
Years undefeated! Li Ruotong's six-pack abs are clearly visible, and the shaping ace action is the key

author:Little White Advanced Training Camp

Text/Xiaobai Advanced Training Camp Xiaobai Boutique, original debut

Speaking of abs, many people regard the vest line and mermaid line as the standard of abs, which is nothing more than low body fat rate and muscle tightening, developed abs can prevent the pelvis from leaning forward to protect the pelvis, and the weak abdominal muscles pelvic forward and spine curvature, easy to back pain.

Years undefeated! Li Ruotong's six-pack abs are clearly visible, and the shaping ace action is the key

Li Ruotong is the spokesperson for strong abs, and Wen Bixia exercises together to attend the naked eye visible six-pack abs are firm and tight, the muscle lines are clear like carving art, looking young and anti-aging, while Wen Bixia is just a flat abdomen without muscle lines. On the strength, Li Ruotong is obviously more able to protect the spine, while Wen Bixia's weak abdominal muscles are prone to back pain.

Today, Xiaobai will talk about how to develop firm and firm abs, through this article you will get the following dry goods:

1. What are firm abs?

2. How do I have strong abs?

Everyone has abs, and the biggest difference between Li Ruotong and Wen Bixia is the degree of muscle firmness. Usually the muscles are under the fat, and the obvious contours of the abs can be seen, and then the rectus abs are difficult to see easily under the deep muscles, and only a low enough body fat rate can show the muscles.

Years undefeated! Li Ruotong's six-pack abs are clearly visible, and the shaping ace action is the key

The first step in wanting to strengthen your abs is to have a low body fat rate. When the body fat rate exceeds the standard value, obesity will occur, excessive obesity covers the muscles and it is difficult to show the abs, only to lose excess excess meat to consume surface fat, through the consumption of internal and external fat gradually highlight the muscle. Aerobic exercise loses body fat and lowers body fat rate so that the abs can be seen.

Years undefeated! Li Ruotong's six-pack abs are clearly visible, and the shaping ace action is the key

The second step in building a strong abs is to tighten the muscles. Rectus abdominis and transverse abs belong to the upper and lower abdominal muscles, muscle fiber lines are in a straight line trend, only leg increase muscle exercise waist and abdominal core can quickly abuse the abdomen, high-intensity multi-group weight training can complete the process of tearing muscle fibers, reorganizing muscles, and strengthening muscle blocks.

Strong abs are the key muscles to elongate the proportions of the body, symmetrical posture, the abdominal muscles belong to the large muscle group located in the center of the body can maintain spinal stability and lumbar and abdominal health, to prevent low back pain sub-health. How can I have strong abs?

Years undefeated! Li Ruotong's six-pack abs are clearly visible, and the shaping ace action is the key

First of all, aerobic exercise and compound exercise can quickly lose weight throughout the body to reduce body fat rate, consume visceral fat to strive for scientific abdominal manifestation, and can use anti-resistance compound exercise to achieve fat loss and shaping;

Years undefeated! Li Ruotong's six-pack abs are clearly visible, and the shaping ace action is the key

Secondly, weight-bearing strength training is necessary after fat loss, elastic rope weight training can not only resist resistance, but also reduce fat and lose weight, complete aerobic and anaerobic composite exercise, choose 6-10 pounds of elastic rope through muscle expansion to complete resistance training, quickly reduce surface fat to complete abdominal shaping.

1. Stretch rope one-legged squat

Stretch rope one-legged squat is a full-body fat-reducing exercise with training for straight trapezius muscles. Choose 4-10 pounds of elastic rope, use one foot to step on the elastic rope and raise 20 hands above the head, tiptoe slightly on both knees, so that the thighs and calves are vertical.

Years undefeated! Li Ruotong's six-pack abs are clearly visible, and the shaping ace action is the key

Exhale and relax the shoulders and then swirl down, tighten the waist and abdomen and lift the elastic rope over the top of the head, feel the comfort of the shoulders opening, and do a total of 5 sets at a time.

2. Stretch rope squat

No squats, no hips. Stretch rope squats are quick to strengthen the legs and hips to develop muscles, doing 3 sets of 30 repetitions at a time. Open your legs and shoulder width, step on the solid elastic rope downward to slowly extend the gluteal muscles, keep your hands on the chest to avoid force, and tightly hold the elastic rope to prevent slipping;

Years undefeated! Li Ruotong's six-pack abs are clearly visible, and the shaping ace action is the key

Inhale upwards, straighten your hips and hips forward to maintain a straight position, insist on the neck forward to the center to prevent hunchback, squat up and down to maintain a horizontal low position repeated elasticity, feel the gluteal muscle stretch and thigh force.

3. Pull back with elastic rope

Stretch rope pull-back is to train the latissimus dorsi muscle, 20 times to feel the acidity of the latissimus dorsi clamping. Feet open shoulder width, folding elastic bands firmly, flexing backwards and stretching in a slightly squatting position, neck horizontally forward.

Years undefeated! Li Ruotong's six-pack abs are clearly visible, and the shaping ace action is the key

Clamp the sides of the body with your elbows, stretch the elastic band upwards with force to feel the latissimus dorsi muscle clamping in the middle, and clamp upwards with the latissimus dorsi muscles.

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