
Baoshan Vitality Building Group Version 2.0: How does bonsai become a nursery?

author:Shangguan News

The building group is an extension of residents' family life to social interaction, and it is also the fulcrum for leveraging grass-roots governance innovation.

The concept of the Vitality Building Group is no longer unfamiliar in Baoshan District. In view of the large scale of the residential areas here and the difficulty of residents to fully participate in community governance, since 2017, Baoshan District has taken the lead in promoting the cultivation of "dynamic building groups" at the national prefectural and municipal levels, and began to comprehensively upgrade and build the "dynamic building group" version 2.0 in 2019. Adopting the model of party building leadership, government "setting up stage", residents "singing opera", and third-party guidance, more than 3,500 dynamic building groups have been cultivated, of which 646 are more than Samsung.

According to the assumption, the radiation effect of "dynamic building group - dynamic building group - dynamic community" will be formed to promote the formation of community communities. So, two years later, what are the actual results? How does the Vitality Building Group realize the transformation of bonsai into a nursery?

From claim system to pledge system

Li Yanhong, secretary of the first residential area of Fudiyuan in Yanghang Town, still remembers that in 2018, when the residential area was listed as a pilot unit of the vitality building group by the district civil affairs bureau, the first reaction of many residents was "disdain".

The representative opinion of residents is: "Creative vitality building group, is not it to let the property brush the corridor white, and the neighborhood committee hangs some layouts in the corridor?" There is no big change in the corridors, what is the point of wasting money and wasting time? "This is what the neighborhood committee created to complete its work tasks."

In order to improve the participation of residents, the general party branch of the residential area led the leader of the building group and the backbone of the residents to go out to learn from the experience. After coming to other streets and towns, hearing the proud explanations of the leaders of other buildings, seeing the family portraits hanging in the corridors, and the substantial changes brought by the transformation of the corridors to the life of the neighborhood, the enthusiasm of many residents was ignited. The general branch of the party took advantage of the hot iron and issued an announcement on the creation of the "vitality building group" in the "community pass", and once it was released, it received a response from the residents, and some building leaders and community masters took the initiative to claim the creation task.

But this is only the first step. In Li Yanhong's view, in the vitality building group, the leading role of the building team leader is very important. Zhou Yongxuan, the leader of the building group of Building 9, is the backbone strength she relies on. The 51-year-old Zhou Yongqiu retired from the company and was very enthusiastic. Since she became the leader of the building team in 2016, she is familiar with the situation of each family, who quarrels, she goes to persuade; who is the elderly sick, she drives to the hospital; whose corridor is piled up, she is not afraid of offending people, to persuade until it is cleaned up. It is precisely because of her selfless dedication, help and demonstration that Building 9 is like a warm family.

Baoshan Vitality Building Group Version 2.0: How does bonsai become a nursery?

In the construction of the vitality building group, the Yanghang Town Community Office proposed: how much funds are raised by the building group itself, and the community office will raise funds in the form of how many funds are allocated (the upper limit of the funds allocated is 5,000 yuan). The leaders of the building group exploded the pot, they believe that most of the residents of the corridor are working-class, and there are more retirees, donations are feasible, and it is difficult to donate money.

Zhou Yongxuan, the leader of Building 9, stood up again. She held mobilization meetings in the WeChat group offline and online corridors, and took the lead in raising 500 yuan. Driven by her, residents actively participated in the donation, and in just one day, they raised 6100 yuan. The money raised can be used for corridor activities, and residents cherish it.

Baoshan Vitality Building Group Version 2.0: How does bonsai become a nursery?

The autonomous group organized residents to design the corridor logo, the leader of the building team bought a leisure table and chair from his own pocket, the party members drew a tablecloth for the leisure table and chair, and the enthusiastic residents moved green plants from their homes, and the corridor suddenly had a home feeling. Volunteers and "Little Mr. Community" painted the walls together. Under the brainstorming of everyone, the black advertisement of the staircase has become a beautiful painting, the milk carton has added a cute cartoon calf image, and the bare walls are plastered with photos of party members volunteering to cut the hair of residents and accompany the elderly living alone to vaccinate.

