
CaoXian "Tug-of-War" in the Liberation War

author:Tiger 69090

In June 1946, Chiang Kai-shek, ignoring the opposition of the people of the whole country, brazenly tore up the armistice agreement and the resolution of political consultation, and launched a large-scale attack on the Liberated Areas of the Central Plains, and the civil war broke out in an all-round way. Southwest Lu is one of the main battlefields where the enemy and we have repeatedly contested, and the two sides have made great advances and retreats, showing a state of "tug-of-war," and the struggle is complicated and cruel. Cao County is located in the outpost of southwest Lu, and the military and people of the whole county, under the leadership of the party, have gone all out to support the main battle, and have made contributions to the final victory of our army in southwest Lu.

From August 10 to 23, 1946, under the command of Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping, the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Field Army launched an all-out attack on the railway line from Kaifeng to Xuzhou (i.e., the Longhai Offensive), annihilating more than 16,000 enemy troops. Chiang Kai-shek dispatched an army of 12 integrated divisions and 32 brigades totaling 300,000 men from the central plains and east China battlefields to launch an offensive in the hinterland of the liberated areas of southwest Lu and Huxi in two directions, east and west. The Jin-Ji Luyu Field Army dragged the enemy to the combined forces of Heze, Cao County, and Dingtao to encircle them and launched the Battle of Dayang lake. After five days of fierce fighting from September 3 to 7, more than 17,000 people of the Kuomintang Reorganized Third Division were annihilated and the division commander Zhao Xitian was captured alive. Annoyed and angry, Chiang Kai-shek sent his ace Wang Jingjiu to form a new Fifth Army, the reorganized Tenth Division, the Sixty-eighth Division, the Fifty-fifth Division, and the Fourth Rapid Column of Henan Province, totaling 120,000 people, and launched a large-scale attack on the Liberated Areas, beginning a tug-of-war in southwest Lu.

On September 13, the Kuomintang army dispatched from Xuzhou captured Dingtao, entered Heze on the 20th, and then marched east along the Ji (Ning) Heze Road. The Kuomintang troops on the western front, dispatched by Longhai Road, advanced to the Cao County, Kaocheng, and Dongming areas, and most of the liberated areas of southwest Lu were occupied. In accordance with the central authorities' strategic principle of "advancing in great strides, retreating in great strides, not considering the gains and losses of one city and one place, concentrating its forces on fighting a war of annihilation and eliminating the enemy's living forces," after winning the Battle of DayangHu, the Jin-Hebei Luyu Field Army immediately moved to juye to fight, and after successively winning the victories in the Battles of Zhangshaiji and Juannan, it then moved to the Puyang area north of the Yellow River for recuperation.

Under the strong pressure of the Kuomintang troops, the prefectural and county leading organs in the southwestern Lu region were forced to withdraw from the central area of the liberated area of southwest Lu, and most of them retreated to the Area of Baihuji in the north of Nanhua County, and some to the north bank of the Yellow River. The Kuomintang reactionaries carried out an extremely barbaric and cruel policy of destruction in the Liberated Areas; everywhere they went, they first cut down trees and tall crops inside and outside the village, demolished houses and built fortifications, slaughtered pigs, cattle, sheep, and chickens, and arrested young and middle-aged laborers to build fortifications for them first, then forced them to become soldiers, and at the same time arbitrarily trampled on women. Local Kuomintang personnel, security forces, landlord "homecoming regiments," bandits, bandits, huidaomen, and other reactionary forces that followed the regular Kuomintang troops into the liberated areas wantonly carried out frenzied class revenge and bloody suppression of the masses of the people.

According to statistics, within ten days of their arrival in the Liberated Areas of Southwest Lu, caoxian, Qibin, Fucheng, Heze, and other counties alone killed and buried more than a thousand grassroots CPC cadres and members of peasant associations. After entering Cao County, sun Shengzhai of the 23rd Shandong Provincial Security Brigade ordered a great qing and carried out a frenzied revenge massacre. In Xingmiao Village, more than 50 peasant association cadres and the masses of the people were killed at one time, 17 people were killed in Shuangmiao ji and Baifuzhuang, 20 people were killed in Hanji, and 30 people were killed in Yuan Chalou. At the same time, the Kuomintang also vigorously promoted the "armor protection system," and a number of reactionary landlords were appointed as district chiefs, township chiefs, and chief guards. The "Ten Houses Of Chains Sit-in Law" and the "Zhuangding Law" were implemented to exercise fascist rule over the masses of the people.

