
The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference "Zongheng" issued a voice: Emperor Shun's real burial place is in the Nine Doubts Mountain in Jeonju

author:Chu Nan Shun culture

The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference "Zongheng" issued a voice: Emperor Shun's real burial place is in the Nine Doubts Mountain in Jeonju

Jiang Xianxi

In the 8th issue of this year, the magazine published a research article on the real burial place of Emperor Shun in Jeonju Jiuxuan Mountain, "Chu Nan Jeonju: New Examination of Nine Doubts Mountain, Burial Place of Emperor Shun". The magazine is a literary and historical reading material that is supervised by the General Office of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and sponsored by the China Literature and History Publishing House, and is publicly distributed at home and abroad. It is a national monthly journal of literature and history, and the only comprehensive literary and historical journal of the CPPCC National Committee. The publication of the article is undoubtedly a heavy declaration of the cultural relics of the Chinese moral ancestor Shundi, which shines with historical brilliance, which is a heavy declaration of the cultural heritage that shines with historical brilliance, and it is also the first time that the people of the whole country pay attention to the voice of our whole state: the ancestor of Chinese morality, Emperor Shun, was buried in the Nine Doubts Mountain in Jeonju!

The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference "Zongheng" issued a voice: Emperor Shun's real burial place is in the Nine Doubts Mountain in Jeonju

Chinese Literature and History Journal "Zongheng"

The rare and priceless historical resource of the Shundi cultural relics in the whole prefecture has been valued and supported by the CPPCC National Committee and the relevant departments of the autonomous region.

The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference "Zongheng" issued a voice: Emperor Shun's real burial place is in the Nine Doubts Mountain in Jeonju

The 8th issue of "Zongheng" published "Chu Nan Quanzhou: The New Examination of the Nine Doubts Mountain, the Burial Place of Emperor Shun".

The Guangxi District CPPCC's "Wenshi Chunqiu" serialized "Chu Nan Quanzhou: The New Examination of The Nine Doubts Mountain where Emperor Shun was buried" The Autonomous Region and the Guilin Municipal Federation of Second-level Social Sciences have excavated, researched, developed and utilized the relics of Shun culture in the form of projects.

In order to rescue and protect this precious historical and cultural resource, during the "two sessions" in Guangxi this year, the Democratic League of China has submitted the plan to the CPPCC meeting of the autonomous region for discussion as a proposal for the protection and development of intangible cultural heritage in Guangxi, and the proposal includes the theme of the cultural relics of Shundi in the whole prefecture. "Investigation and Research on the Remains of Emperor Shun's Culture in the Whole Prefecture" has now been included in the key research of Guilin City this year.

The Jeonju County Party Committee and government attach great importance to the cultural relics of Emperor Shun in the county, and have sculpted the statue of Emperor Shun of Desheng Xiaozu in the Xiangyuan Cultural Park in Jeonju, and rebuilt the Xiangyuan Second Concubine Temple dedicated to Emperor Shun's second concubine and daughter Ying.

The party committee, people's congress and government of Daxijiang Town, where Jiuquan Mountain is located in Jeonju, have made the excavation and protection of The cultural relics of Emperor Shun the highlight of the town's "cultural revitalization" and are embarking on creating a "Cultural Hometown of Emperor Shun".

The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference "Zongheng" issued a voice: Emperor Shun's real burial place is in the Nine Doubts Mountain in Jeonju

Emperor Shun, the ancestor of Chinese moral culture

Emperor Shun is the ancestor of Chinese moral culture, Shun culture is the source of Chinese moral civilization, and the core of Shun culture is the culture of filial piety of "filial piety to the family and rule the country with virtue". The moral culture founded by Emperor Shun and the moral ideas spread by Emperor Shun's southern tour had an extremely far-reaching impact on the whole of Xiangchu and Lingnan, and became the common source of Chu culture and Lingnan culture. The moral culture of the Yu Shun era still has positive reference significance for us to inherit and carry forward excellent traditional culture, cultivate and practice the core values of socialism, innovate social governance, and strengthen party building.

The cultural relics of Shundi in Jeonju County have great historical and cultural value, and the cultural relics of Shundi in Jeonju, which shine with historical brilliance, are not only from Jeonju, Guangxi, and even the whole country, and their historical and cultural value is immeasurable. Excavating, developing and utilizing the intangible cultural heritage represented by Shun culture can not only fill the gap of Guangxi Shun culture, but also push forward the history and culture of Guangxi by more than 2,000 years, which can greatly enhance the historical and cultural heritage of Guangxi, lead the promotion of Guangxi culture, form a strong brand of Guangxi's cultural tourism industry, accelerate the transformation and development of Guangxi's cultural tourism, and benefit the people.

