
Did the legendary houyi who shot the sun really exist in history? Why does Houyi shoot the sun?


Houyi is not only a mythical and legendary figure, there have been people in history.

There was a family in the Xia Dynasty who had been good at archery for generations, and the Heavenly Sons of the Xia Dynasty gave them bows and arrows, allowing them to hold the position of archers for generations. When Taikang was a monarch, because he did not pay attention to political affairs,

He was taken by the archer Yi at the time and seized real power on the north bank of Luoshui. Yi gradually took control of the xia dynasty and abolished the Son of Heaven step by step, eventually establishing himself as king. However, Yi also ignored political affairs, and had high archery skills and played and hunted every day. At that time, many wise talents were abandoned by him, but the traitorous villain Han Hun was reused. The traitorOus Han Hun's power continued to grow, and eventually usurped the throne and killed Yi. Because Yi was once a monarch, and "Hou" is the title of the monarch in ancient times, Yi is also called Hou

Did the legendary houyi who shot the sun really exist in history? Why does Houyi shoot the sun?

In 1997, the commemorative gold coin of "Houyi Shooting Day" was produced.

The mythical Houyi is also good at archery, he is Chang'e's husband, honest and courageous, brave and strong, and has done a lot of good things to eliminate harm for the people. It is recorded in the Huainan Zi that during the time of Emperor Yao, ten suns suddenly appeared in the sky, bringing serious disasters to the people on the earth. These ten suns were the ten sons of Emperor Jun and Xi He of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor, who should have taken turns in the sky to shine on the earth, but on this day the ten suns ran into the air together, and under the strong sunlight, the earth cracked, the rivers dried up, and many people and animals died of thirst. Fires have raged in the forests, wild beasts have wreaked havoc, crops have withered, diseases have run rampant, and people's lives have been miserable.

Emperor Yao asked Hou Yi to come out and shoot off the sun in the sky. Only to see houYi Zhang's bow and arrow aimed at the sky, after a sun shot down, people suddenly felt much cooler. He took another breath and shot out eight suns. The earth returned to normal, no longer hot.

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