
Is Xu Rong really powerful in the history of the Three Kingdoms?

author:Adil Maginot

Xu Rong is a very complex and mysterious person

Judging from historical materials such as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, we can see that in the series of wars against Dong Zhuo, Dong Zhuo's army had a great advantage in military terms, in addition to losing to Sun Jian militarily, it still had a great advantage in facing the Kwantung princes as a whole.

In the defeat that Sun Jian ate, there was clearly a name written, that is, the Later Han written was defeated by Xu Rong.

Although Cao Cao was still relatively young at this time, but the good villain also followed Zhu Jun to break through the 100,000 Yellow Turban Army, the idea he put forward was to enter Ao Cang in the west, taking advantage of Dong Zhuojun's surprise attack on the granary when he was not paying attention, such a marching idea, in fact, in later, in many of Cao Cao's military operations, this kind of surprise attack is not uncommon, the most classic is the Battle of Guandu, after Xu You's informant, Cao Cao chose the same action.

Unfortunately, cao cao's surprise attack against Xu Rong at Bishui was not Li Ru's strategy, but a real encounter between the two sides—although no one now knew why Xu Rong was there.

The result was very tragic, Cao Cao himself was injured, the war horse was shot to death, if Cao Hong had not given him the war horse, perhaps the first man of the Three Kingdoms would have fallen here. And a group of people who were very close to Cao Cao's ideals and beliefs were also particularly badly damaged: his good friend Wei Zi was killed, his good friend Bao Xin was also injured, and Bao Xin's brother Bao Tao was killed.

In the Records of Emperor Wu of the Three Kingdoms, almost all other people except Cao Cao were omitted, so many people thought that this time Cao Cao was alone.

But in fact, in the same book of the Three Kingdoms Chronicle, looking at the records of others, you can find that the scale of the Battle of Bishui may be far beyond imagination.

And the impact of this battle on the entire Cao family was also very far-reaching, so that in many later edicts, when recalling the past, there was always a sentence to be brought, which showed the huge psychological shadow brought by the Battle of Biaoshui to Cao Cao's entire clan.

And the Zheng shi also records that although Cao Cao's army was defeated, the headquarters still fought hard for a day, so Xu Rong thought that the Kwantung army was not easy to fight, so he gave up the plan to attack the sour jujube base camp - this record I personally feel is a bit for Emperor Wu to defend. That is to say, although I lost the battle and suffered heavy losses, I showed strong combat strength, so that the enemy did not dare to attack our base camp, so the flank also protected the base camp.

This one... Why Xu Rong appeared in Beishui, now there is no conclusion, then whether Xu Rong wanted to attack the sour jujube at that time, what his purpose was, must only rely on guessing.

Xu Rong was later defeated, and it must be said that it must be fair - before the battle began, Yang Ding, who went with Xu Rong to suppress the rebels, had already come into contact with Li Dai and others, so Xu Rong died of traitors inside.

Moreover, Xu Rong's death in Xinfeng was already very close to Chang'an, after Li Dai Guo And others rebelled, they gathered the Western Liang army along the way, and when they arrived in Chang'an, there were already more than 100,000 horses, Xu Rong died in Xinfeng, it was obvious that he died of the enemy and the widow, not to mention his opponent Li Dai Guo And others, which was not a fierce general who had followed Dong Zhuo for many years? His flank Yang Ding was also Dong Zhuo's former confidant, and in this case, it was basically unlikely to win against the sky, otherwise he would be a god man.

There is also the fact that Xu Rong, as a person from Xuanju County, Youzhou, why did he have a relationship with Dong Zhuo?

Personally, I think that in addition to wanting to win over the scholars, Dong Zhuo will definitely prefer people like Xu Rong, who are similar to him and are both from the border areas

Therefore, Xu Rong recommended Gongsun Du to go to Youzhou, Dong Zhuo special approved, and the Gongsun family occupied Youzhou for decades, until it was later eradicated by Sima Yi.

From this point of view, Xu Rong's vision of people is also good.

So, in the end, Xu Rong is very mysterious, mysterious because his records are too few, but the impact is very deep

Xu Rong is also very complicated, although he is a military general, he should only be a military general, but it is related to internal politics, and the final defeat is also an internal political issue.

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