Baoshan Vitality Building Group Version 2.0: How does bonsai become a nursery?

When the reporter interviewed, he saw that just at the entrance of the neighborhood committee, there was a "bottle vegetable garden". Among them, there are not only peppers, small greens and other vegetables, but also decorated with tires for children to participate in painting. Zhou Yongxuan and others are volunteers of the "Bottle Vegetable Garden" and will be responsible for daily care. When the vegetables are harvested, they are given to the elderly who live alone and are also picked as parents.

In the view of Gao Dan, deputy director of the Baoshan District Civil Affairs Bureau, from the adoption system to the recognition system, further improving the bottom-up deliberation and consultation mechanism, and effectively transforming the people's wisdom and strength into governance efficiency, is a vivid practice of implementing democracy in the whole process. Change "want me to do" to "I want to do", so as to more fully respect the wishes of the building group, stimulate the enthusiasm of the building team members, and attract more residents to participate in the "snowball".

With "geography" and "fun edge" as the link, radiating the building group

In Wusong New Town, with the themes of planting, elegance, harmony, kindness, honesty, tea, music, memory, wisdom and learning, 10 dynamic building groups with their own characteristics have been created.

Baoshan Vitality Building Group Version 2.0: How does bonsai become a nursery?
Baoshan Vitality Building Group Version 2.0: How does bonsai become a nursery?

In the Lijin residential area of Wusong Street, there is a vitality building group called "Shanxiao Lou", the average age of the building group members is more than 60 years old, and there are 3 elderly people over 90 years old who live with their children. These families are not only harmonious and happy themselves, but also share their experience in dealing with family issues at the building group meeting to provide reference for other families. In the building group, the atmosphere of respecting the elderly and loving the elderly is very strong.

Some residents in the building group are members of the community Ode to Joy choir, because they are in the same choir, the members communicate a lot, and other team members bring their own building group residents to visit and learn, which feels good, and they also take the initiative to ask for the creation of the vitality building group. In this way, the other 3 building groups were led to successfully create a dynamic building group, form a dynamic building group, and also cultivate a group of community talents and backbone volunteers.

The members of the Vitality Building Group often produce some sparks in their daily communication. For example, there is a disabled resident living on the 4th floor who spent more than 10,000 yuan to buy a stair climbing machine, but because there is a ramp on the 1st floor, the climbing machine cannot be installed. The resident wants to renovate the ramp. After communicating with the property, the property said that it needed to obtain the consent of other residents in the building group. However, after the first round of consultation, many elderly people held opposing views. One is that everyone is reluctant to change the steps that have gone through decades, and the other is that everyone feels that there is no need to transform only for one person.

Baoshan Vitality Building Group Version 2.0: How does bonsai become a nursery?

By chance, when the choir members exchanged ideas between regular weekly activities, the members of the building group talked about this problem, and another choir member of the other building group said: "The stair climbing machine has been used in other corridors, it is more convenient, and the elderly and people with leg and foot problems can go downstairs." We will all be old, and maybe we will use it ourselves in the future! "Everyone you said, I said, the members of the building team were very touched." After that, after discussion, everyone basically reached an agreement that the transformation could be carried out and offered suggestions on how to transform.

Therefore, with the support of the general branch of the party in Lijin Residential Area, this building group conducted online and offline consultations on the one hand, and the residents unanimously agreed to go through consultation; on the other hand, coordinated the street disabled persons' federation to carry out the transformation of the ramp in the building. However, after the transformation, the climbing function of the disabled can be used, the ramp is steep, and there is a problem of safety hazards in and out of other elderly people. The building group also discussed through the building group council and decided to increase the safety factor by installing handrails on the ramp.

Baoshan Vitality Building Group Version 2.0: How does bonsai become a nursery?

What moved Yang Qiaoyan, the secretary of Lijin Residential Area, was also moved by a detail: because it was winter, the enthusiastic people in the corridor still tied thick sponges to the handrails. "Warmth is not only the hands, but also the hearts of the people."