Attached: The original text of "Chu Nan Quanzhou: The New Examination of the Nine Doubts Mountain, the Burial Place of Emperor Shun" published in "Zongheng"

Chu Nan Quanzhou: Emperor Shun's burial place Jiuqi Mountain Xinkao

Emperor Shun was the leader of the Ancient Tribal Alliance, one of the Five Emperors of the Ancients, surnamed Yao of the Concubine Clan, and the legend has a double pupil and was named Chonghua, with the name of Yu Shi, known as "Shun", because of the name of the country "Yu", so called Yu Shun. In his later years, Emperor Shun's southern tour of Huairou defu "Sanmiao", the tragic ending of "diligent civil and wild death" left posterity with a mystery of eternity, that is, where Emperor Shun's soul returned. According to the Classic of Mountains and Seas, "The Hills of Cangwu in the South, the Abyss of Cangwu, among which there are nine doubtful mountains, where Shun's burial is in the Lingling Realm of Changsha." The "History of the Five Emperors" says: "In the thirty-ninth year of Emperor Shun, he toured the south and hunted, and collapsed in the wilderness of Cangwu. Buried in Jiangnan Jiu doubt, is for the LingLing. The conclusion was that Emperor Shun died in the wilderness of Cangwu and was buried in the Nine Doubts Mountain, and since then Emperor Shun's burial place, the Nine Doubts Mountain, has been called Lingling. Because the tomb ritual system in the pre-Qin period was "no seal, no tree" and "ancient tomb sacrifice", people at that time did not leave a sign for the grave where the deceased was buried, nor did they go to the cemetery of the deceased to sacrifice the ancestors, and the emperor's tomb and temple were not together, so the Shun Tomb in the ancient period could not be found.

So where is the Nine Doubts Mountain where Emperor Shun's burial place is? With this question in mind, the author consulted the ancient books of the pre-Qin Dynasty, examined the Fang Zhi, and followed Emperor Shun's southern tour of the ancient Lingling Tombs for many years of field research, and concluded that Emperor Shun was buried in the Jiuqi Mountain in Quanzhou, Guangxi.

The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference "Zongheng" issued a voice: Emperor Shun's real burial place is in the Nine Doubts Mountain in Jeonju

Statue of Emperor Shun in Jeonju Xiangyuan Cultural Park

Jeonju has the oldest place name named after Shun Ling because Emperor Shun was buried in The Nine Doubts Mountain, "Zero Tomb"

Lingling is the oldest place name in China, Peking University's "Reference Atlas of Ancient Chinese History Teaching" said: There are 34 ancient place names before the Xia Dynasty in China, and the ancient Lingling Tombs that appeared before the Xia Dynasty are one of them.

Lingling place names first appeared in present-day Quanzhou, Guangxi. Lingling is named after Shun burial of the Nine Doubts Mountain. According to the "History of the Five Emperors", Emperor Shun "practiced the throne for thirty-nine years, toured the south, collapsed in the wilderness of Cangwu, buried in the Nine Doubts of Jiangnan, and was for lingling". Sima Qian's statement here that Shun's burial of nine suspects is lingling, which actually means that shunling is in the nine doubts mountain.

