
In the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, hundreds of thousands of troops prepared to liberate Taiwan by force, and many fighters wrote suicide notes

author:History of the inn

In the historical record, there was a considerable military exercise in the Taiwan Strait in 1996. The exercise not only involved a small number of warships on our side, but also used anti-ship missiles, and even caused the United States to intervene and deploy two aircraft carrier battle groups.

This Taiwan Strait crisis looks like a military exercise, but in fact it is a war of liberation that has not been successfully launched. At that time, our side had clearly gathered heavy troops and made preparations for wartime. Even many soldiers wrote suicide notes and were ready to die for their country. As soon as the battle breaks out, the ideal of realizing the great reunification of the motherland can be realized immediately! But it all ended with a military exercise, and the pause button was pressed.

In the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, hundreds of thousands of troops prepared to liberate Taiwan by force, and many fighters wrote suicide notes

Picture 丨 Warship

What was the situation with the Taiwan Strait crisis at that time? Why didn't this war of liberation of Taiwan be successfully waged? How did the United States get involved? What is the point of his existence? Here, I will lead you to review history and investigate the things behind the Taiwan Strait crisis in that year.

Tense cross-strait relations

Taiwan Province is an indispensable part of our territory! Since the defeat of the Kuomintang reactionaries and Chiang Kai-shek's flight to Taiwan, confrontations between the two sides of the taiwan strait have occurred frequently. However, with the withdrawal of the two Chiang Kai-shek and the new leaders on the stage of history, cross-strait relations have gradually changed.

On July 18, 1995, China's Xinhua News Agency announced that it intends to conduct military training in the high seas of the East China Sea. Three days later, two "Dongfeng Express" were received in the northern waters of Taiwan Province' rich feet. Two DF-15 missiles reached their destination smoothly and brought "some" waves and "slight" tremors to Taiwan.

In the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, hundreds of thousands of troops prepared to liberate Taiwan by force, and many fighters wrote suicide notes

Figure丨 Dongfeng-15

However, this was only the beginning, in the following days, we sent 4 more "Dongfeng Express", and similarly, each one fell exactly in the designated position.

After the delivery of the "Dongfeng Express", China's Ministry of Communications once again announced the next military exercise in August. This time, we can be said to be quite serious. The Nanjing Military Region dispatched a total of 59 ships and 192 aircraft. The Navy and the Air Force, a blockade play, will send the "express" is very atmospheric, there are more than twenty pieces.

Since it is said that it is a military exercise, it must be trained in place. It is so good that such a big battle cannot be abandoned halfway. Therefore, in October, our army conducted a joint combat exercise between the navy, the army and the air force. In November, our People's Liberation Army conducted another amphibious landing exercise on Dongshan Island.

In the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, hundreds of thousands of troops prepared to liberate Taiwan by force, and many fighters wrote suicide notes

Figure丨 Military exercises

These "packages" sent from the motherland one by one are all in response to the content of Lee Teng-hui's public speech on "Taiwan independence" in the United States. Not only is there a confrontation in terms of force, but on the Lee Teng-hui incident, our side has also published articles one after another to analyze his behavior and expose the truth of his vain attempt to split the motherland and prevent national reunification.

But the United States could not sit still first, and just after the end of our military exercise, the United States arranged for an aircraft carrier battle group to lean over. The aircraft carrier battle group is dominated by the aircraft carrier NIMitz, which is mainly owned by the United States in the world, and the aircraft carrier battle group is the core force of the American ocean-going battle group.

The United States not only sent an aircraft carrier battle group, but also made the aircraft carrier battle group pass through the Taiwan Strait, which is also the first time that china and the United States have passed through this water area after the establishment of friendly diplomatic relations between China and the United States. You know, foreign ships entering the waters belonging to our country are required to apply for reporting in advance, not to mention that this is still an aircraft carrier battle group!

In the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, hundreds of thousands of troops prepared to liberate Taiwan by force, and many fighters wrote suicide notes

Pictured: U.S. warships

Although the United States claimed that it was because of bad weather and "accidentally" broke in, Sima Zhao's heart was well known. This kind of foreign invasion by the United States simply does not look at our sovereignty and territorial integrity in the eyes, and its behavior is very bad!

The Taiwan Strait crisis turns into military exercises

In the face of any attempt to affect the territorial and sovereign integrity of our country, our country will resolutely retaliate with an attitude of cracking down! Therefore, this time, the practices of Taiwan and the United States have provoked an incident, and our side can never sit idly by.

