
True freedom is never arbitrary

author:The cute thing is coming

One sentence per day

True freedom is never arbitrary

It's self-domination

True freedom is never arbitrary

"Where does freedom come from? From self-confidence, and self-confidence comes from self-discipline" – Jobs

The degree of self-discipline of a person determines the height of life

True freedom is never arbitrary

There is no shortage of smart people, and there is no shortage of hard-working people, but there are very few successful people, just because 95% of people do not have self-discipline. Today I read a good book "Self-disciplined Life is Freer" to summarize my feelings.

The self-disciplined life is not as painful as you think.

Some netizens posted on the Internet that they compared themselves four years ago and now, compared with four years ago, they were dozens of pounds fat, their faces were full of acne, and they looked sluggish, which was really "once a handsome star, and now fat into eight precepts." It is said that years are a pig killing knife, but there are countless excellent people who reveal another truth to us: it is not that you are red and easy to grow old, but that you sweat too little.

A research institute has published a set of reports: among the CEOs of world-famous companies, there is not a single person who is overweight. Jack Ma, Jianlin Wang, Zuckerberg, Robin Li, Bill Gates... These successful people with legendary lives maintain a very well-proportioned body.

Truly excellent people are people who are self-disciplined to the extreme. They insist on getting up early, exercising, controlling their diet, and arranging their work and life in an orderly manner. They describe their success as light-hearted, but behind them are decades of perseverance and hard work.

True freedom is never arbitrary

Self-discipline is the beginning of a person's self-redemption. When we are young, we often think that doing what we want is freedom, but as we get older, we gradually understand that only self-discipline can bring true freedom.

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