In Baoshan, there are already many "dynamic buildings" that are oriented by "geography" and "fun" and strengthen the cultivation. Some places have also set up special committees for building groups to guide building groups, discuss building group affairs, organize building group activities, form a "building group - building group - community" governance path, and guide building groups to play an active role in the community.

The standard of the venue has been reduced, and the mechanism guarantee has been improved

Some residents are curious, to create the vitality building group version 2.0, is it a high standard for the site?

Exactly not. Gao Dan told reporters that the upgrade to build version 2.0, on the basis of version 1.0 to reduce the site standards, strengthen the "online and offline", "spillover effect" and "special projects". Some building groups have limited hardware conditions, but the inherent vitality is very sufficient, which is completely worth promoting.

For example, Dachang Town launched the "Three Five-Five-T" building group work method. Regardless of the size of the building group, guide the residents of the building group to jointly maintain the "three noes" tidy, organize the "five ones" activities, discuss the characteristic theme culture, and combine the installation of elevators to promote. Among them, the "five ones" include but are not limited to a set of building systems, a family portrait, a Chinese New Year's Eve meal, a parent-child trip, a birthday party, etc.

Baoshan Vitality Building Group Version 2.0: How does bonsai become a nursery?

For another example, Baoshan District creates a dynamic building group online micro-governance scene, establishes a digital file of the star-rated building group, and generates an exclusive QR code for the building group. Scan the code to view the building group to create a "past life and this life", realize online virtual visits, and promote the "vitality building group" to open and share on a larger scale and at a deeper level. Establish an entity or virtual "building group chamber", formulate and disclose enforceable building group conventions, build a platform for the transformation of topics, and guide residents from "building group affairs" to "discussion community affairs".

In order to better turn the bonsai into a nursery, Baoshan District has guaranteed the vitality building group version 2.0 in terms of mechanism.

Among them, the party organization in the residential area acts as the "rudder of the ship" and guides the construction of the vitality building group throughout the process. For example, the party branch of Fengxiang New Town revitalized the resources of the co-construction unit, organized the co-construction unit to pair up with the building group one by one, and introduced the resources of non-public enterprises into the construction of the building group, and all 13 building groups became the dynamic building group.

In view of the lack of professionalism in the construction of building groups, Baoshan District has also included the vitality building group into the key support areas of the district community public welfare service support and guidance special fund, introduced professional social organizations, and provided more than 1,700 service guidance building groups.

Baoshan Vitality Building Group Version 2.0: How does bonsai become a nursery?

The creation of a "fresh force" is the most critical. Baoshan District has included the "Cultivating Vitality Building Group" into the compulsory course for community cadres. Through the recommendation of the town and the interview selection, the team of instructors of the vitality building group was formed. Gu Yonggang of the Dachang Town Social Construction Office is the instructor of the Vitality Building Group in Baoshan District, and what he is doing is to promote the experience system of a group of first-in-one Vitality Building Groups in Dachang Town to a wider range of the whole district. The district has also specially excavated a group of community talents to show their strengths in beautifying corridors and public welfare mutual assistance. Many talents have become community volunteer pioneers or building team leaders.

Baoshan Vitality Building Group Version 2.0: How does bonsai become a nursery?

However, Gao Dan also admitted that the current problem is that young people are not fully involved in the vitality building group. The Civil Affairs Bureau of Baoshan District is working with the Youth League District Committee and other departments to innovate the "community little gentleman" system, carry out "pile gogogo" and other chapter competition activities, and guide young people to participate in the construction of building groups. Building 27, Haishang Mingcheng Community, Yanghang Town, is the first batch of "Mr. Xiao demonstration corridors" in Baoshan District.

Every June 1 Children's Day, the autonomous group will buy holiday gifts for the children in the form of solitaire self-financing in the WeChat group of the corridor, hold a "micro-reunion" activity in the corridor, let the children and parents spend the neighborhood Children's Day together, and meet to take a "corridor family portrait" every year to witness the growth of the children and the growth of the "family" of the building group.

Column Editor-in-Chief: Zhou Nan Text Editor: Zhou Nan

Source: Author: Zhou Nan

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