
"Double subtraction" to welcome the "midterm exam"! Suzhou school handed in the "special answer sheet"

author:The famous city of Suzhou

【See Suzhou special article/Zhu Xiaoqian】

Fourth-graders are learning how to draw different shoes with great interest, second-graders are learning to sing a new nursery rhyme, and first-graders are laughing and playing "circles" on the playground.

This is november 18, 4:30 p.m., to see the Suzhou reporter in Suzhou Industrial Park Sin Chew Primary School to see the after-school delay service site.

The "double reduction" policy has landed for more than 100 days, and it is the middle of the semester, the "double reduction" ushered in the "mid-term examination", and the schools in Sioux City also handed in the "special answer sheet"!

"Double subtraction" to welcome the "midterm exam"! Suzhou school handed in the "special answer sheet"

Sin Chew Primary School's after-school extended service hours for student activities

The school has improved the level of after-school services

Parents are relieved to be warm to the teacher

"Our landing work is getting smoother and smoother, and the satisfaction rate of the questionnaire survey for parents has reached 97%!"

Tang Jie, director of the Teaching Office of Sin Chew Primary School, told reporters that since the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, the school has always taken the comprehensive promotion of after-school services as the annual key work, and set up a delayed service period from 3:30 to 5:30.

"Double subtraction" to welcome the "midterm exam"! Suzhou school handed in the "special answer sheet"

Tang Jie, Director of the Teaching Office of Sin Chew Primary School

In the first questionnaire in mid-September, more than 3,200 students enrolled in the school, reaching 83.3% of the total number of students in the school. In October, the school conducted a second parent questionnaire, and the parent satisfaction rate reached 97%, the homework completion rate reached 98%, and the renewal rate reached 97%.

"Many parents feedback that the delay service can ensure that the child has a school teacher to tutor during the 'gap period' when they are out of school, which is very reassuring!"

"Double subtraction" to welcome the "midterm exam"! Suzhou school handed in the "special answer sheet"

In the specific delay service curriculum setting, Sin Chew Primary School has set up three stages in line with the principle of "solid and effective lessons and hundreds of flowers in science and technology", the first stage is to clear the task of independent homework, independent reading and extensive, so that students can read independently after completing homework.

The second stage is to strengthen the body and mind and enrich the aesthetics of practice, and students can exercise their body and mind in special courses such as music, sports, art, and STEM creative production.

The third stage is self-training skills and life, self-organized clubs to promote their strengths, the original Sin Chew Small Citizens Future Course, parent volunteer courses, can expand students' horizons, become students' "ability growth camp".

"Double subtraction" to welcome the "midterm exam"! Suzhou school handed in the "special answer sheet"

Deferred music lessons after class in the Lower Grades

"Double subtraction" to welcome the "midterm exam"! Suzhou school handed in the "special answer sheet"

Deferred physical education courses after class in the upper grades

"Double subtraction" to welcome the "midterm exam"! Suzhou school handed in the "special answer sheet"

Senior STEM Creative Production Course

Tang Jie told reporters that many teachers found that for many students whose learning habits are not good enough, using the time of after-school delay service to complete homework at school can greatly improve efficiency. In addition, the students together, whether it is homework or physical exercise, participate in club activities, are happier and more motivated than when they return home alone.

"Double subtraction" to welcome the "midterm exam"! Suzhou school handed in the "special answer sheet"

Sin Chew Primary School Year 1 students participate in the after-school deferred physical education course

"Only now do I truly realize what a 'mother's kindness and filial piety' is!"

When the reporter learned about the landing effect of "double reduction" from parents and friends around him, many parents said such a sentence. A parent surnamed Wang told reporters that now the child's homework is completed in school, and when he returns home at night, he will accompany him to read books and practice the piano, and without homework tutoring, he and his children no longer need to be "red in the face" and "sword-rattling".

"Double subtraction" to welcome the "midterm exam"! Suzhou school handed in the "special answer sheet"

Sin Chew Primary School Teachers' Flexible Use Voucher for Commuting/Commuting

When students spend more time in school and in school, it also means that teachers have to put in more energy. Tang Jie introduced that in order to alleviate the pressure on teachers, Sin Chew Primary School has set up a flexible working time, and teachers can get two flexible work vouchers or flexible commuting vouchers every week. At the same time, it also provides teachers with warm afternoon tea and dinner subscription services to effectively solve everyone's worries.

