
Chu Ji Hedong - Li Cunxun broke through the internal and external crisis

author:Listen to the wind fishing

In 908, Li Ke, the King of Jin, had poisonous sores on his head and was seriously ill. At this time, the old rival Zhu Wen was attacking Luzhou, and Hedong was in turmoil and internal and external troubles, so Li Ke decided to leave him alone: Zhou Dewei and others retreated to Chaoliu. Li Ke, the King of Jin, ordered his younger brother Li Kening to be made an envoy of the Inner and Outer Han Dynasties and the Zhenwu Jiedushi, Zhang Chengye, the generals Li Cunzhang and Wu Jue, and the secretary of the jin dynasty, Lu Qian, and others to support his son Li Cunxun of Jinzhou as his heir, saying: "This son has lofty ambitions and will be able to accomplish my cause, so you should teach him well!" ”

The King of Jin said to Li Cunxun, "Li Sizhao is under siege, and I am too late to see him." When the funeral is over, you and Zhou Dewei and others immediately try to save him! Then he said to Li Kening and the others, "Yazi is tired of your care!" "Yazi is Li Cunxun's nickname. (Handed li Cunxun three arrows and said, "One arrow to liu Rengong, Ru did not go down to Youzhou first, and Henan did not have to be tuye.") One shot attacked the Khitan and said that Abaoji and I would ally with each other, become brothers, vow to restore the Tang family, and now betray the covenant to attach liang, and Ru will cut it down. Destroy Zhu Wen with one arrow. Ru can become a good will, and there is no hatred in death! 'Li Cunxun hid the three arrows in the temple court of Emperor Wu). When he was done, he died.

Li Cunxun's strategy in the face of chaos is: to retreat internally as an advance; to attack strongly externally, and to establish a strong victory in a battle!

Li Kening's long-term premiership and military power were likely to be established by brothers and brothers, and at that time, the siege of shangdang was not lifted, and the military believed that Li Cunxun was only twenty-four years old, and there were many private discussions. Li Cunxun was frightened and ceded the throne to Li Kening. Li Kening said, "You are the eldest son of a concubine, and you have the will of the previous king, who dares to disobey!" The general wanted to see Li Cunxun, but Li Cunxun was weeping with grief and did not come out. Zhang Chengye went inside and said to Li Cunxun: "Great filial piety lies in not losing the foundation, what to do with crying!" So he helped Li Cunxun out and succeeded him as the envoy of Hedong Jiedu and the King of Jin. Li Kening first led the generals to pay homage, and Li Cunxun, the king of Jin, entrusted all the affairs of the military government to Li Kening.

At the beginning, Li Ke, the king of Jin, adopted many military heroes as adopted sons, and the pampering treatment was like parents. When Li Cunxun, the king of Jin, succeeded to the throne, all the adopted sons were older and held military power, and they were depressed and dissatisfied, or they could not get sick, or they did not bow to the new king. With Li Kening's position of power, the majority of the generals leaned toward him. His adopted son, Li Cunhao, secretly persuaded Li Kening: "When my brother died, my younger brother succeeded to the throne, and there has been such a thing since ancient times." Bow to your nephew as an uncle, and be at ease with your heart! Heaven and no, regret is too late! Li Kening said: "My family has been famous for its father's kindness and filial piety for generations, and if the foundation of the previous king belongs, what do I want!" If you talk nonsense again, I'll kill you!" "Li Kening's wife, Meng Shi, has always been strong and arrogant, and the adopted sons each sent their wives to the inner chamber to persuade Meng Shi, who believed that it was reasonable, and feared that these words would be leaked out and suffered from disasters, and repeatedly persecuted Li Kening. Li Kening was cowardly in temperament, and sooner or later he was seduced by the words of the people, and could not be moved; he also lost peace with Zhang Chengye and Li Cunzhang, and repeatedly rebuked them; for some reason, he killed Li Cunqian, the Marquis of Duyu, without authorization; and also asked to concurrently serve as the envoy of Datong Jiedushi, with Wei Prefecture, Shuo Prefecture, and Ying Prefecture as his subordinates. Li Cunxun, the King of Jin, obeyed him.

