
What are the ancient capital cities, the "five capital system" in the southeast, central and western Beijing? (Medium)

author:Elm Wood Zhai

What are the ancient capital cities, the "five capital system" in the southeast, central and western Beijing? (Medium)

Text: Dead wood

What are the ancient capital cities, the "five capital system" in the southeast, central and western Beijing? (Medium)


V. Changes in the capital during the Three Kingdoms period of the Qin and Han Dynasties

1. The capital of the Qin and Han dynasties

In 221 BC, Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms, and the Qin emperor declared himself the First Emperor, with the capital at Xianyang (present-day Xianyang, Shaanxi), establishing the first unified centralized dynasty in the whole country (the mainstream believes to be the first feudal dynasty, in fact the Zhou Dynasty). After the death of Qin Dynasty II, Xiang Yu established himself as the King of Western Chu and set the capital at Pengcheng (present-day Xuzhou, Jiangsu). In the fourth year of Liu Zheng's reign, in 202 BC, Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu, Xiang Yu committed suicide, Liu Bang officially proclaimed himself emperor in Dingtao, established the Han Dynasty, and the capital was Chang'an (present-day Xi'an, Shaanxi), historically known as the Western Han Dynasty.

In 8 AD, Wang Mang abolished the position of prince of the infant and infant, and the Western Han Dynasty fell. Wang Mang established a new dynasty and established the capital Chang'an (present-day Xi'an, Shaanxi). In 25 AD, Liu Xiu, the emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, declared himself Emperor of Yancheng (鄗城, in present-day Baixiang County, Hebei Province), and later set his capital at Luoyang (present-day Luoyang), continuing the state name of "Han", known historically as the Eastern Han Dynasty.

2. The Eastern Han Dynasty began to have a two-capital (Beijing) system

What are the ancient capital cities, the "five capital system" in the southeast, central and western Beijing? (Medium)

Although the Eastern Han Dynasty set the capital Luoyang, but because it is the bloodline of the Western Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty Zongmiao temple is in Chang'an, so the emperors of the Eastern Han Dynasty often go to the ancestral temple, so Chang'an's status is second only to Luoyang, such as Chang'an magistrate is Jing Zhaoyin, Luoyang is Henan Yin, it can be said that Luoyang is the political and cultural center, Chang'an is the patriarchal center. So in the Eastern Han Dynasty, there began to be a two-capital system, calling Luoyang the Eastern Capital or Tokyo, and Chang'an the Western Capital or the Western Capital, as evidenced by Ban Gu's "Two Capitals" and Zhang Heng's "Two Capitals".

3. The capital of the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty was established

What are the ancient capital cities, the "five capital system" in the southeast, central and western Beijing? (Medium)

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out, the world was in chaos, the warlords were divided, and the royal family declined. Emperor Xian of Han became a puppet, and in 190 AD, Dong Zhuo moved the capital to Chang'an, and in 196 AD, he was coerced by Cao Cao to move the capital to Xuchang (present-day Xuchang, Henan). In 220, Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty, set the capital luoyang, changed the name of the country to "Wei", and the history called "Cao Wei", and the Eastern Han Dynasty fell. In 221, Liu Bei was proclaimed emperor, and the capital was Chengdu, which was called "Shu Han" in history. In 229, Sun Quan was proclaimed emperor, and the capital was Jianye (present-day Nanjing), with the national name "Wu" and the historical name "Eastern Wu", and Chinese history entered the Three Kingdoms period.

6. Changes in the capital during the Southern and Northern Dynasties of the Two Jin Dynasties

1. The capital of the two Jin Dynasties

What are the ancient capital cities, the "five capital system" in the southeast, central and western Beijing? (Medium)

In 263, Sima Zhao of Cao Wei launched the Battle of Wei to destroy Shu, and Shu Han perished. In 266, Sima Zhao's son Sima Yan forced Emperor Chan of Wei to give up the throne, and the founding name was "Jin", with the capital Luoyang, known in history as the Western Jin Dynasty, and in 280, the Jin Dynasty destroyed Eastern Wu and unified the country. At this point, the three families returned to Jin.