In order to commemorate Emperor Shun, in 221 BC, in the "Wild of Cangwu" in the place where Emperor Shun died in the south, that is, in present-day Quanzhou County, Guangxi, Lingling County was established, "the seat of governance is 39 kilometers southwest of the present-day county seat" ("Chronicle of Jeonju County"), as one of the earliest ancient place names in China, the name of the established place "Lingling" appeared in Jeonju. The historical position of Lingling County is quite important, the county is located above the ancient Xianggui Corridor, along the banks of the Xiangjiang River, Qin has Chi Dao, Han has Yue Dao, is the main passage of the southern expedition of the army. The Book of Han and Yiwen Zhi has "A Letter of Qin Lingling Ling of the Zhongheng Family, Difficult Qin Xiang Li Si", which says that in 213 BC, The Minister Li Si wrote a letter to persuade Qin Shi Huang to burn the book, and Qin Shi Huang adopted Li Si's suggestion, but Ling LingXin opposed it, and debated with Li Si for the embarrassment of Qin Xiang Li Si. It can be seen from the matter of "Qin Lingling Lingxin difficult Qin Xiang Lisi" that due to the important political status of this Lingling County set up by Qin Shi Huang in Jeonju, the words of this Lingxin also have considerable political weight. Qin Shi Huang also accompanied his young son Hu Hai (胡海), Zuo Cheng Xiang Li Si (左丞相李司), and Zhongche Fu Ling Zhao Gao (赵高) with his young son Hu Hai (胡海), Zuo Cheng Xiang (左丞相) and Ling Zhao Gao (赵高高) of Zhongche Prefecture (中車府令) to worship Emperor Shun at Yunmeng (present-day North and South of the Yangtze River in Hubei Province) (The History of Qin Shi Huang Benji says: "Thirty-seven years ago, the First Emperor traveled... In November, travel to Yunmeng, and look forward to yu Shun at the Nine Doubts Mountain").

During the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty set up an administrative agency for "county" in the name of "Lingling" in The burial place of Emperor Shun, in honor of Emperor Shun. The Book of Han and Geography records: "Lingling County, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was placed in the sixth year of Yuan Ding. One of the volumes of the Qing Dynasty Jiaqing's "Chronicle of Quanzhou", "Youdi Yange", says: "Yugong": Quan (州) is the domain of Jingzhou, the rule of Shun Twelve Mu, the southern realm of Chu in the Spring and Autumn Period, Changsha County in Qin, and Lingling County in the sixth year of Emperor Yuanding of the Han Dynasty. The "Chronicle of Jeonju County" records that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty established Lingling County in Jeonju in the sixth year of the Western Han Dynasty (111 BC). The "Chronicle of Jeonju County" (Jeonju County Chronicle) records the historical records of Qin Shi Huang and Emperor Wu of Han in Jeonju County, respectively, in Lingling County and Lingling County: "In the twenty-sixth year of the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang (221 BC), he set up Lingling County in present-day county, and his seat of government was 39 kilometers southwest of the present-day county seat. It belongs to Changsha County. In the sixth year of the Western Han Dynasty (111 BC), in the northeast of the county, Taoyang County was also established, and the seat of government was on the back slope of Meitan Village in present-day Yongshi Township. At that time, the county border coexisted in the north and south of Lingling and Taoyang counties. In the same year, Lingling County was also placed,...... Taoyang and Lingling counties belong to Lingling County. ”

During the reign of King Mang of the New Dynasty, Lingling County was renamed Jiuqi County. During the Jianwu period of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-55 years), the name of Lingling Commandery was restored from Jiuquan County, and the county shou longshu (Note: In the 25th year of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Guangwu was enfeoffed as Lingling Taishou, "four years in the county, very effective"), and began to move from Jeonju to Quanling (present-day Zhishan, Yongzhou, Hunan), but the seat of governance of Lingling County was still in Jeonju (Chronicle of Jeonju County). At this time, Lingling County was governed by Zhishan in Yongzhou, but Lingling County was in the territory of present-day Jeonju County along with Taoyang County (Jeonju Yongshi Meitan). It was not until the sui kai emperor's tenth year (590) that the abolition of the county system was implemented, that Taoyang and Lingling were abolished and Xiangyuan County was juxtaposed. Lingling County has existed in the state for 810 years.

It can be seen that "Lingling" has the place name of "Lingling" in quanzhou because Emperor Shun "collapsed in the wilderness of Cangwu and was buried in Jiuxuan, Jiangnan, and was for Lingling". But the place name of lingling in Yongzhou, Hunan, some people mistakenly confuse Guangxi Quanzhou Lingling and Yongzhou Lingling, in fact, there are changes in administrative place name affiliation before and after these two, the ancient Lingling in Guangxi Quanzhou, and the lingling place name of Zhishan in Yongzhou, Hunan is renamed from Quanling by the migration of the county government more than 2,000 years after Shun's burial of Jiuzhi Mountain, not the Lingling tomb of the Shun Emperor's southern tour of the nine doubts.