The soldiers who participated in this military exercise in those years also recalled that our side was ready for battle during the Taiwan Strait crisis at that time. Some ships also prepared machines that could produce a large amount of smoke, which was used to cover other troops and escort board ships at the first time of the war. There are also many soldiers who directly begin to write suicide notes, which indicates that no matter what, once the battle begins, they will never consider the loss.

All this all hinted at our determination to fight and liberate Taiwan Province at that time. But what caused this war with arrows to turn into a military exercise? There are actually many reasons for this.

In the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, hundreds of thousands of troops prepared to liberate Taiwan by force, and many fighters wrote suicide notes

Figure 丨 Fleet

The most intuitive reason is the intervention of the United States. The United States began conducting military exercises off Taiwan in late July 1995 and continued until March of the following year. This arrogant behavior is very infuriating, and the US side even claims to deal with tensions at any time.

The Taiwan Strait crisis lasted until March 1996, when Lee Teng-hui was still planning to participate in the "election" of the Taiwan authorities. It should be known that Lee Teng-hui is a person who directly declares his status as "Taiwan independence," and his attempt to sever China's territorial integrity and undermine the friendship of the people on both sides of the strait is well known. Once such a person participates in the "election," he will once again spread the idea of "Taiwan independence." If Lee Teng-hui succeeds in taking office, then Taiwan's cross-strait relations will fall into an extreme freezing point.

In the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, hundreds of thousands of troops prepared to liberate Taiwan by force, and many fighters wrote suicide notes

Figure丨 Air defense missile launch

In order to deter Taiwan's "Taiwan independence" forces, our side once again conducted missile launches and military exercises. Since March 8 of that year, we have sent four DF-15 missiles. Three of the missiles landed unmistakably at the designated destination, which is located in the southwestern waters of the port of Kaohsiung. This is also the first time that our missile has crossed the Taiwan Strait and pointed directly at Taiwan. Subsequently, we conducted a joint land, sea and air operation exercise to cross Hayden Island, which is less than 10 nautical miles from the area administered by Taiwan.

In this exercise, not only were all the soldiers ready, but many even wrote suicide notes to leave a message for their families. Everyone at the time knew that this battle was very likely to start.

In the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, hundreds of thousands of troops prepared to liberate Taiwan by force, and many fighters wrote suicide notes

Once a fight breaks out, taiwan must be taken down, because this is not only the dream of every soldier, but also the dream of all the Chinese people. Liberating all of China and realizing the great reunification of the motherland has become the long-cherished wish of every Chinese. Therefore, in the face of the crisis in the Taiwan Strait, every soldier holds the mentality of death and is ready to sacrifice his life for the country at any time.

It is not only our pre-war tensions, but also the Taiwan side is in a rather chaotic situation. Ordinary people rushed to buy and hoard grain; rushed to the banks to demand that deposits be exchanged for cash into US dollars; and even the airport was full of people, ready to flee Taiwan at any time. The turbulent situation has not been able to calm the mood of the residents of Taiwan Province, the financial system has collapsed, and investors from all walks of life have fled this troubled place.

Our second military exercise directly broke the taiwan authorities' defense line and made the Taiwan side panic for the rest of its lives. But under such circumstances of suppressing momentum and invigorating the military's morale, how did our side change its tactics and become a military exercise in the true sense?

In the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, hundreds of thousands of troops prepared to liberate Taiwan by force, and many fighters wrote suicide notes

Because at that time, there was a big traitor within our side- Liu Liankun.

Liu Liankun, born in 1933, was once the Minister of Ordnance of the General Rear Of the People's Liberation Army of China, with the rank of major general. According to the investigation, this major general is not only a major general of our party, but also a major general of the Kuomintang. In 1992, Liu Liankun became a Taiwanese spy and held the status of a major general on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. After he became a spy, he repeatedly sent information to the Taiwan side and leaked our military secret information. One of the most serious cases of leaking secrets is the Taiwan Strait crisis we are talking about today.

In the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, hundreds of thousands of troops prepared to liberate Taiwan by force, and many fighters wrote suicide notes

Figure 丨 Liu Liankun

As the director of the Ordnance Department of the General Logistics Department of the People's Liberation Army, Liu Liankun, as a senior member of the People's Liberation Army, can understand the combat content in great detail. Therefore, he leaked our military distribution and military deployment to the Taiwan authorities, which is equivalent to directly turning the tide of the war. This kind of unexpected, sudden leak of military secrets is simply a card played in which thousands of people are forced to show their cards.

