
The cultural connotations of calligraphy

author:Shang Dao Tang

Calligraphy developed with the production of writing, after the gestation of the pre-Qin and Han dynasties, the beginning of the Wei and Jin southern and northern dynasties, the maturity of the five sui and Tang dynasties, the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, Shoucheng and Zhongxing, converged into a stream of calligraphy culture, all the way down, magnificent. During this period, there were countless calligraphy masters, each leading the way: seal, li, kai, line, cursive and other calligraphy styles, constantly matured and developed, and the styles were diverse; the study of calligraphy theory was also deepening, and various calligraphy treatises came out one after another, like a vast sea of smoke. The culture of calligraphy, broad and profound, has become the core and soul of ancient art. With her seductive charm, she most concentrated and most representatively embodies the pursuit of the Chinese nation. The amazing thing about the art of calligraphy is that it concentrates on the content of literature and the world of emotion, and is a comprehensive art that integrates poetry and literary endowment, pen and ink interest. She uses thread to a super-wonderful realm, reaching the peak of true abstract art. Therefore, those who study, study and collect calligraphy should recognize the cultural attributes of calligraphy. Analyze and study calligraphers and works from the perspective of history, cultural relics and culture. Only in this way can we truly understand the spiritual connotation of Chinese calligraphy.

The cultural connotations of calligraphy
The cultural connotations of calligraphy
The cultural connotations of calligraphy
The cultural connotations of calligraphy
The cultural connotations of calligraphy

Ancient calligraphy attaches equal importance to practicality and appreciation, first emphasizing practicality, and then appreciating. Due to the needs of actual writing, all people with a certain level of education have undergone strict calligraphy training and written dignified and beautiful calligraphy. Coupled with the education of traditional culture, the influence of the calligraphy environment, the influence of social atmosphere and the promotion of the country, the art of calligraphy has been unprecedentedly prosperous and developed. Literati bachelor, all proficient in calligraphy. Or revere the second king, or teach Fa Yan and Liu, or follow Su and Huang, or go in and out of Dong and Zhao, with a variety of styles, each showing a thousand autumns. Ancient literati, most of them were able to understand piano, chess, books and paintings. Or calligraphy and painting are good at both, or books, paintings, and printing "three absolutes", thus becoming a typical symbol of ancient Chinese literati. The cultivation of Chinese calligraphy is the most important thing to do with words and words, requiring calligraphers to study calligraphy, broaden the history of books, "read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles", and strengthen cultural and artistic accomplishment. A successful work of calligraphy is the sum of the scholar's ideological realm, life experience, knowledge accumulation and artistic accomplishment. It is the embodiment of a person's comprehensive quality. Calligraphers should make themselves have noble character, extensive artistic accomplishment, rich accumulation of knowledge, broad vision and mind. In this way, you can make your own calligraphy works have a more beautiful artistic conception, momentum, charm and rhythm, and the mood is swaying, the emotions are indulgent, the solitary spirit is exquisite, and the wonderful is superior.

The cultural connotations of calligraphy
The cultural connotations of calligraphy
The cultural connotations of calligraphy
The cultural connotations of calligraphy
The cultural connotations of calligraphy

All ancient and modern, all those who have made outstanding achievements in calligraphy creation are not university inquirers, and the words and lines all reveal the author's high-level cultural pursuits. Deep thoughts, rich philosophies, abundant emotions, jumping on the paper, the atmosphere of the book, evocative. Opening the history of calligraphy, many calligraphers, whether it is Li Si, Wang Xizhi, Lu Kamzhi, Ouyang Qian, Zhang Xu, Su Shi, Huang Tingjian, Zhu Yunming, Xu Wei, Wang Wenzhi, Weng Fanggang, Kang Youwei, etc., or Lu Xun, Guo Moruo, Hu Xiaoshi, Ye Shengtao, Zhu Dongrun, Shen Yinmo, Sha Menghai, Qi Gong, etc., have all become familiar with the Six Arts Classics since childhood, and they are not only great calligraphers who have left their names in the annals of history, but also great poets and scholars who are proficient in poetry, who have learned five cars and have a chest full of thousands of scrolls, becoming pioneers in the history of Chinese culture.

The cultural connotations of calligraphy
The cultural connotations of calligraphy
The cultural connotations of calligraphy
The cultural connotations of calligraphy
The cultural connotations of calligraphy
The cultural connotations of calligraphy
The cultural connotations of calligraphy