
Great Sword King V: The martial arts are extremely high, and the foreigners are afraid! Why were priceless weapons destroyed in 1958? The tragic conclusion of the establishment of a career

author:Poetic world

The great hero is for the country and the people. —— Source: Jin Yong's martial arts novel "The Legend of the Archery Hero"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > established</h1>

Edison famously said, "Genius is 1% inspiration plus 99% sweat." "Sweat" (hard work) is important, but the key to determining whether a person can become a generation of masters in a certain field is precisely "inspiration" (talent). I have to say that some people are born for "something", such as Wang Wu, a disciple of the late Qing Dynasty, who was born for "martial arts".

Wang Wu was born in 1844 in Cangzhou, Hebei Province, because of his fifth rank, he was called "Wang Wu", nicknamed "Little Five Sons", and his real name was Wang Zhengyi. His family was poor, he lost his father at the age of 3, he was dependent on his mother, and he was not allowed to help the family with chores to maintain his livelihood at an early age. After "poor learning literature, rich learning martial arts", after a little older, Wang Wu became a strong interest in "martial arts", first worshiping Xiao and becoming a teacher (to do chores to cover tuition fees), and after a little success, Wang Wu, who hoped to "go to a higher level", came to visit Li Fenggang, a double-knife martial artist in Cangzhou.

Great Sword King V: The martial arts are extremely high, and the foreigners are afraid! Why were priceless weapons destroyed in 1958? The tragic conclusion of the establishment of a career

It is rumored that this is the only photo of the Great Sword King before his death

Li Fenggang was unwilling to accept apprentices, and Wang Wu performed a scene of "Cheng Men LiXue", and Li Fenggang faced Wang Wu, who knelt in front of the door and refused to leave for a long time, moved his heart of compassion and accepted him as an apprentice. In just a few years, Wang Wu's martial arts surpassed that of his master, and most of the masters cherished real talents, and When Li Fenggang saw that Wang Wu was a martial arts wizard, he recommended him to Liu Shilong, a master brother with higher martial arts, as an apprentice.

Liu Shilong directly led Wang Wu to walk the rivers and lakes, escort darts for actual combat, and Wang Wu's martial arts got rid of the characteristics of "flower fist embroidered legs" and truly became a "defeat the enemy and kill people" technique. A few years later, Wang Wu became a dart master who could stand alone, and in 1877, he opened a dart board in the capital, the Shunyuan Dart Bureau. The 34-year-old Wang Wu has embarked on the road of entrepreneurship and established a business in Beijing.

Great Sword King V: The martial arts are extremely high, and the foreigners are afraid! Why were priceless weapons destroyed in 1958? The tragic conclusion of the establishment of a career

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > famous</h1>

Historically, Wang Wu was on a par with famous martial artists such as Yanzi Li San, Huo Yuanjia, and Huang Feihong, and was among the top ten masters of the late Qing Dynasty, which were widely circulated by the people. The reason why Wang Wu was able to leave his name in history was admired by the world. Not only because of his successful cause of "turning a generation of masters from a poor boy to a great cause", but also because of Wang Wuxing's valuable spirit of fighting righteousness, patriotism for the people, and resisting external humiliation with his own strength.

Wang Wu lived in the late Qing Dynasty, when the country was in turmoil, the great powers invaded, and the government was corrupt and incompetent. "Every time you slaughter a dog, your negative heart is mostly a reader." This phenomenon was even worse in the late Qing Dynasty, when Wang Wudou did not know a single character, but he was frank and straightforward, distinguishing between right and wrong, practicing chivalry and righteousness, helping the poor and the weak, and being the real "great hero".

On the one hand, Wang Wu studied martial arts, and in practice, he found that the double knife was not flexible enough in fighting, so he learned the art from the famous single knife master "Shanxi Dong". A few years later, Wang Wu's "big sword" martial arts were invincible in the world. On the other hand, Wang Wu has a unique way to operate his business, standardize his practice, charge reasonable fees, be both virtuous and artistic, and his business is very prosperous, and he has become famous in a very short period of time.

Great Sword King V: The martial arts are extremely high, and the foreigners are afraid! Why were priceless weapons destroyed in 1958? The tragic conclusion of the establishment of a career

There are many dart bureaus in Beijing, such as the Huiyou Dart Bureau, which not only has a business history of nearly 300 years, but also has the strongest reputation in the industry, at the same time, it is willing to pay a large price to hire martial arts masters to be dart masters, so the general dart bureau can not do it.

