
CCB Jinzhong Railway Branch's door-to-door service is heart-warming

author:Sanjin Finance
CCB Jinzhong Railway Branch's door-to-door service is heart-warming

On November 15, a customer anxiously came to the business branch of the Jinzhong Railway Branch of the CCB and asked the lobby staff whether they knew how to withdraw money from the social security card password. After understanding, the customer cannot personally come to the outlet to handle business due to the illness of his wife in his 80s, but he needs to receive a pension every month. After understanding the cause of the matter, the staff of the hall of the bank responded positively and quickly contacted the leader of the bank, who immediately decided to provide on-site service to the customer and help the customer solve the difficult problem after learning about the matter.

In the afternoon of the same day, although the construction vehicles could not pass due to the broken road, the employees of the bank insisted on going to the door to handle business for the customer in order to fulfill the agreement. After arriving at the scene, it was verified that the elderly were indeed incapacitated due to illness, but they were clearly aware and could independently complete face recognition and signature business. After verifying that there was no error, the two staff members immediately took out the Long Yi behavior that was carried out of the old man to maintain the information and reset the password. Customers praised the efficient service of the staff of CCB Jinzhong Railway Branch one after another, giving a thumbs up.

Since the launch of the party history study and education, the Jinzhong Railway Branch of CCB has closely focused on the theme of "no small matter in the interests of the masses" and actively carried out the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", and the needs of customers are our responsibilities, continuously improving the service level, and truly doing practical things for the masses, solving problems and sending warmth. (Cheng Xin)