
Shu Han had five "Yellow Gate Attendants": in addition to Fei Yi, who were the other four?

author:Sentimental history

Huangmen Shilang (黄門侍郎), also known as Huangmen Lang (黄門郎), was a Lang official who was given to the emperor within the palace gate at the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, and was a courtier of the emperor's close attendants, who could convey edicts, and this official position was used after the Han Dynasty, and during the Ming and Qing dynasties, he was a consort official who was responsible for assisting the emperor in handling the affairs of the imperial court. Therefore, in ancient history, the Yellow Gate Attendant was called a high authority because of his close relationship with the emperor. For the Shu Han that I want to talk about today, there were five Yellow Gate Attendants in history, including Fei Yi, who was an official to a great general.

Shu Han had five "Yellow Gate Attendants": in addition to Fei Yi, who were the other four?

1. Fei Yi

Fei Yi (?) ~February 253), courtesy name Wenwei ,字文伟), a native of Jiangxia County (present-day Luoshan County, Henan Province), was a famous minister of the Shu Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period, and was known as the Four Phases of Shu Han along with Zhuge Liang, Jiang Wan, and Dong Yun. Deeply impressed by Zhuge Liang's instruments, he repeatedly sent envoys to Eastern Wu, sun Quan, Zhuge Ke, Yang Yan and others used words to make things difficult, while Fei Yi replied according to reason, with both words and meanings, and always did not succumb. Sun Quan was very surprised by his talent and treated him with courtesy.

In the first year of Zhang Wu (221), when Liu Bei was crown prince, Fei Yi and Dong Yunju became princes and moved to Shuzi. In the first year of Jianxing (223), after Liu Chan succeeded to the throne, fei Yi and Dong Yun were both crowned as Yellow Gate Attendants. As a result, Fei Yi and Dong Yun can be called Liu Chan's right and left arms. In the fifth year of Jianxing (227), Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition to Hanzhong invited Fei Yi to join the army. In the eighth year of Jianxing (230), Fei Yi was transferred to the Middle Guard Army, and later Sima (司馬). At that time, Wei Yan and Yang Yi were at odds and often argued, and Fei Yi often advised the two of them and protected them to the fullest.

Shu Han had five "Yellow Gate Attendants": in addition to Fei Yi, who were the other four?

In 234 AD, Zhuge Liang died of illness, and Fei Yi was initially appointed as a rear military division, then a Shang Shu Ling, an official to a general, and was made a township marquis. When Fei Yi was in charge of the Shu Han Dynasty, he was contrary to Jiang Wei's northern expedition to the Central Plains, implementing a strategy of recuperation and recuperation, and devoted himself to the development of shu Han. Fei Yi's personality is humble and sincere, quite incorruptible, and the family has no surplus wealth. Later, Guo Xun (一作郭脩) was later assassinated by Wei. He was buried in the west of the ancient city of Zhaohua in present-day Guangyuan City.

2. Dong Yun

Dong Yun(?) ~246), courtesy name Xiu Zhao, was a native of Zhijiang, Nan Commandery (南郡, in modern Zhijiang, Hubei Province), a major minister of the Shu Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period, and the son of dong he, a general in charge of the army. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Dong Yun's father Dong He followed Liu Zhang as the Taishou of Yizhou. Of course, after the Battle of Yizhou broke out, Dong He surrendered to Liu Bei.

When Liu Bei made Liu Chan the crown prince, he appointed Dong Yun and Fei Yi as crown princes, and later Dong Yun transferred him to the post of crown prince to wash horses, and Fei Yi to be the crown prince. In 223, after Liu Bei's death, Liu Chan took the throne, and Dong Yun and Fei Yi were both Yellow Gate Attendants. In the fifth year of Jianxing (227), Zhuge Liang prepared for the Northern Expedition and was stationed in Hanzhong.

Shu Han had five "Yellow Gate Attendants": in addition to Fei Yi, who were the other four?

Zhuge Liang was worried that the later lord Liu Chan was still young and lacked the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, and believed that Dong Yun was a person of integrity and a clear distinction between right and wrong, so he wanted to appoint him to handle the affairs of the palace. Soon after, Zhuge Liang mentioned the names of Guo Youzhi, Fei Yi, and Dong Yun in the "Table of Renunciation", hoping that Liu Chan would listen to their opinions. Soon, Zhuge Liang appointed Fei Yi as the minister of the imperial household to join the army and accompany the Northern Expedition, so Dong Yun was made a servant and also led the general of the Tiger Ben Zhonglang, commanding the palace guards.

