
He was a founding general and had deep affection for the people of Hebei, but he did not dare to see his own sister


Talking about ancient and modern times, digging deep into the history of Hebei that you don't know, hello everyone, I am "Qing Shi Jun", welcome to pay attention to the "Qing Shi Guan", every day to bring you fresh, interesting, dry goods full of historical stories.

Today, we are talking for you about the story of the founding general Lu Zhengcao.

He was a founding general and had deep affection for the people of Hebei, but he did not dare to see his own sister

General Lü Zhengcao was a general who led his troops to stand on their own in Hebei during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and joined the Eighth Route Army in the revolutionary road. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he served as the commander of the Jizhong Military Region in Hebei for a long time, and later transferred to the northwest of Jin. During the arduous years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Lü Zhengcao and the people of Hebei forged a deep friendship, and his subordinates Zhao Chengjin, Feng Yongshun, Zhao Donghuan, Yu Quanshen, and others all grew up to become founding major generals, and Lü Zhengcao was awarded the rank of general in 1955.

He was a founding general and had deep affection for the people of Hebei, but he did not dare to see his own sister

After the victory of the revolution, General Lü Zhengcao led him to an important post, and he rarely had the opportunity to return to his hometown because of his busy work. In 1987, Lu Zhengcao and his wife came to their hometown of Haicheng, where he inspected township enterprises, visited Xiliu Daji and the local middle school. Here he also visited his sick third sister.

Initially, Elder Lü's secretary offered to let his third sister come to the guest house, and the brothers and sisters met to reminisce about the past. But Elder Lü was afraid of causing trouble for the local government and was reluctant to do so. He just asked his wife Liu Sha (a native of Hebei) to take a car to visit the third sister's house on his behalf. Lu Lao's third sister's health was not very good, and after learning the news of the eldest brother's arrival, she was excited and said that she would go to Beijing to visit the eldest brother if her body allowed.

He was a founding general and had deep affection for the people of Hebei, but he did not dare to see his own sister

Major General Feng Yongshun

The secretary realized that they had a deep affection for the brother and sister, so he offered to let the third sister come to the guest house and meet the two of them. General Lü Zhengcao agreed.

Lu Zhengcao was not unwilling to see his own sister, but they had been separated for many years, and the third sister had a heart attack, and he was afraid that his sister would be excited to see him and his condition would worsen. Moreover, he was afraid of alarming the local government and causing them trouble. In the end, after the brothers and sisters met, they told the old family, and the third sister did not fall ill because of this, and the results were all happy.

He was a founding general and had deep affection for the people of Hebei, but he did not dare to see his own sister

Major General Yu Quan Shin

Elder Lü was very happy to see that his hometown had established a nine-year consistent school, and he poured ink on the school inscription to encourage everyone to study well. He instructed the leading comrades in Haicheng that the viewpoint they put forward was correct, and that they should also add excellent teachers and good cadres, respect for talents, and improve the treatment of teachers, which made many intellectuals at the scene very moved.

In terms of titles, everyone could not call him by his first name, and he did not want to be called "Elder Lü" by everyone, and finally the secretary thought of a compromise title and called him "Political Commissar". General Lü Zhengcao once served as the political commissar of the railway soldiers, and this title was appropriate, and the old man gladly accepted it.

He was a founding general and had deep affection for the people of Hebei, but he did not dare to see his own sister

Major General Zhao Donghuan

When General Lü Zhengcao returned to his hometown, he maintained the hard and simple style of an old revolutionary, and he did not want to trouble the local government and insisted on living in the guest house at his own expense. On the occasion of parting, he also politely declined the gifts sent by everyone. Finally, under the repeated persuasion of the masses, General Lü Zhengcao accepted the ten catties of sorghum rice that everyone gave him. His nephew gave him a jar of watercress sauce.

He was a founding general and had deep affection for the people of Hebei, but he did not dare to see his own sister

Okay, today we're done with our story, so stay tuned to our next post. You can also leave a message to tell the story you want to hear, want to know the history, we try to meet your requirements, tell you.

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