
Why did the doctor stop wearing your contact lenses before myopia surgery?

author:Dr. Li Chunyan

You started to get tired and finally didn't want to wear glasses anymore, so you walked into an eye hospital and prepared to correct your vision through myopia surgery. Then, the doctor gives you the relevant preoperative examination. Luckily, you're suitable for myopia correction surgery, and all you have to do is wait. You opened them, ready to go, the doctor told you in the back, you must not wear contact lenses before surgery? So, here's the problem. Why can't I wear contact lenses?

Why did the doctor stop wearing your contact lenses before myopia surgery?

Contact lenses are a kind of common vision correction glasses in addition to frame mirrors, which are loved by young people because of their convenience and beauty. Regular wearing of contact lenses can have a certain impact on the cornea, and in daily life, these effects are minimal, but if you have myopia surgery, these effects will determine whether you can do myopia surgery. After wearing contact lenses for a long time, you will not notice any obvious changes in the eyes, but you can observe the thinning of the tear film and corneal epithelium.

Stopping the wearing of contact lenses is one of the necessary scientific procedures for the treatment of myopia surgery. Ophthalmologists said that the morphology of the cornea and the degree of refractive power of wearing contact lenses are not the same for each person, and according to differences in age and other differences, it may be different after stopping wearing contact lenses for a period of time, which depends on the specific situation.

The purpose of stopping contact lenses is as follows

1. Restore the cornea to its original state, so as not to affect the preoperative diopter examination of laser surgery and affect the accuracy of surgical correction.

2. Different types of corneal contact lenses (different radians, different materials, and the degree of matching with the shape of the cornea), the degree of influence of corneal contact lenses on corneal tissue (thickness, elasticity, etc.) is also different.

3. The cornea, which is easier to deform, is also easy to return to the condition before wearing. This type of cornea should be paid attention to, and most of them are thin or have the characteristics of keratoconus.

4. The reason why contact lenses are stopped is to restore the normal state of corneal epithelial cells, especially the damaged corneal epithelial cells are repaired.

5. If keratitis caused by contact lenses is subject to systematic treatment, after the corneal inflammation is fully controlled, it can be operated upon inspection and confirmation.

After knowing why you need to stop wearing contact lenses before myopia surgery, do you understand this preoperative requirement? Of course, it is also necessary to cooperate with the guidance of the doctor and carry out other treatment measures reasonably.

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