
Director Zhang Li of Wuhan Ren'an Hospital does not seek Wenda, but only seeks to benefit people and help more patients

author:Wuhan Ren'an Thyroid Family

After the "cold" symptoms, people did not get better after taking the drug for several weeks, but the condition became more serious, and the neck was accompanied by pain. Dr. Zhang Li reminds everyone that if this happens, we should be careful. Subacute thyroiditis may be at work.

Director Zhang Li of Wuhan Ren'an Hospital does not seek Wenda, but only seeks to benefit people and help more patients

Subacute thyroiditis is a thyroid inflammatory disease caused by viral infections, drugs, physical and chemical factors, etc. Since the early symptoms of onychomycosis tend to resemble the common cold, it is easy to misdiagnose it as a cold. First of all, methylene patients usually have symptoms such as fever, sore throat, general weakness and muscle pain, and then gradually feel neck pain, and some patients also have symptoms such as panic, heat intolerance, and weight loss.

Dr. Zhang Li said that for the diagnosis of methylene inflammation, in addition to the patient's condition, such as a history of upper respiratory tract infection, neck pain, fever, hyperthyroidism and other symptoms, highly suspected methylene inflammation, you can also accurately judge through three tests:

Director Zhang Li of Wuhan Ren'an Hospital does not seek Wenda, but only seeks to benefit people and help more patients

First, how to check inflammation

1. Thyroid function measurement, thyroid function in patients with subacute thyroiditis is often manifested as mild hyperthyroidism, but unlike other hyperthyroid patients, these patients are generally negative for thyroid antibodies;

2. Thyroid ultrasound diagnosis, the thyroid gland has typical methylene inflammation under ultrasound, showing a flaky low echo area;

3. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate and early course increase are obviously rapid, the ESR rapidly and strongly support the disease, and the ESR rapidity of the recurrent cases is significantly lower than that of the first case. At the same time, these people are also very special in the physical examination, and thyroiditis patients feel a very hard texture and sometimes have tenderness.

Second, if left untreated, it can lead to hypothyroidism

Dr. Zhang Li said that if thyroiditis is not treated in time, thyroiditis will develop, and thyroid infection will spread from one side to the other; in addition, some patients are more damaged after infection with the virus, and thyroid function cannot be restored for a long time after the thyroid function is destroyed.

Methylene is a self-limiting disease that only needs to take timely treatment measures, relying on the body to control the development of the disease and gradually recover. However, any treatment is not as good as preventing in advance, developing good living habits, not staying up late, exercising more, eating reasonably, paying attention to balanced intake of nutrients, in addition to maintaining a good mental state and maintaining a good mood, these are the best ways to prevent diseases.

Director Zhang Li of Wuhan Ren'an Hospital does not seek Wenda, but only seeks to benefit people and help more patients

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