In October, the Lu Southwest Prefectural Committee held an emergency meeting in Caozhuang Village, Nanhua County, and decided that each county would select elite personnel, form an armed task force and guerrilla group, and insert it back into the Yellow River to carry out guerrilla warfare. On September 19, Sun Zhengmin, secretary of the Caoxian County CPC Committee, who persisted in the struggle in the hinterland, led more than 100 soldiers of the Caoxian Basic Cadre Brigade to beat the landlords' "homecoming regiment" at the Jiechang Temple, returning all the grain they had plundered to the masses. On the 21st, more than 50 people from the Zhishui De Department of the Security Brigade of Chengwu County were annihilated in Anren; On the 23rd, the convoys of the Kuomintang troops were attacked near WeiWan. Lu Ping, director of the Qibin County Public Security Bureau, led a team of martial artists to eliminate in one fell swoop a detachment of Dong Yuxiu's department of the returning regiment, capturing more than 30 people and rescuing more than 40 village cadres and people who were imprisoned. On December 23, the Cao County Basic Cadre Brigade intercepted the Kuomintang Shandong Provincial 23rd Security Brigade in the west of Cao County, killing and wounding more than 130 enemy soldiers.

In December, the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Field Army marched forward to the south of the Yellow River, launching a giant goldfish campaign on the 30th, annihilating more than 26,000 enemy troops and capturing the enemy's lieutenant general Zhang Lanfeng alive.

On January 24, 1947, the Battle of Yuwan border was launched. On the 26th, it conquered the county seat of Cao County, and completely annihilated more than 2,100 personnel of the 23rd Shandong Security Brigade and the 11th Special Office of the Kuomintang Shandong Province. At the end of February, the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Field Army once again moved to the north of the Yellow River for recuperation.

At the beginning of March, the Kuomintang army, with all of Wang Jingjiu's group and most of Wang Zhonglian's group, transferred the reorganized 72nd Division from the Wuhan area and the reorganized 48th Division from the Anqing area, with a total of 12 reorganized divisions and 150,000 regular troops, and launched a large-scale attack on the southwestern Lu region again. All of the enemy's Eighty-fifth Division and two brigades of the Seventy Division were on the east road, and the people's rights were dispatched to attack the north along Cao County, Dingtao, and Heze, and occupied Cao County and Dingtao on the 16th. The Sixty-eighth Division of the Enemy Fifth Army was reorganized into the Western Road, dispatched by Lan Feng, and attacked north along the kaocheng and Eastern Ming lines. The southwestern Region of Lu was again fully occupied by the Kuomintang army. At the same time, Chiang Kai-shek also ordered that the Huayuankou plugging project be closed in advance and that the water of the Yellow River be channeled into the old road, in an attempt to replace the soldiers with water, take advantage of the natural dangers of the Yellow River, cut off the connection between the north and south of the Yellow River in the Liberated Area of Hebei Luyu, and prevent Liu Deng's army from going south.

CaoXian "Tug-of-War" in the Liberation War

Zhuangzhai Town Niangniangying South Village Zhang Yingxue Martyrs Tomb, municipal immovable revolutionary cultural relics

After the Kuomintang troops entered the southwest of Lu, they carried out cruel retribution against the soldiers and civilians in the Liberated Areas. In the middle of March, the Kuomintang army and its local armed forces and homecoming regiments repeatedly "cleared and suppressed" the central area of northwest Cao County, destroying the anti-Japanese martyrs' cemetery in southwest Lu, smashing monuments and destroying tombs, and laying bones in the graves. In Hanji Village, 34 peasant association cadres and masses were killed at one time, and the methods were cruel and unbearable for all to see. Under the severe situation, the party organizations at all levels in Qibin, Caoxian, and Fucheng counties persisted in "not leaving the district and the county without leaving the county," led the local people to "hold a gun in one hand and divide the land in the other.", and with the support of the armed forces of the Southwest Lu Military Sub-district, they effectively struck a blow at the Kuomintang army and the landlords' "homecoming regiment." At the same time, the party organization also vigorously promoted the construction of tunnels. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the masses of the people in the base areas, in order to deal with the "sweeping" of the Japanese army, carried out the practice of "clearing the field with solid walls" and dug a number of cellars and holes to hide things, and sometimes people temporarily hid inside to hide from the Japanese army. In the autumn of 1946, in order to protect public grain and military materials, the party branch of Liugang Village successfully hid tens of thousands of kilograms of wheat and more than 2,000 sets of military uniforms in cellars and caves. Dong Yuren, acting secretary of the Hanji District CPC Committee of Qibin County, led a small number of people to stay behind to persist in the struggle after the withdrawal of the organs and troops, and they dug through scattered holes and cellars to link households with each other. In this way, they used tunnels and went out day and night, not only persisting and preserving their strength, but also deterring the landlords' "homecoming groups" and protecting the interests of the masses.