However, Wang Wu had a different story. For example, valuable belongings must be personally escorted by him. For example, those who open their mouths to mention his name and come to the door are not only hospitality, but also when the other party bids farewell, they also have to offer travel expenses. In addition, for the poor people, Wang Wu will also try to help. Especially during the Spring Festival, it is even more necessary to use cars and horses to load materials to help the poor.

In short, Wang Wu's good deeds made the people praise him. Coupled with his many years of experience in darts and the courage to break out in the past ten years, it is hard to let him run a small dart board, and the business is getting more and more prosperous.

To sum up, Wang Wu's business follows several principles: First, absolute integrity. The second is to be enthusiastic about charity. The third is to pay attention to service. The fourth is to maintain word of mouth. In addition, Wang Wu understands the principle that "a gentleman loves wealth and has a way to take it", and "ill-gotten wealth is not taken". Therefore, Wang Wu was very famous in the rivers and lakes, and his reputation among the common people was good, and the crowd gave two plaques, "Derong Reformation" and "Righteousness and Liberation", which hung on the east and west sides of his door.

Shunyuan Dart Bureau has a wide range of activities, from Shanhaiguan in the north to Qingjiangpu in Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province in the south.

Great Sword King V: The martial arts are extremely high, and the foreigners are afraid! Why were priceless weapons destroyed in 1958? The tragic conclusion of the establishment of a career

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="20" > tragedy</h1>

Wang Wu has been shelved until now, is definitely a "diamond king old five", and was also a successful person in the late Qing Dynasty. However, Wang Wu's ending was very tragic. In the final analysis, it is because Wang Wu is a patriot and is involved in politics. In the dark age of "negative hearts are mostly readers", the end of life is destined to be a tragedy.

Wang Wu was deeply dissatisfied with the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government, and hated the corrupt officials and the people. Sometimes, Wang Wu would hijack dart carts transporting corrupt officials and use their belongings to help the poor and the weak. In addition, the people whom Wang Wu deeply befriended, regardless of faction, rich or poor, poor or low, are upright people who serve the country and the people. Such as Tan Sitong, Song Jingshi (leader of the peasant uprising in the late Qing Dynasty, one of the leaders of the Black Flag Army) and others.

In 1895, the Qing court was defeated in the Battle of Jiawu and was forced to negotiate peace, pay compensation to Japan, and sign a humiliating peace treaty. Yushi An Weijun rebuked the current government and demanded that the imperial court severely punish those who had misled the country, and the Qing court dismissed him from his post and assigned him to the frontier. Out of righteous indignation, Wang Wu resolutely assumed the responsibility of escorting An Weijun.

Great Sword King V: The martial arts are extremely high, and the foreigners are afraid! Why were priceless weapons destroyed in 1958? The tragic conclusion of the establishment of a career

After returning to Beijing, Wang Wu deeply felt that the Qing Dynasty had become a lackey of imperialism to oppress the people, and if the people wanted to resist foreign humiliation, they could only protect themselves by "strengthening their bodies and practicing martial arts" to protect themselves. He opened Xuetang Street in Xiangchang, named "Father Wuyi Learning", and received apprentices to teach martial arts. Tan Si and his teachers learned art, and the two saw each other as brothers and established a deep friendship of "like-mindedness".

On September 21, 1898, Empress Dowager Cixi launched a coup d'état that lasted 103 days and failed. Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, Tan Si and other reformers were arrested and imprisoned. Wang Wu used his connections to buy off the prison guards and organize an armed force to prepare to rescue Tan Sitong.

However, in the face of the persuasion of Wang Wu and others, Tan Sitong expressed his determination to change the law, awakened to the public, did not want to flee, and was willing to lead the neck to kill. Wang Wu was Tan Sitong's confidant, and when Tan Sitong first participated in the change of law, Wang Wu expressed his concerns.

Although the Guangxu Emperor was very supportive of the restoration and reform of the law, he did not have military power in his hands. The reforms in the process of changing the law also violated the interests of the princes, nobles, and the eight banner magnates, so he was always worried that the restoration and reform of the law would be hit hard.

Great Sword King V: The martial arts are extremely high, and the foreigners are afraid! Why were priceless weapons destroyed in 1958? The tragic conclusion of the establishment of a career

Although Wang Wu had worries in his heart, he vigorously supported Tan Sitong's participation in the movement to change the law and make it stronger. The change of law failed, Tan Sitong refused to flee, and Wang Wu did not go against his will. After Tan Sitong was killed, Wang Wu went to the execution ground alone, fell on his body and wept bitterly, and from then on firmly embarked on the road of anti-Qing.

