
From the advanced stage of cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, how did Kai-Fu Lee succeed in fighting cancer? 5 points are important

author:Doctor good words

"Doctors, they all say that the mortality rate of advanced cancer is very high, but why did Kaifu Lee succeed in fighting cancer?"

When I went to the round today, a patient said that when she browsed the web, she saw a medical science popularizer mentioning that Kai-Fu Lee had been diagnosed with advanced cancer, but later successfully fought cancer. This patient was particularly surprised by the success of Kai-Fu Lee, who was diagnosed with advanced cancer, so he asked me the question at the beginning of the article.

From the advanced stage of cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, how did Kai-Fu Lee succeed in fighting cancer? 5 points are important


Billionaire JuneYao Group chairman Wang Junyao died of bowel cancer, and Zuo Hui, the founder of the chain family, died of lung cancer worth hundreds of billions... Although they are all rich, they have not escaped the clutches of cancer! Compared with them, Kai-Fu Lee is lucky, although he was diagnosed with advanced cancer, but he successfully fought cancer. So how did Kai-Fu Lee succeed in fighting cancer? Today, the doctor kindly talked to you about this problem.

From the advanced stage of cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, how did Kai-Fu Lee succeed in fighting cancer? 5 points are important

In 2013, during a physical examination in Taiwan, Kai-Fu Lee was diagnosed with a cancer called lymphoma, which was classified as stage IV (advanced). Don't think that what tumor is necessarily benign, lymphoma is such an exception, it belongs to malignant tumors.

From the advanced stage of cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, how did Kai-Fu Lee succeed in fighting cancer? 5 points are important

With the increase of medical science in recent years, it is estimated that everyone has more or less a certain understanding and understanding of lymphoma. Lymphoma, as the name suggests, refers to the malignant tumor that occurs in the lymphatic system, and there are many celebrities who get this disease, in addition to Kai-Fu Lee, Fok Ying-tung, Luo Jing and other well-known people have also been diagnosed with lymphoma.

The incidence of lymphoma is about 5 in 100,000, although it can occur at any age, but it is mainly more likely to occur in middle-aged and elderly people aged 30 to 50 years.

Having said all this, you may still not know what exactly lymph is, don't worry, listen to my slow explanation. There is a lymphatic system in our human body, which is composed of lymphoid tissue, lymphatic fluid, and lymphatic ducts. In a way, the lymphatic system is somewhat similar to the blood system, except that the blood system circulates blood, and the lymphatic system circulates lymph fluid. The lymphatic system is actually part of our immune system, which helps us fight off the invasion of pathogenic bacteria.

From the advanced stage of cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, how did Kai-Fu Lee succeed in fighting cancer? 5 points are important


Normally, lymphocytes are "good people". But when a person gets lymphoma, the lymphocytes become cancer cells. That is to say, lymphocytes have changed from "their own people" to "enemies", and these cancerous lymphocytes can travel with the lymphatic system to the whole body and then destroy the structure of the human body.

There are many types of lymphoma, and according to current research, more than 200 types of lymphoma have been separated. The difference in the degree of malignancy of different types of lymphoma is relatively large, according to the degree of malignancy can be divided into inert, invasive and highly aggressive, indolent lymphoma is relatively not so "bad", it is somewhat similar to chronic diseases, the progress is relatively slow, and highly invasive lymphoma belongs to the fierce role, its progress is relatively fast, the prognosis is not good.

Many people may think that lymphoma belongs to stage 4 and has undergone systemic metastasis, so there is no value for treatment, in fact, this is not the case. For any patient with advanced cancer, there is therapeutic value, although it may not be cured, but it can alleviate the pain of the patient and prolong his life.

The reason why Kai-Fu Lee has been successful in fighting cancer is mainly because of 5 points, which are summarized as follows:

From the advanced stage of cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, how did Kai-Fu Lee succeed in fighting cancer? 5 points are important

Targeted therapy

❶ Adhere to standardized treatment: Many people have a skeptical attitude towards Western medicine after being diagnosed with cancer, thinking of using folk remedies to treat tumors, but they do not know that this has entered a misunderstanding. There are no shortcuts to treating cancer, and it is important to receive standardized treatment.

Lymphoma is a tumor with a relatively high degree of malignancy, and in the past most patients would die within a year, but after more than half a century of efforts, humans have made great progress in the treatment of lymphoma, such as targeted treatment of lymphoma. After Kai-Fu Lee was diagnosed with lymphoma, he followed the doctor's advice and insisted on receiving standardized treatment, which laid the foundation for his success in fighting cancer.

From the advanced stage of cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, how did Kai-Fu Lee succeed in fighting cancer? 5 points are important

❷Sleep well: When Kai-Fu Lee mentioned his anti-cancer experience, he specifically mentioned the importance of sleeping. When he was young, he had very little time to sleep every day because of work and study.

After he was diagnosed with lymphoma, Kai-Fu Lee realized the importance of sleep, he would go to bed around 10 o'clock every day, not more than 11 o'clock at the latest, and ensure 7 hours of sleep every day.

In fact, Kai-Fu Lee's actions are indeed based on scientific evidence. Good sleep helps to boost immunity, and stronger immunity is more conducive to fighting cancer.

❸ Healthy Eating: After Being diagnosed with lymphoma, Kai-Fu Lee changed his previous bad eating habits and consulted professionals to develop a scientific diet plan.

For cancer patients, because cancer cells proliferate relatively quickly, they will rob the human body of nutrients, so that people will be relatively undernourished. Therefore, for cancer patients, a healthy diet is more important.

From the advanced stage of cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, how did Kai-Fu Lee succeed in fighting cancer? 5 points are important

Cancer patients can appropriately increase the intake of high-quality protein, such as eggs, beef, shrimp, etc., and appropriately increase the intake of vegetables and fruits. Staple foods can choose japonica rice, grains, etc., and each meal should be controlled at 8 points full. When cooking, try to take some light cooking methods, such as boiling, steaming, stewing, etc.

From the advanced stage of cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, how did Kai-Fu Lee succeed in fighting cancer? 5 points are important

❹ Insist on exercise: After being diagnosed with lymphoma, Kai-Fu Lee consulted a professional and learned the importance of exercise in the treatment of cancer, so he insisted on exercising. Before being diagnosed with lymphoma, Kai-Fu Lee's exercise was relatively small. After being diagnosed with lymphoma, he usually traveled as much as possible on foot and rarely drove.

Consistent exercise can enhance physical fitness, improve cardiopulmonary function, relieve stress, these benefits are great benefits against cancer.

❺ Face cancer with optimism: Many people become depressed, anxious, and even self-abandoned after being diagnosed with cancer. #健康科普大赛 #

Although Kai-Fu Lee knew that he was like this after suffering from cancer, he quickly accepted the reality, quickly adjusted his mentality, kept himself optimistic, and actively sought the guidance of professionals.

An optimistic mindset is not only good for improving immunity, but also allows patients to face cancer with a more positive attitude, so as to face the tumor and receive a formal treatment plan.


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