What are the ancient capital cities, the "five capital system" in the southeast, central and western Beijing? (Medium)

In 316, the Western Jin Dynasty was destroyed by the regime established by the Xiongnu, and the north entered the Period of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms (due to the different capitals of various countries, and most of them are considered orthodox by historians, I will not introduce them here). After the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty, Sima Rui, the king of Langya, who was then the chancellor, declared himself emperor at Jianye (present-day Nanjing) in March 317, and rebuilt it as Jiankang, known as the Eastern Jin Dynasty. In the second year of Yuan Xi (420), Liu Yu, the Duke of Song, abolished Emperor Gong of Jin and established Liu Song, and the Eastern Jin Dynasty fell, and Chinese history entered the Period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

2, Nanbokucho Miyako Castle

What are the ancient capital cities, the "five capital system" in the southeast, central and western Beijing? (Medium)

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Southern Dynasties of Song, Qi, Liang, and Chen were all capitalized at Jiankang (present-day Nanjing); the Northern Dynasties included Northern Wei, Eastern Wei, Western Wei, Northern Qi, and Northern Friday Dynasties. In 439, emperor Tuoba Tao of the Taiwu Emperor unified the north and established the Northern Wei Dynasty, DupingCheng (都平城, in modern Datong, Shanxi), and in 493, Emperor Xiaowen moved the capital to Luoyang (present-day Luoyang, Henan). In the third year of northern Wei Yongxi (534), Northern Wei split into Western Wei and Eastern Wei, with the Western Wei capital Chang'an (present-day Xi'an, Shaanxi) and the Eastern Wei capital Yi (present-day Anyang, Henan to Linzhang, Hebei). In 550, Eastern Wei was replaced by Northern Qi, and the capital was established, Yicheng, and the Book of Jin: "Northern Qi Gaoyang took Yi as the upper capital and Jinyang as the lower capital"; in 557, Western Wei was replaced by Northern Zhou, with the capital Chang'an. In the sixth year of Jiande (577), Northern Zhou destroyed Northern Qi and unified the north.

VII. The Capital of the Sui and Tang Dynasties Changed, and the "Five Capitals System" Officially Appeared

1. The capital of the Sui Dynasty

What are the ancient capital cities, the "five capital system" in the southeast, central and western Beijing? (Medium)

In 581, Yang Jian was proclaimed emperor by the Zen Dynasty Zhou, changed the name of the country to Sui, and Northern Zhou died. In 582, Sui abandoned the original Han Chang'an City and re-chose a new site to build a new Chang'an City in the southeast of The Han Chang'an City south of Longshouyuan, and named it Daxing City (present-day Xi'an City, Shaanxi). In 589, the Sui army marched south to destroy the Chen Dynasty and unify China, ending the nearly 300-year division of China since the end of the Western Jin Dynasty.

In the first year of Daye (605), the Sui Emperor Yang Guang succeeded to the throne and built and moved the capital to Dongdu (東都, in modern Luoyang, Henan). Because the Sui Emperor repeatedly waged wars to labor and consume money, which eventually caused social unrest, in 617 Li Yuan, the Duke of Tang, raised an army in Jinyang, became emperor the following year, established the Tang Dynasty, and set the capital at Chang'an (present-day Xi'an, Shaanxi).

2. The Tang Dynasty officially appeared the five capital (capital) system

What are the ancient capital cities, the "five capital system" in the southeast, central and western Beijing? (Medium)

Although the Eastern Han Dynasty had two capitals (Beijing) system, but in the Tang Dynasty, there was a "five capital system", which is recorded in detail in the New Book of Tang, some encyclopedic materials are not carefully searched, in order to let you have a clearer understanding, we transcribe the following:

New Book of Tang, Zhi, Vol. 27, Geography I: "Shangdu, Chu Yue Jingcheng, Tianbao Yuan Year (742) Xijing, Zhi De Er Zai (757) Zhongjing, Shangyuan 2nd Year (761) Fu Xijing, Suzong YuanYuan Year (761) Shangdu." ”

New Book of Tang, Zhi, Vol. 27 Geography I: "Fufeng County, Fengxiang Province, Akagamisuke." Honki Prefecture (本岐州, 756) was renamed Fengxiang (劉祥) in Deyuanzai (756), and fu county was renamed Xijing (西京) in 757. ”

New Book of Tang, Zhi, Vol. XXVIII Geography II: "Dongdu, Sui, and Wude were abolished in the fourth year (621). Zhenguan 6th year Luoyang Palace, Xianqing 2nd year (657) Dongdu, Guangzhai yuan year (684) Shendu, Shenlong yuan year (705) fu Yue Dongdu, Tianbao yuan year (742) Dongdu, shangyuan 2nd year (761) deposed Beijing, Suzong yuan year (761) restored to Dongdu. ”