Delayed service "colorful"

Schools in Sioux City "show their magic"

With the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, schools in Suzhou are also exploring special delay service content.

In the after-school delay service of Xinghai Primary School in the park, every Wednesday has become the most anticipated day for students.

Combined with the "Science Popularization Wednesday" activity of Suzhou Online Education Center, the school carried out the corresponding theme activity of "Scientific Exploration, Dream Takeoff", integrated online high-quality resources into campus education and teaching, expanded curriculum channels, and allowed students to absorb more interesting scientific knowledge.

"Double subtraction" to welcome the "midterm exam"! Suzhou school handed in the "special answer sheet"

Xinghai Primary School "Science Wednesday" activity site

In the No. 3 Middle School of the High-tech Zone, the school combines after-school services with development interests to cultivate students' skills in a multi-faceted way.

The school has developed 36 rich and diverse courses and clubs, covering scientific and technological exploration, animation production, literary appreciation, calligraphy and painting, traditional crafts, handicrafts, music and dance, athletics and balls, including Su embroidery, nuclear sculpture, ball games, printmaking, psychological drama, artificial intelligence and other categories of club activities. In order to meet the needs of students with different interests and hobbies, when specifically selecting club courses, teachers and students take a two-way selection method to "order food".

"Double subtraction" to welcome the "midterm exam"! Suzhou school handed in the "special answer sheet"
"Double subtraction" to welcome the "midterm exam"! Suzhou school handed in the "special answer sheet"

Students of the Third Middle School of the High-tech Zone independently choose the after-school extended service course

In Zhangjiagang, recently, Bailu Primary School and Zhangjiagang Secondary Professional School Party Building Alliance signed a contract and the "Mass Skills Gas Station" was officially launched.

The project carefully designed the first batch of 10 interesting skills courses suitable for primary school students, on the one hand, enriching the content of after-school deferred services in primary and secondary schools, enlightening wisdom with technology and using technology; on the other hand, disseminating the spirit of craftsmanship and opening up vocational enlightenment education for primary and secondary school students.

"Double subtraction" to welcome the "midterm exam"! Suzhou school handed in the "special answer sheet"
"Double subtraction" to welcome the "midterm exam"! Suzhou school handed in the "special answer sheet"

Zhangjiagang Secondary School "Mass Skills Gas Station" walked into Bailu Primary School

Implement the "double reduction"

The emphasis is on reducing the burden and increasing the quality

The reporter learned that in early November, the Suzhou Municipal Education Bureau issued the "Notice on Organizing and Carrying Out research on Reducing the Homework Burden of Students in the Compulsory Education Stage" to promote the comprehensive, accurate and high-quality implementation of "double reduction" in schools around the country.

Among them, in the investigation of each school, the Education Bureau of the park specifically decomposed the key tasks into three parts: vigorously improving the quality of education and teaching to ensure that students learn well in the school; comprehensively reducing the total amount and duration of homework and reducing the excessive homework burden of students; improving the level of after-school services in schools, meeting the diversified needs of students, and decomposing the key points around these three tasks to investigate the achievement of schools.

"Double subtraction" to welcome the "midterm exam"! Suzhou school handed in the "special answer sheet"

Sin Chew Primary School welcomes the survey

In an interview with a reporter from Suzhou, Shen Jian, director of the Education Bureau of the park, proposed that the "double reduction" work should not be regarded as a simple two reductions, but a systematic reform of education, involving the teacher level, teaching and research level, supervision level, and even involving the time and space management of the campus, as well as the evaluation reform of education and the ways and methods of teachers' daily work.

"Double subtraction" to welcome the "midterm exam"! Suzhou school handed in the "special answer sheet"

Shen Jian, Director of the Education Bureau of Suzhou Industrial Park

"Without 'increase', we cannot guarantee 'reduction', the next step, we must continue to reduce the burden, increase quality and grasp both hands, ten reforms are promoted simultaneously, and the curriculum reform is comprehensively deepened to ensure that the quality of education is further improved and the 'double reduction' policy is effective."

When the "double subtraction" is carried out, we look forward to the joint efforts of all parties, so that the classroom is not only a paradise for learning, but also a paradise for growth!

Editor-in-charge: Wang Hao

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