How can this be played? If you play cards and lose, you lose. To fight a war and lose is to lose countless lives, a large amount of materials, and even the territorial sovereignty of our country.

Before there was the constant threat of intervention by the United States, and then there were traitors who betrayed military intelligence. Under such circumstances, our side could only think in the cracks, and finally decided to use the military exercise as a stop to put an end to this crisis in the Taiwan Strait.

In the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, hundreds of thousands of troops prepared to liberate Taiwan by force, and many fighters wrote suicide notes

Figure丨 Military exercise

The comparison of the military strength of the two sides of the strait

So if this war breaks out, will our side have a chance to liberate Taiwan Province? Let's first look at the military strength of both sides.

Let's look at it first from the Air Force. Although the Taiwanese side has the U.S.-made F-16 and the French Mirage 2000 and the self-produced IDF fighters, the former two are still in production and have not arrived. That is to say, Taiwan can only use its own IDF fighter, and the performance of this fighter is still relatively poor, and the combat effectiveness is not strong.

In the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, hundreds of thousands of troops prepared to liberate Taiwan by force, and many fighters wrote suicide notes

Pictured 丨 Taiwan IDF fighter

We had 24 Su-27s at the time, which were small but excellent in performance. At that time, the Su-27 could be said to be a sharp weapon in air combat, and it was also the only fighter on both sides of the Taiwan Strait at that time with the ability to fight beyond the visual range.

If the battle unfolds in the sky, then we are definitely the one who occupies the home position.

In the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, hundreds of thousands of troops prepared to liberate Taiwan by force, and many fighters wrote suicide notes

Figure 丨 Su-27

Look at it from the naval side. Due to our late start and the need for advanced technology and a large amount of capital investment to develop the navy, the development of our navy is very slow. Although we have a large number of warships, the scope of operation is narrow, and the number of them is not dominant here. At the technical level, our side does not even have a slightly more sound theater air defense capability, which has become a major shortcoming in maritime operations.

And most of our warships are equipped with relatively backward "SeaHawk" series of anti-ship missiles, not only equipped with few warships, but also the missiles are backward performance of the Hongqi-61. From this point of view, the development of our navy is indeed a long way behind.

On the Taiwan side, although there are no outstanding characteristics, with the help of the United States, its military strength is not only taiwan, a small province, but the US army that supports it behind its back.

In the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, hundreds of thousands of troops prepared to liberate Taiwan by force, and many fighters wrote suicide notes

Picture 丨 Land cannon on board

In addition to the two main battlefields of sea and air, the support of surface warships is also very important. But the only reliable fire support system that our troops could provide to the front-line landing forces at that time was the land artillery. What does this mean? The first thing that needs to be made clear is that the attack of land artillery needs a smooth environment. And how can the sea be smooth? A little wave is not enough, let alone a warship fighting on the front line. Without a stable environment, the accuracy of the land artillery attack is greatly reduced, which in turn affects the combat effectiveness, which is actually a rather terrible thing on the front line.

Although in all respects, Taiwan has a certain advantage in terms of military strength. But our People's Liberation Army is not an ordinary unit. He is a unit that can break the norm and push the limits.

Both in the past and in the future. Our Chinese People's Liberation Army are brave, fearless, and not afraid of hardships and obstacles. Even if the strength is insufficient, as long as you dare to think and dare to do it, you can succeed, and our People's Liberation Army has become such a successful person more than once. It is imperative to liberate Taiwan.

In the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, hundreds of thousands of troops prepared to liberate Taiwan by force, and many fighters wrote suicide notes

Picture 丨 Chinese aircraft carrier - "Varyag"

However, there are too many factors to consider in war, and the uncertainty of the United States alone must be carefully considered by our side. If it were not for the incessant interference of the United States, our country would have achieved reunification and liberated Taiwan Province long ago. It is precisely because of the obstruction of the United States that the liberation of Taiwan is still an ongoing matter.

If we hold the idea of liberating Taiwan, we will desperately strive for it. Then the United States will certainly impose obstruction and use all its force. At that time, we may lose more.

In the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, hundreds of thousands of troops prepared to liberate Taiwan by force, and many fighters wrote suicide notes

Although the current Taiwan Strait crisis ended in the form of a military exercise, our side also profoundly realized the shortcomings of its own technology and the gap in strength during this exercise. This further motivates our belief in developing hard and improving our own strength.

Only when you are really strong can you face problems and solve problems more fearlessly. At present, our country is no longer the country that was backward in all aspects, and the reunification of the great motherland is bound to be a matter of time soon!

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