
Technology enabled, data-driven... This smart campus in Pudong allows students to enjoy high-quality educational resources
Technology enabled, data-driven... This smart campus in Pudong allows students to enjoy high-quality educational resources

What kind of spark will be sparked by the same primary school Chinese class in the same primary school in the two places? As a practice of the research project of "Online and Offline Teaching Organization and Integration of Time and Space" of China Normal University, the New World Experimental Primary School affiliated to Shangju made a bold attempt today, so that the Hongshan Campus, Changli Campus and Suzhou Shangju Affiliated Primary School jointly launched a unique three-school linkage language class to explore the more flexible educational ecology of "integrating time and space", helping students of different classes to learn together in the same space and enjoy high-quality teacher resources.

As the national "AI+OMO" classroom experimental school and the first batch of smart campus construction schools in Pudong New Area, in recent years, the New World Experimental Primary School affiliated to Shangju has built a smart campus with data as the core, ecology as the foundation, the pedestal as the key, and the characteristics as the innovation, focusing on the four areas of "basic application, education and teaching, ballet characteristics, and green safety".

Although the three schools attend the same Language class, many listeners were surprised that the interaction in the classrooms of the three places was no less than that of the regular classrooms. Teacher-student interaction and student-student interaction take more than half the time of the entire class. At the last moment, the students of the three places also interacted with the role-play of texts through IPAD.

In the mathematical "smart classroom" on the other side, teachers can achieve deep integration of informatization and traditional teaching through paper-and-pencil interactive technology. By recording the operation data of each student, teachers can keep abreast of the students' thinking process, so as to timely carry out targeted explanations, adjust teaching strategies, and improve the interactivity of classroom communication and the accuracy of teaching.

Technology enabled, data-driven... This smart campus in Pudong allows students to enjoy high-quality educational resources

At the Changli Campus of New World Experimental Primary School attached to Shangju, the dance curriculum is their proudest special course, which is taught by full-time dance teachers from Shangju Dance Academy. With the help of information technology, students in Hongshan Campus can now easily enjoy these high-quality dance courses. In the classroom, teachers use motion capture systems to build virtual "real" scenes and character movements for dance assist teaching, and evaluate students' attention and concentration. In addition, students can also be accurately evaluated according to their movement trajectory.

Technology enabled, data-driven... This smart campus in Pudong allows students to enjoy high-quality educational resources

Zhou Yi, principal of New World Experimental Primary School affiliated to Shangxiao, said that the school has always been exploring how to make innovative practices that integrate various "education + AI technologies" occur in different classrooms in schools. Through technology empowerment, let education informatization promote the innovation and development of schools, so that students can enjoy a new education ecology of high-quality, fair and accurate development.

Technology enabled, data-driven... This smart campus in Pudong allows students to enjoy high-quality educational resources

At present, under the background of the application of artificial intelligence and big data new technologies, the teaching paradigm has changed, and the content and method of training for primary and secondary school teachers have also changed. In the view of Xie Zhongxin, director of the Education Information Center of Pudong Education Development Research Institute, many schools are constantly carrying out new classroom teaching models, such as classroom teaching empowered by information technology, synchronous interactive classroom teaching based on video in multiple campuses, classroom teaching based on high-quality resources in the air classroom, and intelligent classroom teaching observation and analysis based on artificial intelligence. This requires teachers to retrain and learn, improve their information capabilities, and only by understanding the meaning behind the data can they better carry out education and teaching work.

Author: Wang Xing

Edit: Wang Xing