The Chronicle of Jeonju County records that there are nine doubtful mountains in the territory of the Great West River in the northwest mountains of Jeonju

The location of the Jiuquan Mountains in Jeonju is in the territory of Daxijiang Town, east of the Source Fuyi River (chishui) in the Yuecheng Ridge northwest of the source of the Xiangshui (River). This mountain is a large mountain with a total of nine ridges, and the mountain is named after the "Kowloon Return" landform in the east. Its azimuth coordinates are the boundaries of Ximei Village, Dashijiang Village and Wenjia Village in the east, Gumudong Canyon in the north, Guibei Grand Canyon in the west, Geduyuan Canyon in the south, and Jiuquan Mountain in between. According to legend, this mountain is also called Tianziling because it is the burial place of Emperor Shun.

The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference "Zongheng" issued a voice: Emperor Shun's real burial place is in the Nine Doubts Mountain in Jeonju

Nine Doubts Mountain in Jeonju

This nine-doubt mountain in Jeonju is recorded in jeonju's old chronicle. "Jeonju Zhi Youdi" Monument: Case "Book" :( Emperor Shun) may tour south to Nanyue. "Family" language: Fifty years after Emperor Shunsi, Zhi Fang died in the wilderness of Cangwu and was buried. The Classic of Mountains and Seas and the Book of Rites are all clouds. Ran (Hou) Taishi Gong said: (Emperor Shun) collapsed in the wilderness of Cangwu, buried in Jiangnan Jiu suspected to be Lingling. Jeonju's hometown is zero cemetery. The "Geography" of the "Jeonju County Chronicle" records that the Nine Doubts Mountain is in the northwest mountains of Jeonju: Jeonju"Northwest Mountain: In the northwest of the county, south of Xing'an, north of Hunan, west of Zhaiwei, Xianshuiwei area, Chongshan mountain, an area of vast, is a branch of the Yuecheng Ridge. ...... Its main peaks such as Lishan, Fupushan, Xiehuafeng, Lingjiashan, Zhurongshan, Jiuxuanshan, etc., are more than 700 meters above sea level. "It says that there is this mountain of nine doubts in the whole state.

One of the volumes of the Qing Dynasty Jiaqing's "Chronicle of Jeonju", "Youdi", records the scene of climbing the top of Xie HuaFeng in the area of Yidu Wenqiao Mountain in Jeonju and looking at the Jiuxuan Mountain in the direction of the Great West River: "Xie Huafeng is a strange mountain in Yidu, and the peaks of Zhu Rong, Jiu Doubt, and Fu Cauldron are hidden in sight. One of the volumes of the "Chronicle of Jeonju", "Youdi", records that the eight-step ridge of the Xihua Mountains in Jeonju, Zhurong Mountain, Jiu doubt mountain, and Fu Busan peaks extend forward from the Yidi Daxi River Qingyao Pass, which is the dividing line between the Miao Yao Yidi region and the inland: "Fu Pu (Mountain), the largest mountain in the county, the peaks near and far are regarded as RuoZhuang, and the pulse is connected with Jiu Doubt, Zhu Rong, and Gong Jie Yixia. "The west side of Jiuquan Mountain in the town of Daxijiang in Jeonju is the source of The Zishui Fuyi Water (ancient name Chishui), and in the western extension map of the "Chronicle of Jeonju" during the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, the original river name of "Chishui" buried in the pre-Qin Period Shun's place was buried in "the east of Chishui, there is the wilderness of Cangwu".

The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference "Zongheng" issued a voice: Emperor Shun's real burial place is in the Nine Doubts Mountain in Jeonju

The map of the western extension of the Jeonju Chronicle preserves the original river name of "Chishui", where Shun's place was buried in "the east of Chishui, there is the wilderness of Cangwu"

The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference "Zongheng" issued a voice: Emperor Shun's real burial place is in the Nine Doubts Mountain in Jeonju

The Jeonju Chronicle records the Nine Doubts Mountain, Chishui, Shunhuang Mountain, and Shun Temple in Jeonju

