
Huxiang natural calendar 丨 autumn color dyeing treetops (2) solo sigh maple fragrant forest, cold to good color

author:New Hunan
Huxiang natural calendar 丨 autumn color dyeing treetops (2) solo sigh maple fragrant forest, cold to good color

Huxiang natural calendar 丨 autumn color dyeing treetops (2) solo sigh maple fragrant forest, cold to good color

Monday November 15, 2021 The 9th day of the winter

China's four major maple viewing resorts, Changsha Yuelu Mountain occupies a seat. This year's autumn came too late, and it was not until the early winter was mixed with hot and cold, rain and sunshine that the maple fragrance of Yuelu Mountain gradually became frosted. Now, the red leaves at the top of the tree and the lower layer reflect the yellow and green leaves, which are colorful and the "maple" scenery is beautiful.

Huxiang natural calendar 丨 autumn color dyeing treetops (2) solo sigh maple fragrant forest, cold to good color

Hunan is one of the main producers of maple incense. In ancient Chinese legend, maple wood was incarnated by the miao ancestor god Xuan You, and Xuan You's hometown was in southwest Hunan Province. To this day, in the City of Bumiao Autonomous County, where the Miao ethnic groups in our province, Maple Bay, Maple Wood Ping, Maple Wood Village, Maple Fort... There are more than 100 place names with "maple". For a long time, the Hmong people regarded maple wood as a "feng shui tree" to lower demons and eliminate monsters and protect the wealth and blessing clan, and it was also a "holy relic" commemorating the ancestor god Xuan You.

In ancient times, the Chinese people did not pay much attention to plant classification, and many people collectively referred to the autumn and winter autumn leaves as "maple". The Qing Dynasty botanist Wu Qilin once complained about this problem in the "Botanical Names and Facts Tu Kao": "Where there are forks in the leaves of jiangnan, they are called maples, not all of the same kind." ”

Among the various types of trees that are mixed as "maple", maple plants are similar in appearance and leaf color to maple fragrance, and their distribution range is also wider. Now, when many people talk about "maple", what comes to mind is actually "maple". In China's botanical classic "Chinese Higher Plants Atlas", "maple" and "maple" are strictly distinguished, but the later "Flora of China" believes that "maple" can be collectively referred to as "maple". In any case, "maple" and "maple" are both different families and different genera. To distinguish them, someone summed up the phrase "three maples and five maples", which means that the leaves are three splits are maple incense, and the five splits are maple trees.

Huxiang natural calendar 丨 autumn color dyeing treetops (2) solo sigh maple fragrant forest, cold to good color

This statement is not scientific, many species of maple leaves have 4 to 7 lobes, and the maple common in maple trees, the leaves are exactly 3 lobes. In fact, there is no need to dwell on the leaves, looking at the fruit can easily get the maple and maple: the maple fruit is the aggregate head-shaped capsule, which is what we call "maple ball"; The fruit of the maple plant is a wing fruit, and each tiny capsule has a pair of "wings" on it, ready to fly in the wind.

The Song dynasty Yang Wanli wrote in the poem: "Xiao Feng stole the heavenly wine one night, but Qian Lonely Pine hid his drunken appearance." "Feng Xiang stole or did not steal the heavenly wine, I and other mortals can not know, but in this early winter, drinking and watching Feng is really a beautiful thing."

【Small business card】

Maple, a deciduous tree in the witch hazel family, is a deciduous tree that prefers sunshine and can reach heights of up to 30 meters. The bark is gray-brown, and the squares are peeling; The twigs are gray after the trunk, covered with soft hairs, with slightly skin holes; The leaves are thin leathery, broadly ovate, palmate shallow lobes; Male short spike-like inflorescences are often arranged in multiple rows; Cephalic fruit insular spherical shape, 3 to 4 cm in diameter; The seeds in the capsule are mostly brown.

Pioneer, fast-growing, long life, can improve the land quality of the growth area, purify the air, strong ornamentality, for ensuring the stability of the ecological environment and beautifying the environment have a positive effect. It is distributed in all provinces south of The Qinling Mountains and the HuaiHe River in China, and is the tree species with the largest number of ancient tree resources in Hunan Province.

Text/Peng Yahui Photo/Tian Chao Yu Xunlin Design/Yuan Xiangqun Think Tank/Yu Xunlin Coordinator/Zhou Yuegui Special Support/Hunan Forestry Bureau

[Editor-in-Charge: Peng Kexin]

[Source: Hunan Daily· New Hunan Client]