
Using human flesh for military food - the most ferocious and brutal "man-eating maniac"

author:Fen said no history

In Chinese history, there are many crazy people, such as Huang Chao, Zhu Cang, etc., who are famous for "eating people", so why should they choose to eat human flesh? Is it forced to be helpless or for what reason? Let's take a look at the "man-eating maniac" Zhu Yue!

Using human flesh for military food - the most ferocious and brutal "man-eating maniac"

According to records, at that time, Zhu Cang had 200,000 troops, and in the Henan region, he burned, killed, and robbed all the way, and when he went to a city, he would grab the grain and then burn the things he couldn't take away, causing a serious famine in Sichuan, and many people were starved to death.

Food for his 200,000 troops was also robbed. After the famine, they had no food to eat. What to do? I couldn't be starved to death, so I began to eat human flesh. Zhu Cang encouraged his soldiers that there was no more delicious food than human flesh, so his soldiers began to eat people in a frenzy, and women and children became the mouthpieces of their troops.

Using human flesh for military food - the most ferocious and brutal "man-eating maniac"

In terms of the method of eating human flesh, Zhu Cang's troops came up with a variety of outrageous cooking methods. Some place people in large containers and simmer them slowly over low heat; Some tie people to iron frames and roast them violently over high fire; Some people unload dozens of pieces for steaming and frying; Others, after hollowing out people's internal organs, are salted like salted fish, dried into dried meat, and used as military food.

But if you don't eat people, there's nothing to eat. His 200,000 troops will be starved alive. Of course, he did not want his hard-earned troops to be starved to death, so he could only choose to "eat people", and the title of China's first "man-eating maniac" was thus formed.