There are many place names and stories and legends related to Emperor Shun in Jeonju. Nine Doubts Mountain is also known as Tianzi Ridge because it is the burial place of Emperor Shun of Tianzi. Under the Nine Doubts Mountain, there is WangfuLing where the second concubine sacrifices Shun, there is the Lingling House for Emperor Shun's soul, there is the Tianzi House site where Emperor Shun lived, there is the Ancestral Mountain where Emperor Shun was sacrificed, there is the altar of the altar where Emperor Shun sacrificed the heavens, there is the Gui Chongping of the Three Miao Chieftains who advocate the virtue of Emperor Shun and return to Emperor Shun, there is the Phoenix Mountain that symbolizes the incarnation of Emperor Shun's phoenix, there is Danyang Mountain with the same name as Emperor Shunzu, there is the Pillow Mountain where Emperor Shun perches and sleeps, there is the Pillow Mountain Temple that sacrifices Emperor Shun, there is the drumping ping that beats drums and plays music when sacrificing Emperor Shun, and there is the Fu Mountain where Emperor Shun descends. There are two deer mourning to avenge the funeral of Emperor Shun, there is The Tianzi Lake where Emperor Shun rests and bathes, there is the Huangji Mountain, which symbolizes the culture of Desheng Filial Piety, and there is the Great Pole Mountain named after the "Great Pole" of Loyalty and Filial Piety, etc., which are said to be related to the burial of Emperor Shun and the sacrifice of Emperor Shun. Shunhuang Mountain, adjacent to The Nine Doubts Mountain in Jeonju, where Emperor Shun was buried, also has sites related to Emperor Shun, such as the Shun Temple in The Village of Shundi Temple in Jinfeng Mountain and the ruins of the Temple Foot Shun Temple in the Temple Of the Great Temple. Similar to Emperor Shun's burial place in Jiuquan Mountain, there are the Yu Emperor Temple on the banks of the Luoshui River, the Martyrdom Of The Empress dowager, the Second Concubine Martyrdom And the Erfei Temple at the mouth of the Three Rivers, the Yu Emperor Ridge at the foot of the Bay of Caiwan, the former site of the Shun Emperor's Palace, and other relics left by Emperor Shun. In the old days, there was also a history of folk visiting the Nine Doubts Mountain to welcome yu shen to call rain, and the story of Yu shen calling rain was circulated.

The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference "Zongheng" issued a voice: Emperor Shun's real burial place is in the Nine Doubts Mountain in Jeonju

Jeonju Jiuxuan Mountain, Shunhuang Mountain, Shun Temple

China's earliest geographical chronicle, the Classic of Mountains and Seas, concludes that Emperor Shun was buried in the Nine Doubts Mountain in the territory of the Great West River in Jeonju

The Classic of Mountains and Seas is the earliest pre-Qin historical record of Emperor Shun's burial in the Nine Doubts Mountain. It was written in ancient times, and liu xiu, the master of the Western Han Dynasty, said in the "Shangshan Hai Jing" in the "Shangshan Hai Jing": "The "Shan Hai Jing" came from the time of Tang Yu. "It preserves the most ancient historical documents, and is the closest to the era of Emperor Shun's life in all the scriptures and history books that record Emperor Shun." Four volumes of the Classic of Mountains and Seas all mention that Emperor Shun was buried in Jeonju's Nine Doubts Mountain. Volume 10 of the Hai Nei Nan Jing says: "The mountain of Cangwu, The Emperor Shun is buried in Yang, and Emperor Dan zhu is buried in Yin." Volume 13 of the Hai Nei Dong Jing reads: "Xiang Shui out of Shun buried in the southeast and the west of the ring." Enter the cave under the courtyard. Volume 15 of the Great Wilderness Of the South Sutra says: "To the east of the Red Water, there is the wilderness of Cangwu, and the burial of Shun and Shujun is also there." Volume 18 of the Hai Nei Jing says: "The Southern Cangwu Hills, the Cangwu Abyss, among which there are nine doubtful mountains, where Shun's burial is in the Lingling Realm of Changsha." ”

The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference "Zongheng" issued a voice: Emperor Shun's real burial place is in the Nine Doubts Mountain in Jeonju

The Classic of Mountains and Seas records that Emperor Shun's burial place was in Jeonju Jiuxuan Mountain, east of Chishui

