
Whitening replenishes qi and blood, this "ancestral whitening secret recipe" is particularly good! Dark and spotted women to collect

author:Love the health of the people

Today's folk secret recipe, whitening to improve dull, long spots skin tone is particularly good, in addition to helping to replenish qi and blood. The materials used are all homologous to medicinal food, suitable for daily skin whitening tone, autumn is the "golden period" of whitening, "before the arrival of winter, the skin maintenance of white and tender.

Whitening replenishes qi and blood, this "ancestral whitening secret recipe" is particularly good! Dark and spotted women to collect

This folk whitening secret recipe is Bai Zhi nutrition, don't look at the name is unremarkable, this thing is a fusion of reducing the accumulation of melanin and reconciling the dual role of qi and blood, set inhibiting melanin, promoting its metabolism, filling qi and blood in one, committed to whitening spots.

This substance contains the ingredient of the Chinese herbal medicine Bai Zhi, which is a medicinal material recorded in many ancient medical books that is often used to give women a whitening of her face, and even Empress Dowager Cixi will use Bai Zhi for maintenance. Bai Zhi can improve the metabolism of the body and allow the skin to better metabolize melanin. In addition, there are bird's nest peptides, ejiao peptides and other components, these ingredients are mainly to help nourish yin and replenish blood, active qi and blood, when the qi and blood are full, the skin color on the face will naturally be white and red. Moreover, this substance also adds the ingredient of grape seed extract, which is not a traditional grape seed, and the most beneficial ingredients for the skin are extracted from it in order to better improve the state of the skin, improve the antioxidant capacity of the skin, and slow down the aging rate of the skin.

Whitening replenishes qi and blood, this "ancestral whitening secret recipe" is particularly good! Dark and spotted women to collect

This whitening formula was given by a Chinese medicine practitioner in Guangxi, and this old Chinese medicine doctor used this formula to help many female friends who love beauty, especially those who have dark skin tones and long spots caused by their own lack of qi and blood, this formula is very useful. There are also ready-made ones on this square subnet to try.

Whitening replenishes qi and blood, this "ancestral whitening secret recipe" is particularly good! Dark and spotted women to collect

There are many methods of whitening in Chinese medicine, let's share 3 "acupuncture point" whitening methods

The first is the "Four White Caves":

Location: Four white holes on the face, the position of the pupil straight down.

Massage technique: Press while exhaling, press for 6 seconds at a time, repeat the pressure 30 times.

Role: Four white holes can help promote blood circulation in the face, long-term adherence to pressing, help whitening, so that the skin returns to its natural rosy luster.

Whitening replenishes qi and blood, this "ancestral whitening secret recipe" is particularly good! Dark and spotted women to collect

The second is the "Yingxiang Cave":

Position: One finger-width position on either side of the nose.

Massage: Press for 6 seconds to release, then continue pressing, repeating 30 times.

Function: It can also promote blood circulation, improve the face of the face and nasolabial wrinkles.

Whitening replenishes qi and blood, this "ancestral whitening secret recipe" is particularly good! Dark and spotted women to collect

Finally, there is the "Yang White Cave":

Position: Located directly above the pupil, 2 cm from the eyebrows.

Massage technique: Massage with the thumbs and abdomen of both hands, massage with exhalation and exhalation, repeat 7 times.

Function: The acupuncture point is an acupuncture point with more qi and blood, which can promote the circulation of qi and blood, accelerate metabolism, and make the face rosy and good.

Whitening replenishes qi and blood, this "ancestral whitening secret recipe" is particularly good! Dark and spotted women to collect

TCM whitening is not only internal adjustment, but also a method of external use - pearl powder mask

We can also make some homemade masks that can be whitened.

Ingredients: pearl powder, milk, honey

Method: Polish the delicate pearl powder, milk and honey, evenly mixed and stirred into a paste (here to remind everyone, must ensure the hygiene of the utensils, to ensure the regularity of the material, otherwise it is easy to lead to skin allergies, speech, etc.)

Apply the finished pearl powder mask evenly to the face, wait for 20 minutes, and then wash off the residue on the face.

Role: Pearl powder and milk are better beauty substances, which can play a role in whitening. Female friends with pigmentation on the face can also be used appropriately to help fade the pigmentation.

Whitening replenishes qi and blood, this "ancestral whitening secret recipe" is particularly good! Dark and spotted women to collect

Chinese medicine whitening is still to be based on internal adjustment, and when the internal adjustment is done well, the skin can truly achieve whitening from the inside out. In the process of whitening, we must pay attention to the internal and external homology, in order to make our skin white natural and transparent.

Whitening is a cause that we need to devote our lives to, we share a lot of whitening methods, basically are very suitable for dark, spotted skin color female friends, but whitening is not a short-term can be achieved, we need to continue to adhere to long-term, from quantitative change to gradually achieve skin quality leap.