
Thank you – a tribute to the great man


"The East is red, the sun is rising, and China has a Mao Zedong." He seeks happiness for the people, and he is the great savior of the people. Chairman Mao, who loves the people, is our guide and leads us forward in order to build a new China. ”

Once it was just humming along with the melody, now the longer the time, the more I agree with it, and I am more fortunate. Thankfully, China once had you!! Fortunately, there were great people in China who cut through thorns and thorns! I can't imagine what China would be like today if history hadn't been there! What would our lives be like if history hadn't! If history does not, can we talk about the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation today with confidence?

Our army is the Chinese People's Liberation Army, our bank is the Chinese Bank, our country is a socialist country under the people's democratic dictatorship, and the purpose of the Communist Party of China is to serve the people. Ah, writing here suddenly some tears, if not, if there is no great people in the original hard work, today's ordinary Chinese can still have hope?

Be forward-looking, like you!