From June 30 to July 28, 1947, Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping led the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Field Army to launch a river crossing operation on the Yellow River, which was 300 miles long from PuXian county in the west and to Dong'a in one fell swoop, breaking through the Yellow River defense line of the Kuomintang army in one fell swoop. This was followed by the Launch of the Southwest Lu Campaign, which opened the prelude to a nationwide strategic counteroffensive. During the campaign, the Battle of Juancheng, the Battle of Dingtao, the Battle of Juye, the Battle of Liuyingji, the Battle of Caoxian, and the Battle of Yangshanji in Jinxiang were carried out successively, annihilating more than 56,000 people from nine and a half brigades of the Kuomintang army, and capturing the enemy Zheng and deputy division commanders Song Duanke, Chen Yiding, Li Yaming, and Luo Zhedong. In the Battle of Cao County on July 6, the Self-Defense Regiment of the 11th Special Office of the Kuomintang Shandong Province was annihilated by more than 1,000 people. In the same month, the troops of the Southwest Lu Military Sub-district, with the assistance of the masses, captured Zhu Xiaotang, a former Japanese pseudo-county magistrate who had committed blood debts. Later, a trial meeting of 10,000 people was held in the Wenmiao Square, and Zhu Zhengfa was put in charge.

In order to consolidate his central defensive line and plug the gap opened by Liu and Deng's army, Chiang Kai-shek mobilized 13 brigades from Luoyang, Zhengzhou, and Xi'an, and the reorganized Fifth Division, the Eleventh Division, and the Eighty-fourth Division from the Shandong battlefield, totaling 30 brigades, from the east, west, and south, and attacked in five ways to the southwestern Lu region.

On August 7, Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping led the Jin-Luyu Field Army, departing from Cao County, Yuncheng, and Juye in three routes, leaping thousands of miles into the Dabie Mountains, inserting the enemy's heart, and threatening Wuhan and Nanjing. Sun Zhengmin, secretary of the Cao County CPC Committee, led 37 cadres to the south with the army. In response to Liu Deng's army marching south, the East China Field Army was ordered by the Central Military Commission, led by Chen Shiyu, chief of staff, and Tang Liang, director of the Political Department, to form the Chen Tang Corps, which entered the area south of the Yellow River in the Jiluyu Battlefield in early August. The 10th Column of chen tang corps fortified at Liangshan to block the 5th Division of Qiu Qingquan, which was advancing westward from the Wenshang area, and the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 8th Columns blocked the Kuomintang troops in the Cao County and Dan County areas. The Kuomintang troops chased after Chen Tang's troops in separate ways and wanted to start a decisive battle with Chen Tang's troops. The Chen Tang Corps seized the favorable opportunity to eliminate one of the enemy's units with rapid action, that is, to move quickly, so that the enemy could not advance south, the decisive battle could not be concluded, and it followed the PLA in circles. By August 20, Chen Tang's corps had led eight reorganized divisions and one each of the other two divisions of the Kuomintang army to "push and grind" and "tug-of-war" in areas south of the Yellow River, north of Longhai Road, and west of Jinpu Road. Cao County was one of the main battlefields of the "tug-of-war". It is characterized by the sudden recovery of large chunks, sometimes the sudden fall of large chunks, repeated sawing, sometimes tight and loose. On August 29, the East China Field Army annihilated more than 1,000 people in 1 regiment of the Nationalist 88th Division at Yangzhuang, northwest of the county seat. On the 31st, a certain unit of the East China Field Army annihilated a brigade of the Fifty-seventh Division of the Kuomintang New Fifth Army in the area of Qingquji. On September 7, the troops of the Southwest Lu Military Sub-district led more than 10,000 migrant workers from Cao County, Qibin and other counties to break the 15-mile section of the Longhai Railway from Minquan to Liuhe. On the 27th, the troops of the Southwest Lu Military Sub-district and the local armed forces of Cao County broke through the Pheasant Gang section of the Longhai Railway for more than 3 miles and blew up 3 railway bridges. In early August, the county seat of Cao county was occupied by the Kuomintang army, and on September 16, the troops of the Southwest Lu Military Sub-district and the Cao County Basic Cadre Brigade recaptured the city of Cao County. Soon, he took the initiative to withdraw.