In the sixth year of Yanxi (243 AD), Dong Yun was made an auxiliary general by the later lord Liu Chan. In the seventh year of Yanxi (244 CE), Dong Yun served as the deputy of the general Fei Yi (Fei Yi) as a servant of The Shou Shang Shu Ling .D. In the ninth year of Yanxi (246 AD), Dong Yun died. At that time, the Shu people called Zhuge Liang, Jiang Huan, Fei Yi, and Dong Yun the "Four Phases".

Shu Han had five "Yellow Gate Attendants": in addition to Fei Yi, who were the other four?

3. Huo Yi

Huo Yi (born and died unknown), courtesy name Shaoxian, was a native of Zhijiang, Nan commandery (present-day Zhijiang, Hubei), son of Huo Jun, and a general from the Shu Han dynasty to the early Western Jin Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period. In the first year of Zhang Wu (221), Liu Bei declared himself emperor, established shu Han, and made Liu Chan crown prince, and Huo Yi was appointed by Liu Bei as the crown prince. In the third year of Zhang Wu (223), Liu Bei died, and the crown prince Liu Chan took the throne, appointing Huo Yi as a gurudwara, accompanying Liu Chan to take charge of communication and other matters. From this, Huo Yi, like Fei Yi and Dong Yun, can be said to be Liu Chan's confidants.

In the twelfth year of Jianxing (234), Zhuge Liang died of illness, and Huo Yi served as a waiter at the Yellow Gate. Later, Huo Yi led an army to quell the rebellion in the Yongchang County area. Because of his military achievements, Huo Yi was promoted to the post of general of the Yi Army of the Supervisory Army, and concurrently served as the Taishou of Jianning. In the sixth year of Jing Yao (263), Huo Yijin was a general of Annan. After Deng Ai smuggled yinping, Huo Yi wanted to lead an army to rescue Chengdu, but Liu Chan thought that Chengdu was already prepared and was not allowed, and after Liu Chan surrendered, Huo Yi only led the six counties of Nanzhong to surrender after learning that Sima Shi treated Liu Chan kindly. After his demotion, he was still the governor of Nanzhong, and the three counties of Jiaozong, Nichinan, and Jiuzhen were pacified, and he was awarded the title of Marquis.

Shu Han had five "Yellow Gate Attendants": in addition to Fei Yi, who were the other four?

4. Chen Yu

Chen Yu (陈裕), a native of Runan County, Yuzhou (north of Pingyu County, Zhumadian City, Henan), was the second son of Chen Qi. Chen Qi was appreciated and promoted by Fei Yi in his early years, and after Dong Yun's death, he served as a servant, and gradually became the favorite of Liu Chan, the lord of the Shu Han Dynasty, and the official Shang Shuling and the general of the Zhen Army, and even surpassed the power of the general Jiang Wei. Supporting Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition to zhongyuan, he pretended to make friends with the eunuch Huang Hao, causing Huang Hao to begin to interfere in imperial politics.

In 258 AD, Chen Qi died. After this, Liu Chan remembered Chen Qi, so he named Chen Yu, Chen Qi's second son, as a Yellow Gate Attendant. However, compared with the above yellow door attendants, Chen Yu's ability is relatively mediocre, so there is no sense of existence.

Shu Han had five "Yellow Gate Attendants": in addition to Fei Yi, who were the other four?

5. Li Jun

Li Jun (c. 230 AD –?) ), a figure of the Three Kingdoms period, an official of the Shu Han Dynasty. Zi Shulong, a native of Zitong Fu (梓潼涪; present-day MianyangDong, Sichuan). Talented, detached and powerful, well-known in the world. Initially, Li Jun and Chen Shou had the same reputation and were close and friendly to each other. But later, a rift appeared in the friendship with Chen Shou, slandering and attacking each other, and people of insight at that time criticized him for this matter.

In the late Shu Han Dynasty, Li Jun served as a waiter at the Yellow Gate. After the death of Shu Shi jin, he was promoted to Xiucai and entered the dynasty as Shang Shulang. Later, li jun resigned on the grounds of illness, because he hoped to serve in Yizhou, so he let Guanghan Taishou go.

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