Li Cunhao and others plotted for Li Kening, taking advantage of the Fact that the King of Jin visited Li Kening's home, killed Zhang Chengye and Li Cunzhang, supported Li Kening as an envoy to Jiedu, led the nine prefectures belonging to Hedong to attach to Hou Liang, arrested Li Cunxun the King of Jin, and his wife Cao Shi and sent them to Daliang. Shi Jingyong, a Taiyuan man, served Li Keyong, the King of Jin, when he was young, lived under the account, and was trusted, Li Kening wanted to know the secret affairs in the palace, summoned Shi Jingrong, and secretly told him the plan. Shi Jingrong pretended to agree to him, entered the palace to report that His Wife and Lady Tai were alarmed, summoned Zhang Chengye, pointed to Li Cunxun, the King of Jin, and said to him: "The former king handed over the arm of this child to you, etc., if you hear about the plot outside and want to turn your back on him, you will only ask for a place to place my mother and son, do not send them to Da Liang, and the rest will not bother you." Zhang Chengye said with trepidation: "The old slave died to serve the will of the previous king, what is this?" Li Cunxun, the King of Jin, told Zhang Chengye of Li Kening's plot and said, "Close relatives cannot kill each other, and if I give way, disaster will not happen." Zhang Chengye said: "Li Kening wants to throw the great king's mother and son into the tiger's mouth, and there is no reason why he will be safe not to get rid of him!" So he summoned Li Cunzhang, Wu Jue, his adopted son Li Cunjing, and The Changzhi Army envoy Zhu Shouyin, and asked them to secretly defend the equipment. At the palace, the generals were invited to a banquet, and the ambushed soldiers arrested Li Kening and Li Cunhao from their seats. Li Cunxun, the King of Jin, said with tears in his eyes, "I used to give up the Jiedu Envoy Mansion to my uncle, but my uncle did not accept it. Now that the matter has been decided, how can there be such a plot to give my mother and son to the enemy! Li Kening said: "These are all slanderers who say bad things to stir up dissension, and what can they say!" On the same day, Li Kening and Li Cunhao were killed, and the internal worries were temporarily lifted.

Externally, Zhang Chengye and the judge Wang Xuan were sent to Fengxiang to request Li Maozhen's military assistance, and emissaries were sent to bribe the Khitan king Abaoji to request a loan to the cavalry (so bu doubted the front, in fact, Fengxiang and Khitan did not send troops). Li Cunxun, the King of Jin, appointed the former Zhaoyi Jiedu envoy Ding Hui as an envoy to the capital. Led Zhou Dewei and others to set off from Jinyang.

Li Cunxun, the King of Jin, was stationed at Huangnian, forty-five miles from Shangdang. The King of Jin ambushed the army under the Three Weeping Hills, and in the early morning fog, the army entered the village directly. The Later Liang army did not set up a guard post, did not expect the arrival of the Jin soldiers, the generals had not yet gotten up, and the army was panicked. Li Cunxun, the king of Jin, ordered Zhou Dewei and Li Siyuan to divide their troops into two roads, with Zhou Dewei attacking the northwest corner and Li Siyuan attacking the northeast corner, filling in ditches and burning villages, beating drums and shouting. After the Liang army was defeated, he fled south, beckoning Fu Daozhao's horse to fall down and was killed by the Jin soldiers; tens of thousands of soldiers who escaped and died, discarded materials, grain, grass, and equipment were piled up. At this point, the external troubles are lifted.

Hou KangHuaizhen, the capital of Later Liang's Lu prefecture, led more than a hundred cavalrymen to flee back to Daliang from Tingguan. When Later Liang Taizu heard that Luzhou Jiazhai was not defended, he was shocked, and after a while he sighed and said, "When you have a son like Li Yazi, you should not die!" To my son, guinea pig ears! "The edict ordered the local pacifying and summoning the fleeing soldiers.

Li Cunxun, the King of Jin, returned to Jinyang, rested his army, rewarded him, and appointed Zhou Dewei as an envoy to Zhenwu Jiedushi and Tongping Zhangshi. The prefecture and county are ordered to recommend talented people. Dismiss greedy and cruel officials, reduce land rent and taxes, provide for widows and poor people, apply for unjust cases, prohibit adultery and theft, and make peace in the territory. Because there were few soldiers in the eastern part of the river, they trained soldiers and ordered the cavalry not to see the enemy and not to ride horses. The deployment of the various armies has been determined, and they must not overtake each other, stay and interrupt each other to avoid danger. Divide and go hand in hand, and the agreed meeting time must not be separated by a few moments. Whoever violates the law will not be spared. This move laid the foundation for the later Dingding Zhongyuan.

(The picture comes from the Internet, the infringement is self-deleting)

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