
Posting overtime slogans, using traffic to check "touch the fish", the working atmosphere of the enterprise has changed?

author:China News Network

Beijing, November 18 (Wu Tao, Gong Hongyu) Wave, Gome recently on fire!

Gome was reported by the media to check the "fish" personnel by monitoring the use of employee traffic; the wave was accused of posting slogans such as "overtime during the day, do not sleep; overtime at night, can't sleep" and other slogans.

In the early stage, the work trend of various enterprises shouting to resist "996" has changed?

Posting overtime slogans, using traffic to check "touch the fish", the working atmosphere of the enterprise has changed?

Infographic: Office workers queuing up for a ride at 5:30 a.m. (Picture and text have nothing to do) Leng Haoyang photo

"Everyone plus, is really plus, overtime is really good!"

Recently, according to a number of netizens posted, the wave will be overtime culture into a slogan, posted in the office, the slogan has multiple versions, "everyone plus, is really plus, overtime is really good!" "Go to work overtime when you have time." "He plus me, I can't run if I want to."

On November 15, some media quoted the staff of the Jinan Labor Security Supervision Detachment as saying that they would go to the Inspur Group to investigate the matter, and if the company implemented these slogans into the rules and regulations, it would violate the current labor security laws and regulations and would correct such behavior.

Many family members of suspected Inspur employees left a message under the Weibo of Inspur Group, "Inspur's overtime is serious, and overtime pay is not given." There are waves of media comments posting overtime slogans, advocating struggle can not "beautify overtime."

In response to the posting of overtime slogans, the reporter contacted the media contact number published on the official website of the wave, prompting that "the number you dialed does not exist", and also contacted its published mailbox, as of press time, has not received a response.

According to the official website of Inspur, its responsibility and mission include "seeking the well-being of employees".

Tencent Video for non-work use with 10.3GB of traffic? "Touch the fish"

If squeezing employees through overtime is a common trick of enterprises, it is rare to punish "touching fish" employees by checking traffic usage. Recently, 11 employees of Gome were reported to be reported for "touching fish" at work.

According to the Gome penalty notice circulating online, he was given a warning and an administrative penalty of 2 points for chatting in the work area, watching videos, shopping on Taobao, brushing vibrato, listening to music, and other unrelated matters. The circular details employees' non-work traffic usage, for example, some employees used Tencent Video's 10.3GB of data, Douyin's 2.8GB, and iQiyi's 0.3GB.

As a result, some netizens said that they woke up, "touching the fish" or have to use their own traffic, do not use the unit WiFi.

In the penalty notice provided by Gome employees to China News Network, photos of employees "touching fish" were also displayed, marking the position, name and time. According to internal employees, some of Gome's workstations have installed cameras, and after the mobile phone is connected to WiFi when punching in the door, the company can monitor the browsing of employees' mobile phones.

Posting overtime slogans, using traffic to check "touch the fish", the working atmosphere of the enterprise has changed?

Image source: Courtesy of gome employees interviewed.

Late at night on the 17th, Gome Holding Group issued a statement saying that the non-working traffic and corresponding time consumed by the relevant behaviors have far exceeded the appropriate and reasonable scope of the combination of work and leisure. The penalty notice has been confirmed with the relevant personnel before the internal publicity, and they all admit that their behavior clearly violates the employee code of conduct, and sign the penalty notice confirmation form.

Gome also said that the group is highly concerned about the internal notification of the illegal leakage and will be held accountable in accordance with the company's confidentiality regulations. Gome advocates the spirit of struggle and practical action, and maintains vigilance against signs such as "touching fish" in work, and prevents microaggressions.

Posting overtime slogans, using traffic to check "touch the fish", the working atmosphere of the enterprise has changed?

Late at night on the 17th, Gome Holding Group issued a statement. Screenshots

Is it infringement?

In August this year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Supreme People's Court jointly released the second batch of typical cases of labor and personnel disputes, clearly pointing out that "996" is illegal.

The Labor Law also stipulates that if it is necessary to extend working hours for special reasons, the extended working hours shall not exceed three hours per day under the condition of protecting the health of workers, but shall not exceed thirty-six hours per month.

For enterprises to monitor the traffic used by employees to check whether employees are "touching fish" and report it, many views believe that this violates the privacy rights of employees.

Jiang Bao, a senior partner at Beijing Lianggao Law Firm, believes that the company can monitor the traffic of office equipment, but it does not have the right to monitor the traffic of private mobile phones and publicize it.

"Even if the company has established relevant labor rules and regulations, it is not allowed to disclose the personal information it processes without obtaining the individual consent of the individual employee. It can be seen that if Gome does not obtain the individual consent of the individual worker, it is suspected of violating the law to disclose the personal information it processes. Jiang Bao said.

However, Xu Zhenhai, a lawyer at Beijing Dacheng Law Firm, told China News Network that if it complies with the company's rules and regulations, only calculating traffic and not seeing content is not an invasion of employee privacy.

What do you think of these two things? (End)

Source: China News Network


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