The "Hai Nei Dong Jing" contains "Xiang Shui out of Shun burial southeast, west ring." Entering the Cave Garden", which means that Xiangshui originates from a place in the southeast of Emperor Shun's burial place, that is, The burial place of Emperor Shun is in the northwest mountain range of the Xiang River (water), and the mountain where Emperor Shun's burial place is located is west of the Xiang River, where the Xiang River bends and surrounds the mountain where Emperor Shun's burial place is located. The Xiang River eventually flows into Dongting Lake. The Jiuwei Mountains in present-day Jeonju are located in the Yuecheng Ridge northwest of the source of the XiangJiang River, and when the Xiangjiang River flows through the county seat of Jeonju, it forms a large river bay in the western ring at the section of the Daxizhou Intang Town, the Hejiang River at the mouth of the Three Rivers in Jeonju, and the Chetianli in Jeonju Town, and the Jiuquan Mountain in Jeonju is within the territory of the Town of Daxijiang in Wanxiangdong, west of the Xiang River. One of the volumes of the Qing Dynasty Jiaqing's Quanzhou Chronicle, "Youdi Xiangshui", also quotes "The Eastern Classics of Hai Nei: Xiangshui out of Shun's burial in the southeast and the west of the ring." Entering the Cave Court", which is the basis for recording that Emperor Shun was buried in Jeonju. Present-day Quanzhou, Guangxi, is located at the source of the Xiang River, also known in history as Xiangyuan County, and the Battle of the Xiang River during the Long March of the Red Army took place in Jeonju in the area of the source of the Xiang River.

The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference "Zongheng" issued a voice: Emperor Shun's real burial place is in the Nine Doubts Mountain in Jeonju

The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" records the location map of Emperor Shun's burial place in Jeonju Jiuqi Mountain

The Great Wilderness South Classic records: "To the east of the Red Water, there is the wilderness of Cangwu, and the burial of Shun and Shujun is also." The whole sentence expresses the wilderness of Cangwu where Emperor Shun was buried in the east of Chishui. We know from the "Xiangshui Out of Shun Burial SoutheastErn Qi" contained in the Hainei Dongjing that Xiangshui originated in a place southeast of Emperor Shun's burial place, that is, The Shun Emperor's burial place was in the Quanzhou Mountains northwest of the xiang river (water) source, that is, Yuecheng Ridge. It can be seen that the cangwu wilderness on the east side of Chishui is the same place as the burial place of Emperor Shun in the mountains of Jeonju northwest of the source of the Xiang River (water). In this way, there should be a river called Chishui in the northwestern mountains of Jeonju where Emperor Shun's burial place is located.

According to historical records, there was a Chishui River in the area bordering the present-day provinces of Yun, Gui, and Sichuan. This Chishui was called the Chiqiu River in ancient times, and in the tenth year of Tang Tianbao (751), it was rarely found in the Zhongtong Expedition to Nanzhao, and the "Chiqiu River" appeared for the first time in the Text of the Southern Expedition. In the fifteenth year of Ming Hongwu (1382), Chishuiwei was placed in present-day Xuyong, Sichuan, and changed "Chishui" to "Chishui". This was the beginning of the name Chishui River. However, this chishui is too far away from the Jeonju Mountains northwest of the Xiangshui source in the "Shunfu SoutheastErn Temple". Obviously, the Chishui River, which was first named in the Ming Dynasty, is not the "Chishui" in the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the pre-Qin period.

So what does the "red water" in the Classic of Mountains and Seas mean? In the western extension of the northwestern mountains of Jeonju (present-day Resource County), there is the river Mingfuyi Water, which is the main source of water. Relevant historical records record that this Fuyi Water was called Chishui in history, and the east side of this chishui is the Nine Doubts Mountain in Jeonju in the Wilderness of Cangwu, which is completely consistent with the orientation of "the east of the Red Water, there is the Wilderness of Cangwu, and the burial of Shun and Shujun" recorded in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas and the Great Wilderness of the South Classic". This once again proves that the Nine Doubts Mountain, which records in the ancient Qin book "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" that "Shun's burial was in the boundary of Changsha Lingling", is the Nine Doubts Mountain in the northwestern mountains of present-day Quanzhou County, Guangxi.

Speaking of the "Hai Nei Jing" contains the sentence "The Hill of Cangwu in the South, the Abyss of Cangwu, there are nine doubtful mountains, buried by Shun, in the Zero Tombs of Changsha" sentence. The Classic of Mountains and Seas, which records that "Shun's burial of the Nine Doubts Mountain" is "in the boundary of Changsha Lingling", was written much earlier than the time when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty established Lingling County in Jeonju, and the "Zero Ling" recorded in the book is the "Zero Ling" before the establishment of lingling county in the Western Han Dynasty, that is, the jeonju lingling within the ancient Lingling county. In other words, the Nine Doubts Mountain where Shun was buried was in Jeonju. The Nine Doubts Mountain in jeonju is in the territory of Daxijiang Town, and there is a place name for the boundary plate in Daxijiang Town, which is the dividing line between the ancient Lingling County Jeonju and Wugang County (present-day Xinning County) in the Qin and Han Dynasties, and it just so happens that this Nine Doubts Mountain is also within the boundary plate of jeonju, and it is also completely consistent with the description of "Nine Doubts Mountain, Shun's burial, in the Boundary of Changsha Lingling".

