activities, passing through 18 town streets such as Xingsha Street and Chunhua Town and Huangxing Convention and Exhibition Economic Zone, a total of 20 activities, lasting 10 days, and ended on November 18. Through an immersive missionary activity that opens at the doorstep of the people, it is believed that the traffic safety awareness of Changsha County residents will rise to a new level.

Original opera to create an immersive traffic safety education scene

In recent years, convenient means of transportation such as motorcycles and electric vehicles have entered the homes of ordinary people, however, due to traffic accidents, the concepts of "who is injured and who is justified" and "who is weak and who is reasonable" are widespread, especially in the cognition of the older generation. To this end, Changsha County focused on this prominent problem, borrowed artistic expression techniques, and integrated traffic safety knowledge to launch two original performance programs: the flower drum drama "Asking for Compensation" and the duo's "Send Filial Piety".

"I Mr. Zhang went out of the courtyard door, holding a crutch to go forward, today I don't go to another house, I want to go to the Chen family for a ride..." In the flower drum play "Asking for Compensation", Mr. Zhang and Mao Lingzi played two roles and a wonderful play, and the audience listened to it with relish while deeply imprinting the legal common sense of "who violates the rules, who is responsible".

The two-person actor who plays a mother and a son in "Sending Filial Piety" creates laughter and tears through sharp dialogue and debate and interesting artistic performances, which are both witty and humorous and thought-provoking.

Through the form of "old drama and new singing" that the people like to hear, an immersive traffic safety publicity and education scene is created, so that the audience can enjoy it, learn from it, understand it, and truly understand the "correct concept" that is deeply rooted in their cognition.

Interactive experience to create an active traffic safety education stage atmosphere

In recent years, Changsha County has actively publicized and popularized traffic safety knowledge, effectively enhanced the public's awareness of traffic safety, and most citizens can actively comply with laws and regulations and travel in a civilized manner, but there are still some publicity "dead ends" in rural areas.

In order to extend the traffic safety publicity tentacles to the "last kilometer", in the traffic safety caravan activities, there are not only performances to watch, but also set up three interactive games of "Please be a traffic policeman", hammer melon experiment, and fake drunk driving experiment.

Some people incarnate as "traffic police", point out the illegal behavior of photos or videos and explain the legal level; some people pick up a hammer to find out which one wears a helmet and a melon without any protective measures is more hammered; some people eat the ingredients prepared on the spot, and the scene confirms which foods can cause the illusion of drunk driving.

In the activity, the citizens actively and enthusiastically participated, and they all thought about being a "traffic policeman", especially in the fake drunk driving experiment, and they were surprised to find that drinking the water with the aroma of herbs could make the alcohol detector "burst".

Through their own experience and interaction, we will create an active traffic safety education stage, so that the audience is deeply aware of the importance of traffic safety, and effectively know the law and abide by the law, so that traffic safety awareness can take root in rural areas.

Preach to the countryside and sing the song of safe and civilized travel

"Walk to take the sidewalk, cross the street to take the zebra crossing..." A song adapted from the lyrics of "You Laugh Is So Beautiful", singing the safe walking initiative with children's voices, with the Changsha County landmark characteristics, civilized traffic behavior, traffic police persuasion and other wonderful elements of the Changsha County safe travel theme MV, to convey the concept of "civilized travel and smooth xingsha" to the masses.

Pressure drop and traffic accident prevention are always the starting point and foothold of traffic safety publicity. At the end of the event, a traffic safety song of "21:03:47" took a real traffic accident as a "story", telling the consequences of the accident and the pain of relatives in song, and once again pointed out the core theme of the event - "raising awareness and advocating civilization, eradicating bad traffic habits", staying away from accidents and dangers.

The publicity activity of this traffic safety theme tour is not only the implementation of Changsha County's strategic deployment of "three highs and four new", but also an exclusive customization to enhance the traffic safety awareness of Changsha County citizens.

In the next step, Changsha County will also carry out more creative activities around traffic safety and continue to consolidate the results of publicity. (Long Yuquan, Liu Zi)

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