New Book of Tang, Zhi, Vol. 29, Geography III: "Beidu, Tianzhi Yuan year (690) set, Shenlong Yuan Year 10, Kaiyuan eleventh year (722) restoration, Tianbao Yuan year (742) Beijing, Shangyuan 2 year (761) strike, Suzong Yuan year (761) restored to Beidu." ”

New Book of Tang, Zhi, Vol. 30, Geography IV: "Gangneung County, Gangneung Province, Benjing Prefecture South County, Tianbao first year (742) changed the name of the county." In the first year of emperor Suzong's reign (760), the name Nandu was the capital of the prefecture. The second year of the strike was the year (761) and the name of Nandu. Find out the capital. ”

New Book of Tang, Zhi, Vol. 32 Geography VI: "Shu County, Chengdu Province, Chi. In 757, He was known as Nanjing, the capital, and deposed Beijing in the first year of the First Yuan Dynasty (760). ”

What are the ancient capital cities, the "five capital system" in the southeast, central and western Beijing? (Medium)

From the above historical data, it can be seen that at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Chang'an was established as the capital and the name of Luoyang Dongdu was abolished; then in the second year of Emperor Gaozong of Tang 's Xianqing (657), he established the capital and restored Luoyang as the eastern capital. In the first year (690), Wu Zetian established the "Great Zhou" and promoted Li Tang's military base and his hometown of Taiyuan to the northern capital. During the Anshi Rebellion in 756, Tang Xuanzong fled to the southwest, and the crown prince Li Heng succeeded to the throne for Tang Suzong, in order to strengthen the centralization of power and form an arch defense situation, thus improving the status of several important cities, so that the "five capital system" was set up under the second year of Zhide (757), with Chang'an as Zhongjing, Fengxiang as Xijing, Taiyuan as Beijing, Luoyang as Tokyo, and Chengdu as Nanjing.

What are the ancient capital cities, the "five capital system" in the southeast, central and western Beijing? (Medium)

In the first year of Emperor Suzong of Tang (760), the Anshi Rebellion came to an end, chengdu's position was no longer important, and Shannan Jiedu made Li Xuan's "rebellion" fail, but the importance of Jiangdong was prominent and needed to be appeased. Therefore, the "five capital system" was abolished in this year, and the next year it became the "five capital system". In this way, Chengdu's "Nanjing" status was smoothly taken down, and the original Jiangling Province (present-day Jingzhou) in Shannan Province was elevated to become "Nandu", while the other four "Beijing" cities and orientations remained unchanged, and the names became "capitals", namely Chang'an as Shangdu, Fengxiang as Xidu, Taiyuan as Beidu, Luoyang as Dongdu, and Jiangling as Nandu. However, the title of capital of Jiangling and Fengxiang was soon revoked, and only the three capitals of Chang'an, the eastern capital Luoyang, and the northern capital Taiyuan were retained.

Although the five capital system did not exist for a long time in the Tang Dynasty, it had a far-reaching influence on the capital construction system of later dynasties, and through the Tang (including Bohai), Liao, Jin, and Yuan dynasties, many dynasties set up a multi-capital system to facilitate centralized power.

3. The five capital system of the Bohai Sea State

What are the ancient capital cities, the "five capital system" in the southeast, central and western Beijing? (Medium)

The New Book of Tang Dynasty, Liechuan, Vol. 144, Beidi Bohai Biography records that the Bohai Kingdom, a tang dynasty with the Jing clan as the main body, sent people to learn the Tang Dynasty's Kyoto system, "In the beginning, the king sent all the students to learn from the Jingshi Taixue and learn the ancient and modern systems, and then became the Shengguo of Haidong, with five capitals, fifteen provinces, and sixty-two prefectures. However, the New Book of Tang has no specific chronology, but is roughly set for the middle of the Tang Dynasty, of which the five capitals are: Shangjing Longquan Province (present-day Ning'an, Heilongjiang), Zhongjing Xiande Province (present-day Jilin and Long), Tokyo Longyuan Province (present-day Jilin Hunchun), Nanjing Nanhai Province (present-day Qinghai Tucheng, Beiqing County, South Hamgyong Province, North Korea), and Xijing Yashu Province (present-day Linjiang, Jilin Province).

(Circle cards have been added here, please check out the today's headlines client)

(Limited to space, about the changes in the capital city of future generations, the following details, to be continued)

2021/11/20 Elm Jai

Key References:


Book of Han

Book of the Later Han Dynasty

Notes on water

Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Book of Jin

History of the South

History of the North

Book of Sui

Old Book of Tang

New Book of Tang

What are the ancient capital cities, the "five capital system" in the southeast, central and western Beijing? (Medium)

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