
BYD employees suddenly die in the rental house, this generation of young people really want money or death?

author:Nocturnal Dream Talk

#比亚迪员工猝死: There are these body signals ##生活压力 before the continuous night shift ## sudden death occurs in january #

BYD employees suddenly die in the rental house, this generation of young people really want money or death?

Picture: Heap sugar (invasion and deletion) Text: Little Dream

【Night Dream Talk, Little Dream Listening】: The whole network has the same name, welcome to pay attention, reprint please authorize, plagiarism must be investigated! Looking forward to your story.

In an earlier news, an EMPLOYEE of BYD was found dead suddenly in his rental house, at the age of 36.

BYD employees suddenly die in the rental house, this generation of young people really want money or death?

Prior to that, he had worked more than 12 hours for 26 days at work in October. There is hardly any rest time.

Judging from his clock-in records, he used to work multiple night shifts, sometimes almost continuously.

BYD employees suddenly die in the rental house, this generation of young people really want money or death?

At the beginning of the year, a staff member of a shopping software collapsed on the way home, and when he left, he was only 23 years old.

Afterwards, the platform's official certification number released a dynamic: "You look at the people at the bottom, which one is not exchanging life for money?" ”

Indeed, many times, especially the employees of some Internet and enterprises with good benefits, all we can see is their bright appearance.

However, the efforts behind them, the various assessments and pressures they face anytime and anywhere, are beyond the estimation and bearing of many people.

BYD employees suddenly die in the rental house, this generation of young people really want money or death?

I have seen a set of data, in the past 30 years, the mortality rate caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in China has shown a rapid growth trend.

For every 100,000 people, the mortality rate due to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is 1.6 times higher than that of thirty years ago! Among them, a considerable proportion is young people.

Why are today's young people prone to sudden death? The vast majority of reasons are staying up late and living irregularly.

Overtime makes you physically and mentally exhausted, and the pressure leads to having to continue to work overtime, a vicious circle, and finally exhausting your body.

BYD employees suddenly die in the rental house, this generation of young people really want money or death?

One day a friend called and complained that he had been working overtime for a month, and he wanted to take a day off.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of the work, they have to rotate continuously, and there is almost no time for rest.

People always lament that life is very helpless, and there are really many things in life that we can't control, such as work.

Everyone is to earn money to support their families, all to be able to make a better life for themselves. However, often some people, in the end, still fail to achieve their wishes.

BYD employees suddenly die in the rental house, this generation of young people really want money or death?

I heard the lament of a high-income group, from a four-figure monthly salary to a six-figure monthly salary, this road, she walked for 8 years.

People can only see her shining in front of people, but they don't know that she hardly has any rest time, and every day she is like a tight clockwork robot.

When others are enjoying the joy of the world, she picks up lights in the office and fights at night; others are watching the lights of wanjia, and she can only look at the cold streets of a foreign country.

In this era, everyone is working hard. It's just that there are too many people, trying to get to the end, often losing the most precious things he once had in exchange.

And these are sad and helpless, and no one can empathize with them. Because this path is their own choice.

BYD employees suddenly die in the rental house, this generation of young people really want money or death?

In fact, the Internet not only exposes all kinds of self-media people, large factory employees, and industry elites at one time, but when they leave, life has just begun to be wonderful.

Some people have also posted more than once, exhorting their juniors and colleagues not to stay up late like themselves to the point of desperation.

Everyone always says: "It doesn't matter, if you don't work hard when you are young, then you can only regret it when you are old and regret it when you beat your chest." ”

However, some people are often too desperate, so they lose their old age, or even middle age.

BYD employees suddenly die in the rental house, this generation of young people really want money or death?

As a child, I heard a fairy tale about a lion who stopped halfway to clean up the stones in his shoes and finally outperformed the tiger who had always insisted.

Because he knew when he should grit his teeth and hold on, and when he should take a break. Stopping is never meant to be lazy, and sometimes, it will help you get to distant places better.

Like an overspeed machine, what it needs is not a final sprint, but a timely stop, otherwise all that awaits it is destruction.

BYD employees suddenly die in the rental house, this generation of young people really want money or death?

It's not wrong to work hard, and it's even more true to want to live a good life. However, everything needs to be done according to one's ability.

What you can't do, don't carry the hard brace. No one will ever applaud you for one success.

You have to love yourself and take good care of yourself. After all, we have to take seriously, not only today, but also a lot of tomorrow, right?

BYD employees suddenly die in the rental house, this generation of young people really want money or death?

Above all, I wish you a good dream and good night.

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