
How to maintain the most comfortable state in love? Absolute possession, relative freedom

author:Li Yang

"I love you"

The three words that come from instinct are sometimes like a piece of bubble gum stuck in the throat, like a carp in the throat.

"You've been married for so many years, don't you think that every day is very similar, it won't be boring?" When chatting with friends, I can't help but "ask her" for advice on married life.

"No, every day he loves me more than the day before!" The friend's face was covered with happiness that could not be concealed.

How to maintain the most comfortable state in love? Absolute possession, relative freedom

In fact, my girlfriend did not deliberately modify their marriage, in her family, "I love you" is the daily language, just like "I am hungry", "I am sleepy", "I want to go to the toilet" These words appear as frequently. Girlfriend said that although they have different hobbies and small habits, but mutual respect is the most basic way for them to get along, in order to enhance the happiness of life, the two people will also try to cater to each other's hobbies, she likes to dance, he clumsily accompanies her to play the game game in the game machine; he likes to sing, she will pull the five-tone voice to accompany him to the family K song; they all like pets, so in addition to these two "two-legged beasts", there is a cute and loving cat and a dog.

To be honest, this kind of life is probably something I can't envy, and at the same time I appreciate it.

How to maintain the most comfortable state in love? Absolute possession, relative freedom

A house for two people with three meals for four seasons, simple and rustic. The two returned home from work, the girls cooked, and the boys helped. During the meal, the two people quietly watched the drama they loved to chase, and occasionally discussed and shared with each other, after the meal, the boy held the computer and curled up on the sofa to busy the unfinished work of the day, the girl leaned on the boy's lap, comfortably reading and learning, reaching out to be a sticky cat and dog. Tired of looking up, you can see the person you love around, and naturally feel at ease and comfortable... The two people did not talk, did not disturb each other, quiet picture, warm and natural, will not deliberately create a topic, will not worry about embarrassment because of the cold field.

Two people in a marriage are two independent individuals, feeling happiness in each other's magnetic field.

How to maintain the most comfortable state in love? Absolute possession, relative freedom

Falling in love is not so easy, everyone has his temper, even if it is inevitable to live under the same roof together, and even living together, it is easier to have contradictions. Acquaintance can rely on full of love and love, can be righteous, but getting along and loving each other requires management, running-in and tolerance.

When not around the other party, the hormones in the body can not help but miss the person who lives in the heart, want to know where the other party is, what they are doing, at this time to say "I miss you" may be more than "what are you doing" can make the other party feel the thoughts in their hearts.

The most touching thing about love is to turn two completely different people into a whole, relying on each other, supporting each other, working together for the small family that shields the wind and rain, and for the future that we look forward to together.

How to maintain the most comfortable state in love? Absolute possession, relative freedom

What is the most comfortable state of being in love? Perhaps every couple has their own answer in their hearts, and there is no standard answer to this question. It could be that I happened to be hungry when you came back from your barbecue; you were pouring me water when I was thirsty; you patted me lightly on the back when I couldn't sleep; the thick embrace you gave me when I felt wronged; you appeared before my eyes when I thought of you.

Love is never a bondage, there is no need to "bind" the other party tightly to yourself, three minutes without replying to the message will be followed by phone bombing, is to care yes, but over-caring is not love, is the limit.

How to maintain the most comfortable state in love? Absolute possession, relative freedom

Two people in love, the best state, should be absolute possession, relatively free. Love at the same time give each other space, whether it is material space or spiritual space. Shine in their respective fields, improve themselves towards the same goal, and lovers are the most solid support and support.

From curiosity to tacit understanding of thought, from the same pace to common progress, without deliberately caring, it will naturally flow out. You don't unreasonably ask me to watch a movie when I'm at work; I don't let you go for a run when you're tired and resting. Know how to appreciate and understand each other, but also understand their distance from the goal, make progress together bit by bit, achieve excellent each other, and become excellent themselves.

How to maintain the most comfortable state in love? Absolute possession, relative freedom

Loving and loving, it returns to the original state of love. But many lovers, love and love, they lost their original intentions, obviously because of the advantages of the other party attracted to themselves, but in the end they feel that the other party is a bad mess, what to do to make themselves unhappy, what is wrong?

Those who understand and praise are the driving force between lovers; those who belittle and suspect are mutual resistance. The reason why many lovers dare not let each other "free" is just to satisfy their own uneasiness. This practice of love is ultimately to become a better version of yourself.

I am Li Yang and wish you happiness.

Author | Li Yang

Image source | Internet

Graphic editing | Yan Eight Barrels

All rights reserved, without permission, reproduction is prohibited

How to maintain the most comfortable state in love? Absolute possession, relative freedom