It was true that Tan Si and Wang Wu took the risk of collecting the corpse. Zhao Binglin &lt; Baiyan Wencun &gt; recorded the situation at that time: "At the time of Wu Shu, Tan Sitong was tortured, and no one dared to ask. The chivalrous man wept and wiped his blood. The eyes of the road are all known: 'This political swordsman Wang Wugongye.' ’”

After Tan Sitong's death, Wang Wu organized forces to avenge him, stepping on the Forbidden City many times and assassinating Cixi! The palace was heavily guarded, and without internal response, it was impossible to do anything, so it had to be abandoned.

Wang Wu hated the great powers the most, and during the Battle of Jiawu, the Black Flag Army reorganized and was stationed in Taiwan on the orders of the (imperial court). After the defeat of the Sino-Japanese War, the Qing court ceded Taiwan, and when the Japanese army "settled" in Taiwan, it was strongly resisted by the Black Flag Army and the Taiwanese military and civilians, but the Qing court isolated them and helped the Japanese Kou "take over" Taiwan. Wang Wu chose to join the Black Flag Army and struck a blow at the Japanese. However, the Japanese eventually invaded and occupied Taiwan, and most of the black flag army officers died heroically.

Great Sword King V: The martial arts are extremely high, and the foreigners are afraid! Why were priceless weapons destroyed in 1958? The tragic conclusion of the establishment of a career

The picture shows the Japanese army invading Taiwan in 1874

The Black Flag Army was originally a peasant rebel army operating on the border of Guangdong and Guangxi in China during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Revolution, led by Liu Yongfu, and in 1867 the Qing army's attack forced the Black Flag Army into Baosheng (present-day Lao Cai, Vietnam). After several victories in the war against the French invasion of Vietnam (Sino-French War), he was disbanded by the Qing court after returning to China. During the Sino-Japanese War, the Black Flag Army was reorganized on the orders of the Qing government, still led by Liu Yongfu, and stationed on the island of Taiwan. Later, the Japanese army invaded Taiwan, and most of the soldiers were killed due to the war situation.

In 1900, the Boxer Rebellion arose, Wang Wu joined the team of "killing foreigners", with a large knife, slashing and killing foreigners like cutting vegetables, killing foreign devils, cheerful, foreigners are very afraid of the large knife team led by Wang Wu, try to avoid fighting with it, do not dare to act alone. However, the Qing court once again staged the ugly face of "rebellion", from supporting the "Boxer Rebellion" (June 1900) to "suppressing the Boxer Rebellion" (July 1900) in less than a month.

On October 25, 1900, the Qing soldiers surrounded the Shunyuan Dart Bureau. The Eight-Nation Alliance used foreign guns and cannons to shoot Wang Wu at the front door. After Wang Wu's death, his head was hung on the city gate and could not be buried. When the great hero Huo Yuanjia heard about it, he came from Tianjin and secretly removed his head at night, so that Wang Wu could be buried in the ground.

The martial arts master Wang Wu, a generation of heroes has come to an end! In that era when "everyone is drunk and I wake up alone", death may be the best relief for Wang Wu! The Qing Dynasty survived for 12 years.

Great Sword King V: The martial arts are extremely high, and the foreigners are afraid! Why were priceless weapons destroyed in 1958? The tragic conclusion of the establishment of a career

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" > conclusion</h1>

Although Wang Wu died, his former residence in Beijing has always been preserved, and there was originally a Xuan open space in front of the door, flying high the apricot yellow flag of the Yuanshun Dart Bureau, and the two plaques of "Derong Reformation" and "Righteous Heavy Liberation" hung on the east and west sides of the gate, as well as the double swords used by Wang Wu before his death, a sword given to him by Tan Sitong, and the "Green Dragon Yanyue Great Knife" weighing more than 100 kilograms.

After the failure of the Wushu reform, Tan Sitong once gave the beloved "Fengzhi" sword to Wang Wu as a souvenir.

These relics are extremely valuable, especially the "Green Dragon Yanyue Big Knife" weighing more than 100 kilograms, which has been valued by experts at over 100 million. Unfortunately, in 1958, in the "big steelmaking", the "Green Dragon Yanyue Big Knife", "Fengji" and "Double Knife" were all put into the steelmaking furnace to contribute to the country.

Later, the people in the courtyard (Wang Wu's former residence) built houses, and the plaque was taken down and used as a bed board. There used to be an empty field in front of the door, flying high with the apricot yellow flag of the Yuanshun Dart Bureau, which was now occupied by public toilets.

The relics are beyond recognition, but the patriotic story of the great hero Wang Wu has been passed down from generation to generation, and its reputation has been far and wide, educating generations of Chinese sons and daughters: patriotism is eternal, and the struggle is endless!