From the Qin Dynasty Five Ridges Shu "Nine Doubts of the Plug", it can be proved that Emperor Shun's burial place nine doubts mountain is in Jeonju, Guangxi

In addition to the Classic of Mountains and Seas, there are also records of the Nine Doubtful Mountains in the Huainan zi: First, the "Huainanzi Human Training" records the situation in which Qin Shi Huang sent troops south to Pingbaiyue to use troops against Lingnan: "Lieutenant Tu Suifa sent 500,000 soldiers, for the fifth army, one army to plug the ridge of the city, one army to guard the nine doubts of the fortress, one army to the capital of Panyu, one army to guard the boundary of the southern wilderness, and one army to balance the water." For three years, the crossbow was not dissolved, so that the supervisor could not be paid. And he dug a canal and opened a grain road with a pawn, so as to fight the Vietnamese...". The second is the "Huainan Zi Yuan Daoxun" record of the geographical characteristics and customs of the south of the Nine Doubts Mountain: "In the south of the Nine Doubts, the land affairs are few and the water affairs are numerous, so the people are tattooed like scales, short and not thin to travel, and short to be rolled in order to stab the boat." And so on. ”

From the above-mentioned historical materials of Qin Shi Huang's "one army guarding the nine doubts of the plug" and "the south of the nine doubts, the land affairs are widowed and the water affairs are numerous", the following historical information about the Nine Doubts Mountain can be obtained:

First, the "Nine Doubts Fortress" can garrison 100,000 troops, indicating that the fortress where the Nine Doubts Mountain is located is passed by a traffic artery, which can be described as a thoroughfare. The second is that "three years of disarming the crossbow made it impossible for the supervisor to transfer his salary." He also dug a canal and opened a grain road to fight the Vietnamese", saying that when Qin Shi Huang conquered Lingnan, he saw that the Qin army's transportation line was too long to receive help, so he ordered the superintendent Shi Shilu to dig the Ling Canal. Shi Lu dug a spiritual canal to communicate between the Xiang River and the Li River, and the army went down the Li River and the Gui River. The third is "the south of the Nine Doubts, the land affairs are few and the water affairs are many", which shows that the people south of the Nine Doubts Mountain are engaged in less land activities and more activities in the water, so the people here are "tattooed" and imitate the image of the fish and dragon; only short skirts and trousers are used to facilitate wading and swimming; wearing short-sleeved shirts or rolling up sleeves to facilitate the punting of boats. These are determined by the characteristics of life on the water.

In order to transfer grain to the front, the Qin army recruited a large number of soldiers and civilians to dig a spiritual canal between the Xiang River and the Li River in the Xiang-Li Corridor. As a grain road, it definitely needs to be guarded by heavy troops, that is to say, the "Nine Doubts Plug" of "one army guarding the Nine Doubts Plug" is located above the Xiangli Corridor under the Yuecheng Ridge. This Xiangli Corridor fortress stretches from the Huangsha River and Miaotou in the north of Jeonju to the Xing'an Lingqu in the south, which is 90 kilometers long and can garrison 100,000 Qin troops. After Qin Shi Huang ordered Shi Lu to dig a spiritual canal connecting the Xiang River and the Li River, the Qin army could enter the Li River and the Gui River from the Xiang River through the Spirit Canal, that is, to the south of the Nine Doubts Mountain. The weather in this area is hot, and the people are less engaged in land activities and more activities in the water, and they wear "short silk" and "short rolls" to facilitate life on the boat. This is exactly the same as the geographical characteristics and customs of the "South of the Nine Doubts" described in the Huainanzi Yuan Daoxun, and also the same as the local customs and customs of Quanzhou in Guangxi. It can also be proved that the Nine Doubts Mountain of the Qin Dynasty five ridges is in the northwestern mountains of present-day Jeonju, Guangxi, west of the Xiang River.

In summary, there is no doubt that Emperor Shun's true burial place is in the Nine Doubts Mountain in the northwestern mountains of Quanzhou, Guangxi.

The author is a distinguished researcher of the Guilin Liaison Office of Guangxi Guizhou Society

Editor-in-Charge: Yang Yuzhen

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