On September 29, the East China Field Army held a military conference at Shuangpuji, east of Cao JiCheng, and Chen Yi, a member of the division and political commissar, made a military report. In October, more than 100 people from the Kuomintang's three districts went to Xiaolou Village in the northwest of the county seat to grab grain, and the Qibin County Jigan Brigade was ambushed on the road, killing and wounding more than 30 people in the unit. On November 5, the 64th Division of the Nationalist Army stationed in Cao County abandoned the city and fled south, and Cao County was once again retaken. On the 13th, the troops of the Southwest Lu Military Sub-district and the Cao County Public Security Bureau mobilized more than 1,000 people in Li Xinji, Li Zhuangzhai, and Wang Zhuang in the south of Cao County to carry out a liquidation struggle against the landlords. The masses divided more than 10,000 catties of grain, more than 2,000 catties of peanuts, and 400 catties of cotton. At the same time, 3 landlords were liquidated in Jiangzhuang Village, with more than 10,000 catties of grain and more than 200 pieces of clothing. From the 7th to the 16th, Cao County, Qibin, and Fucheng Counties formed a branch brigade, divided into road breaking teams, stretcher teams, transport teams, and task forces, with a total of more than 60,000 people, and went to the front line under the unified organization of the Southwest Lu Military Sub-district. On the 20th, a unit of the Kuomintang Heze Security Brigade went along the Hekao Highway to Qibin County to grab grain, and the troops of the Lu Southwest Military Sub-district and the Qibin County Basic Cadre Brigade jointly surrounded and intercepted, capturing more than 80 officers and men below the regimental commander and killing and wounding more than 100 people. On the 28th, the Caoxian Basic Cadre Brigade repelled the attack of more than 300 people of the Kuomintang Shandong Provincial 11th Special District Security Regiment at Li Xinji, south of Cao County, and killed and wounded 16 enemy prisoners. On December 6, the Southwest Lu Military Subdistrict held a meeting on military and political construction in eight counties, including Dongming, Kaocheng, Qibin, Caoxian, Fucheng, Dingtao, Kaifeng, and Civil Rights, in Guolajia Village, Qibin County. At the meeting, the county brigades drew up a plan for killing the enemy and making meritorious contributions. On the 30th, the troops of the Southwest Lu Military Sub-district and the Cao County Basic Cadre Brigade ambushed a part of the Kuomintang Cao County Security Regiment in Zhengzhuang, south of the county seat, killing more than 30 people in the unit.

In January 1948, the East China Field Army was transferred to the north of the Yellow River for training. On February 10, more than 200,000 people from 27 brigades of the Kuomintang regular troops carried out three major "sweeps" of the southwestern Region of Lu, with Cao County bearing the brunt. On the 12th, Jiang Jun occupied the county seat of Cao County, and brutally killed CPC members, cadres, and the masses by means of "pulling steel" through plains, encircling and attacking together, and dispersing the "Qing Dynasty." The county party committees of Cao County, Qibin, and Fucheng county led the county and district armed forces and militias, with the support of the troops of the Southwest Lu Military Subdistrict, relied on the masses of the people, and struck at the enemy's arrogance through tunnel warfare, mine warfare, sparrow warfare, and other forms of struggle, and won a victory in counter-sweeping. In the past three months, nearly 1,000 cadres and masses in the three counties have been killed or injured.

CaoXian "Tug-of-War" in the Liberation War

Zhang Tongtai, the fourth district chief of Qibin County, was captured by the homecoming group and shot and killed in Longhuadian Village

On May 12, due to the betrayal of traitors, Wang Xuejing, the county magistrate of Cao County, and 13 other people were captured in the tunnels of Pan Liuzhuang Village. After the heroic righteousness. In the middle of the month, the Southwest Lu Military Subdistrict and the special office were attacked by the Kuomintang army in the black village between Cao County and Kaocheng County, and the troops suffered heavy losses, and Zhou Zhu'an, deputy commander of the military sub-district, was sacrificed.

