
Partisan differences have widened the gap in the mortality rate of COVID-19 in the United States in the "red state" and "blue state"

Source: CCTV news client

As of now, the number of deaths from COVID-19 in the United States has exceeded 760,000. However, the US media combed and found that the politicization of the vaccine problem in the United States has intensified, and the gap in the new crown pneumonia mortality rate between the "red states" that have long supported the Republican Party and the "blue states" that support the Democratic Party are rapidly expanding with partisan differences.

Even though the United States ranks first in the world in the number of confirmed covid-19 cases and deaths, issues such as partisan differences still plague the UNITED States' COVID-19 vaccination efforts. According to a recent poll on COVID-19 vaccination in the US media, 47% of Republicans are reluctant to get vaccinated, compared with 6% of Democrats. At the same time, some Republicans in the United States frequently question the effectiveness of vaccines and oppose compulsory vaccination orders, resulting in a decrease in the willingness of Republican followers to vaccinate. In October, in previous elections, 25 people per 100,000 people in areas with high Republican support died of COVID-100,000; in areas with high Democratic support, the figure was 7.8.

Some POLITICIANS IN THE UNITED STATES ARE obsessed with power struggles and interest struggles, but they disregard the lives and health of ordinary people and let party interests override the interests of the people, which is an extremely irresponsible behavior. Some US media pointed out that the difference in the acceptance of the new crown vaccine derived from partisan differences has led to deepening political differences everywhere and spreading to the commercial field. Pro-Democrat companies are more likely to require candidates to be vaccinated than pro-Republican counterparts. Some observers pointed out that this unprecedented phenomenon will lead to an increasing gap between companies in different regions, laying a huge hidden danger for the future economic development of the United States.