
5,000 yuan of love money, all donated to left-behind children

"Dear Grandma Gao, I received your love. I will definitely study hard and grow up to make more contributions to society..." Facing the reporter's mobile phone lens, Li Xiaoyou said with a serious face.

Yesterday morning, the reporter fulfilled her wish on behalf of "public welfare grandmother" Gao Ruilan: donated the 5,000 yuan "Daily Positive Energy Special Award" to 5 left-behind children in Kouzi Town, Yingdong District: Li Xiaoyou, Li Xiaoxu, Wang Xinxin, Tang Xiaofei, zhang Xiaokun.

5,000 yuan of love money, all donated to left-behind children

The old man's wish: he hopes to spend the money where it should be used

It all started on November 1st.

Due to the obligation to wipe the bus platform seats on the street for 8 consecutive years, Alibaba Daily Positive Energy awarded a 5,000 yuan bonus to the elderly Gao Ruilan. In order to let the old man receive the bonus smoothly, on the afternoon of November 1, the reporter specially rushed to the old man's home and asked her for relevant personal information. "I can't ask for this money!" The old man waved his hand again and again, repeatedly refusing. After repeated persuasion by the reporter, she finally cooperated and completed the information collection. Before leaving, she clasped the reporter's hand and said, "You have to think of a way to use this money wherever it should be." ”

On the afternoon of November 14, the reporter received another call from the old man: "Comrade reporter, you come to my house for a trip, quickly take the money away!" It turned out that more than a week ago, the elderly Gao Ruilan and his wife were both admitted to the hospital because of their poor health, and they were not discharged until last Sunday. After being discharged from the hospital, she took the passbook to the bank to inquire and found that she had received a remittance of 5,000 yuan.

On the afternoon of the 15th, the reporter rushed to the old man's home again, and anxiously she stuffed the money into the hands of the reporter and said: "You go out to run more, this money must be transferred to the children in difficult family, help them buy more food." Because of his poor health, the old man entrusted this love donation to the reporter.

Love Passing: Admonishing children to be useful to society

Through docking with the education department of Yingdong District, the reporter and the other party agreed to donate all the love funds to 5 students, including Li Xiaoyou of Caozhuang Primary School and Raohai Primary School in Kouzi Town.

"Thank you so much to this kind grandmother!" Zhang Zhifu, principal of Raohai Primary School, said that when he learned that the reporter was going to come to send a scholarship, he found a newspaper that published the deeds of the elderly Gao Ruilan in advance, read it to the children in each class, and specifically mentioned that the elderly wanted to donate money for the children. ”

Because the elderly Gao Ruilan does not use a smart phone, before leaving, the reporter recorded a video of her. In the video, the old man especially warned the 5 children who had never met, they must study hard and grow up to serve the country.

After receiving the donation, the 5 assisted left-behind children all held their own handwritten thank-you letters, facing the reporter's mobile phone lens, saying that they would strive to overcome difficulties, live up to the expectations of Grandma Gao, and grow up to repay the love of the society with practical actions like Grandma Gao.

“...... Grandma Gao, I think you are a very remarkable person..." In the thank-you note, 10-year-old Li Xiaoxu told his story. Soon after his birth, Li Xiaoxu's parents divorced due to trivial matters. Because he could not stand the stimulation and his father was insane, Li Xiaoxu could only be taken care of by his grandparents for a long time. This spring, his grandparents died of illness one after another, and his father was hospitalized again, so Li Xiaoxu had to live with a distant relative in the same village.

"For a while I was in a very low mood and didn't want to go to school." Li Xiaoxu said that this time he learned that a kind grandmother wanted to send love money, and his tears flowed down instantly, "It turned out that the teacher did not deceive me, there are really many well-meaning people who have not met and are worried about me and care about me."