
Rural Past: Chun Ni and DaeHan (20)

author:Emotional Equation 8

Inscription: Who sighs long in the years

After a few days, Zhang Er chatted and found Li Si bad and said that he was going to buy fish fry in the suburbs of Harbin and use Li Si Bad's toad car. Li Si said yes, go on your own. Zhang Er chatted and drove Li Si's bad toad car and golden branches to buy fish fry. The journey went smoothly, and the fry were bought and sprinkled in the fish pond. After finding a few people in the tunzi to build a drainage ditch, Zhang Erliao and Jin Zhi began to raise fish in the fish pond.

Rural Past: Chun Ni and DaeHan (20)

(Zhang Er talks about repairing drainage ditches)

During that time, Zhang Erliao and Jin Zhi watched as the people who bought fish went to Li Si's bad fish pond one after another, and Li Si bad had a lot of tickets in his pocket all day. I could only look at it with my eyes, although I was envious and jealous, but I didn't have a rut.

Besides, after the divorce, DaHan still works on the pig farm. This year, the pig farm in the township is sluggish, and the boss of the pig breeding is miserable. Pork and hog prices have bottomed out due to the effects of swine fever. The boss couldn't go on, the pig farm was yellow. The pig farm is yellow, and the big man is unemployed. DaHan could only return to his parents to farm and make a living. Farming is basically used every year, and DaHan also wants to do something, but he has been suffering from no funds, and there is nothing to do.

Li Si badly raised chickens and fish, pigs could not do it, and several squads of fish ponds were contracted out. Now look at several fish farmers, in addition to the golden branch has a little accident, other fish farmers are making money. Regret that I didn't listen to Chun Ni at the beginning, and I dropped a chicken and a flying egg. Chun Ni sold the land for three years, and now it has not expired, she can only plant the family land with her parents, this little land at home, the parents can serve, they really have to find a way to do some side business, pointing to this land there is not much income.

Rural Past: Chun Ni and DaeHan (20)

(Chun Ni Fish Pond Selling Fish)

Two weeks later, Chun Ni had her birthday. Chun Ni and Li Si Bad told the brother to go to the house for several nights to drink, and the fish pond did not need to be watched. The fish pond on a big night is basically not visited. Chun Ni was busy and began to stir-fry, and the brothers were chatting in the house. Chun Ni fried a table of dishes, and the wine was also brought up, and the brothers drank five or six. As soon as the brothers came to drink together, they were excited, endlessly persuaded to drink, and fought liquor lawsuits. One by one, drunk, little blushing. The brothers are happy, since investing in fish farming together, the benefits are very good. The brothers calculated an account, the autumn fish sold out, the brothers can get a part of the dividend, and finally did not be busy in vain.

The brothers were drinking heavily, and estimated that it was around eleven o'clock in the evening. Suddenly, Jin Zhi pushed the door in, soaking wet, like a chicken in soup.

"Four bad, not good, Zhang Er chat drowned, in your family fish pond, go fishing for people!" Jin Zhi cried after saying it. The brothers were all blindfolded, and they thought to themselves, zhang Er talked about what he was doing in our fish pond. The brothers didn't think much of it, put down the dishes and chopsticks and ran to the fish pond with Chun Ni with a flashlight. When I arrived at the fish pond, I saw that I understood everything: I saw that a pullnet was still thrown on the shore, and the pulling net was not Li Si's bad, it was Zhang Erlan's. This is the two of them taking advantage of Chun Ni's birthday to steal fish. Because he did not know where the depth of the fish pond was, he accidentally drowned and drowned.

Rural Past: Chun Ni and DaeHan (20)

(Lee Si Bad Birthday)

Don't think too much, the brothers asked where the golden branch was not? Jin Zhi pointed to that position with a weeping voice. Brothers are good at water, strip naked and go down to fish for people. Chun Ni also threw the rubber boat into the fish pond. After a while, the brothers pulled Zhang Er chatter up. Zhang Er chatted with a miserable face, his stomach was like a leather ball, and he had no vital signs. Jin Zhi leaned over Zhang Erliao and cried loudly.

The roof leaked during the overnight rain. Jin Zhi Zhang Er talked about the fish pond just after the fry was sprinkled for two weeks and then there was such a big thing. Li Sichun Ni and his brothers looked at Jin Zhi and were quite pitiful, never talking about stealing fish, and when they went to the tunzi, they all said: "Zhang Er talked, accidentally fell into his own fish pond and drowned." And help Jin Zhi deal with the aftermath, so that Zhang Er chat into the ground for safety. Jin Zhi became a lonely person in this way, and she couldn't stand up in the fish pond herself, crying and crying all day.

Rural Past: Chun Ni and DaeHan (20)

(Ready to salvage Zhang Er chat)

Li Si bad found a few brothers to discuss what to do?

"Four bad brothers, or let's take the fish pond!" Zhang Erdeng said.

"I see, Jinzhi can't raise fish by himself!" Zheng Sanpao's second egg catered to Zhang Erlan.

Chun Ni said, "After we take over, let Jin Zhi also take a stake, and we should take care of her!" Li Si thought for a moment and said.

"I don't think this works, dahan farming at home is not a long-term solution, let's let Jinzhi marry Dahan, and the fish pond will be managed by the two of them!" Chun Ni

"The point is whether Jin Zhi can agree to marry DaeHan?" The second egg said.

"I think yes, a woman can live, and then a big man is honest, reliable, can work, the golden branch is a mouth is easy to say, and the long one also has a bit of posture!" Li Si said confidently.

"Zhang Erdeng, you are the only one under this month!" Your mouth is so good that it seems to be thin, and this is useful, Gaga! Chun Ni smirked at Zhang Erlan and said.

"I don't like the golden branch, but the beauty of adulthood, I do it!"

"Haha, ha..." Everyone laughed and leaned forward and backward.

After more than ten days, Zhang Erlan told Li Si bad brothers that he listened to the letter at home at night, and Chun Ni fried the dishes at my house and went back. Then, I informed Dae-hyun to come to my house for a drink in advance, and Chun Ni informed Jin Zhi to come to my house for a drink and accompany her. Then I matched them, and if it did, I told you all to come to my house for a drink and celebrate. Zhang Erlan's head was bright, and everything was running in the plan. Sure enough, Da Yan, Jin Zhi, Chun Ni went to Zhang ErLan's house with a glass of wine under the belly, Zhang Er Lantern mouth like a hanging river, first exaggerated, and then put a top hat on Jin Zhi, Da Yi and Jin Zhi were very happy. Then Zhang Erlan's words turned sharply, and he bound the two people together, and the two people had no opinion. Zhang Erlan went out to find Li Si bad, Zheng Sanpao, and the second egg came to the house to celebrate. The excitement of drinking was unusual, and I drank it until more than twelve o'clock in the evening, and everyone was very happy. (To be continued)

(The picture comes from the network and the story has nothing to do with infringement and deletion)

Rural Past: Chun Ni and DaeHan (20)

(Celebrating the marriage of the golden branches of the Great Han)