
Today, we will commemorate the "Chinese nuclear commander" Cheng Kaijia

author:China Youth Network

3 years ago today

Winner of the "Two Bombs and One Star" Meritorious Service Medal

Winner of the highest national science and technology award

Academician Cheng Kaijia passed away

He remained anonymous for more than 20 years

A lifetime of casting nuclear shields for the country

Known as "China's Nuclear Commander"

Today, let's remember together

"Chinese Nuclear Commander" Cheng Kaijia

Young and ambitious

Use the scientist who pursues the truth as a role model for life

Cheng Kaijia was born in August 1918 in Wujiang, Jiangsu Province. When I was in middle school, I extensively read the biographies of world-famous scientists such as Galileo, Newton, Einstein, and Zhan Tianyou, germinated the idea of becoming a scientist, and took the scientist who pursued the truth as a life model.

In 1937, Cheng Kaijia studied at Zhejiang University, which was praised by the famous British scholar Joseph Needham as the "Cambridge of the East". After graduating in 1941, he stayed in the Department of Physics of Zhejiang University as a teaching assistant, and engaged in the research of relativity and elementary particles, and completed a number of important research.

Today, we will commemorate the "Chinese nuclear commander" Cheng Kaijia

Teenager Cheng Kaijia

Science serves the country

Thank you to your mentor and friends for their kindness in returning home

In August 1946, Cheng Kaijia went to the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom to study with the idea of "science to save the country" and studied under professor Born, a master of physics. During this period, Cheng Kaijia was mainly engaged in the research of superconducting dual-band theory.

In the autumn of 1948, Cheng Kaijia received a doctorate in philosophy and became a researcher at the Royal Institute of Chemical Industry.

When he saw that the People's Liberation Army dared to fire at the British warship "Purple Quartz", he felt that China had hope. Cheng Kaijia thanked his mentor and friends for their kindness, packed up, and returned to the motherland in August 1950.

Today, we will commemorate the "Chinese nuclear commander" Cheng Kaijia

Cheng Kaijia

China's nuclear weapons research and nuclear testing undertakings

He has been incognito for more than 20 years

In 1960, a paper order transferred Cheng Kaijia to Beijing to join China's nuclear weapons research team. Since then, he has disappeared from the academic community for more than 20 years.

Cheng Kaijia was appointed to lead the drafting of the overall technical plan for China's first nuclear test. In order to successfully complete China's first nuclear explosion mission, he and his team decomposed the problems that needed to be solved in nuclear tests into hundreds of topics, traveled to various scientific research institutes and many units of various services and arms across the country, and held hundreds of collaborative meetings. In less than two years, the whole country has worked together to quickly develop thousands of experimental equipment and instruments such as testing, sampling, and control.

Today, we will commemorate the "Chinese nuclear commander" Cheng Kaijia

Nuclear explosion test site (third from the left is Cheng Kaijia)

From the first time he stepped into Lop Nur in 1963 to 1985, Cheng Kaijia worked and lived in a nuclear test base and remained anonymous in the western Great Gobi Desert for more than 20 years.

Cheng Kaijia showed the calm and calm spirit of dedication to science in his perseverance. He devoted all his efforts and talents to China's nuclear weapons research and nuclear testing.

I have won numerous awards in my lifetime

He said, "I just represent, the credit is for everyone."

In 1984, considering that Cheng Kaijia was old, the organization transferred him to Beijing and served as a permanent member and adviser of the Science and Technology Commission of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (General Armament Department) and an adviser to the National Superconductivity Expert Committee.

Cheng Kaijia is a deputy to the 3rd, 4th and 5th National People's Congress, a member of the 6th and 7th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has won numerous awards in his life, but Cheng Kaijia has his own interpretation of these lofty honors: "I am only representing, and the credit is everyone's." ”

On his 100th birthday, looking back at his own life, Cheng Kaijia said: "The greatest happiness in my life is that everything I do is closely linked to the motherland. ”

Today, we will commemorate the "Chinese nuclear commander" Cheng Kaijia

Stand up the spine of the Chinese

Elder Cheng, we will always remember you!

Source: People's Daily