
A top ten sentences of life motto, sentence by sentence into the bone, thought-provoking

author:Charismatic heart talk

First, it is not that there is no water in the well, but that it is not dug deep enough; it is not that success comes slowly, but that it gives up quickly. It takes wisdom to get something, and it takes courage to give up something!

Second, if it is really bitter, you have no time to shout tired. If it's really miserable, you don't have time to feel ashamed. Because you can't bear it enough, you have time to complain.

Third, no matter how much Cao Cao commits adultery, he has confidants; no matter how good Liu Bei is, he has a sworn enemy; no matter how gentle Sun Quan is, both sides are enemies. So don't care too much about what others say about you, do your own thing, go your own way, and don't live in the eyes of others.

A top ten sentences of life motto, sentence by sentence into the bone, thought-provoking

Fourth, time not only allows you to see through others, but also makes you recognize yourself. Many times, it is in the ups and downs that we learn to live.

Time changes everything, and everything changes us. What was not used to it is now used to it; what was once very wanted, now it is not needed; it is very persistent at first, and then it is very free.

Sixth, life to balance two things, I am willing and I should ... Everyone wants to live a "I do" life as they please, but watching their parents grow old, should they take on some "I should" responsibilities? Teenager, more responsibility, less willfulness.

A top ten sentences of life motto, sentence by sentence into the bone, thought-provoking

Seventh, a person's life, is like this: coming is accidental, going is inevitable, do its best, go with the flow. Gain indifferently, lose calmly, fight for its inevitable, natural.

Eighth, a lifetime is so long, whether it is work or love, marriage or life, you should be kind to yourself, let yourself live more expensive, in order to live up to the next life.

Life is not exactly what you see, and there are many big things you have experienced but do not know. Everyone is not a hapless egg who stumbles step by step, and no one is the darling of a smooth fate. Look down on those things and believe that you will live a better life.

A top ten sentences of life motto, sentence by sentence into the bone, thought-provoking

Ten, the road that cannot be walked will turn back, the people who love but cannot be loved will let go, and the enthusiasm that cannot be obtained will be stopped, do not regard wishful thinking as full of loneliness, and do not take boredom as wanting to get away with it.

Don't always cry and complain about your pain to others, at first they will sympathize, then they will be numb, then they will be irritable, and finally they will despise. It is not easy for everyone, and they must learn to bear the burden.

We already know that not every love has a happy ending, but we will still look forward to love, just like you know that flowers will bloom and flowers will fall, but you will still buy flowers next time. Some people leave because the time has come; some people don't show up yet because the time hasn't yet come.

A top ten sentences of life motto, sentence by sentence into the bone, thought-provoking

If you turn to God for help, it means that you believe in God's power; if God does not help you, it means that God believes in your power.

Fourteen, the greatest pain in life is that the soul does not belong, whether you know it or not, whether you admit it or not. If you have a good heart, you can have nothing to worry about; if you have a good heart, you can't hate him; if your heart is simple, the troubles of the world will become empty.

Fifteen, life, just like a hike, the most difficult stage of life is not that no one understands you, but that you do not understand yourself. Since we have gone into the world once, we must cherish the value of life. In a sense, it's harder to live than to die. To die requires only a moment of courage, to live, but to need the courage of a lifetime.

A top ten sentences of life motto, sentence by sentence into the bone, thought-provoking

What kind of person you are, you know it yourself; what kind of life you live, you enjoy or bear it yourself. Hard days are hard, good days are enjoyed, there is no need for everyone to understand and understand.

Seventeen, a lifetime, even if it can be vigorous, it will not last, and blandness is the last song. The meaning of life is deeply contained in ordinary life.

Eighteen, when I was a child, my face was thin, and others had to cry out of tears when they said two hard words. Later, the face slowly hardened, and all kinds of sneers could pretend not to be heard. In fact, most of the time, we are not qualified to live gracefully. When you can live with a thick skin, you really understand life.

A top ten sentences of life motto, sentence by sentence into the bone, thought-provoking

At any time, you need to give yourself a clear bottom line, because many times some people will wear down your bottom line little by little, and when you don't have a bottom line, you are completely controlled by others.

In this world, you are you. You hurt, you hurt yourself; you're tired, you're tired of yourself. Even if someone sympathizes with you, so what, it is up to you to clean up the mess in the end.

The real charm of people: it is not that you have left a good first impression on the other party; it is that the other party still likes to be with you after knowing you for many years. It is not that you instantly attract the other person's attention; it is that the other party still appreciates you after getting acquainted with you. It is not that after the first meeting, there is a feeling of seeing each other and hating the night; but after going through the vicissitudes, it is good to be able to say from the bottom of my heart that it is good to know you.

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