On May 24, the Third Corps of the East China Field Army launched an offensive from Xuchang to Huaiyang, and the Kuomintang army left the reorganized Fifty-fifth Division and the Sixty-eighth Division to ensure the safety of the Longhai Railway, and the rest of the troops went south from the southwestern Region of Lu. On the 30th, the 1st Corps of the East China Field Army forcibly crossed the Yellow River and entered the Dingtao, Cao County, and Chengwu areas. The Kuomintang military authorities also urgently ordered the New Fifth Army and the reorganized Seventy-fifth Division, which had just gone south, to return north, and at the same time, the 88th, 25th, and 72nd Divisions were reorganized into the southwestern Lu region. Su Yusu, deputy commander of the East China Field Army, changed the operational plan for southwest Lu. On June 20, Kaifeng was conquered, annihilating more than 39,000 Nationalist troops. On June 25, more than 50,000 Nationalist reinforcements were annihilated. During the campaign, the troops of the Southwest Lu Military Sub-district, together with the Independent Third Brigade of the Hebei Luyu Military Region, blocked and pinned down the Kuomintang Qiu Qingquan Corps for nearly a month on the 200-mile blockade line from Minquan, Cao County, Dingtao to the south of Juye, so that it could not return to Kaifeng and eastern Henan. The local troops in southwest Lu alone fought more than 20 battles and annihilated more than 3,500 enemy troops. On June 15, the Caoxian County Brigade captured Lixinzhuang, Zhumiao and other strongholds, annihilating more than 80 enemy troops.

After the Battle of Eastern Henan, the First Corps of the East China Field Army moved north. Chiang Kai-shek gathered the strength of 20 brigades and followed Huaye north in a vain attempt to give Huaye troops a retaliatory blow in the southwestern region of Lu. In this situation, Huaye decided to change the route to the south, through Heze, Dingtao, Cao County, Fucheng, Shangqiu, and unconsciously smoothly transferred to the eastern Henan region.

On July 14, more than 200,000 regular kuomintang troops, with the cooperation of aircraft, pressed towards the southwest of Lu. The East Road passes through Cao County, Dingtao, and Juye to the yellow river crossing in the north of Liangshan; The west road passes through Kaocheng, Dongming and Nanhua to the Yun and Juan areas. All kinds of enemy troops could not find any trace of the East China Field Army along the way, that is, they carried out wild revenge on the masses of the people, frantically bombed, and wantonly burned and plundered.

On July 25, after more than ten days of looting, "liquidation" and sabotage in the southwestern region of Lu, the Kuomintang troops withdrew to the Longhai Railway. At that time, the local armed forces of Cao County, Qibin, and Fucheng County attacked extensively, flanking and intercepting the retreating enemy and attacking the local Kuomintang troops.

CaoXian "Tug-of-War" in the Liberation War

He Jinyu, deputy county magistrate of Qibin County, was killed in battle

By the beginning of September, except for a few isolated cities in Heze, Dingtao, Cao county, and Kaocheng, the vast rural areas were reclaimed.

In September 1948, the East China Field Army launched the Jinan Campaign. The troops of the Southwest Lu Military Sub-district and the armed forces of the county and districts carried out a blockade in the caoxian, Dingtao, and Chengwu areas to block the Kuomintang Qiu Qingquan corps aided by Shangqiu from the north. At the same time, the Independent Brigade of the Jiluyu Military Region confronted the Kuomintang Fifth Army, the Reorganized Fifty-fifth Division, and the Reorganized Seventy Division, which were advancing north from Cao County and Kaocheng. From September 15 to 24, the enemy advanced less than 50 miles in the area north of Cao County for ten days. Behind enemy lines, local troops attacked extensively, maneuvering and nimbly harassing the enemy. On September 24, the Battle of Jinan ended, and all the Kuomintang troops blocked in the Dingtao and Caoxian areas turned around and retreated south.

On September 25, the Kuomintang troops and local party and government organs stationed in Cao County abandoned the city and fled south, and Cao County was liberated, thus ending the two-year and two-month-long guerrilla war situation of a large battlefield and a big "tug-of-war". The people of Cao County bid farewell to the centuries of war and turmoil, ushered in a long-lost peace and tranquility, and under the leadership of the Communist Party, healed the wounds of war, rebuilt a beautiful homeland, and lived a stable and happy new life.

References: "Cao County Chronicle", "A Concise History of the Cpc Cao County", "Cao County Heroic Martyrs", etc.


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