
Don't be sorry for Gaulat! The national football team has found a new core in the midfield, and the 27-year-old Tarzan back has become the new Zheng Zhi

author:Maple Bridge Nightfall

Recently, a lot of big things have really happened in Chinese football, the first is that the national football team drew 1-1 with Oman in Sharjah in the 5th game of the round of 12, because it failed to win, the result was that the national football team basically missed the Qatar World Cup, which is a huge blow for many fans who expect the national football team to play a good result and even enter the World Cup. Of course, the fans are more starting point is to hurt these players, now the main players of the national football team are basically about 30 years old, and in four years they are basically gone, which may be the last time of their careers to impact the World Cup, but it still ended with such a sad ending. Then there are our naturalized players, who spent so much manpower, material and financial resources to invite them over, and the result was that they didn't play a few games and didn't help the national football team achieve their goal of entering the World Cup, so all this effort was in vain. And the age of these naturalized players is also doomed to the next 4 years they can not help the national football team. It can be said that the current situation has put everyone in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Don't be sorry for Gaulat! The national football team has found a new core in the midfield, and the 27-year-old Tarzan back has become the new Zheng Zhi

Of course, the main reason for this embarrassing situation is that our strength is really not strong enough. However, recently there is still one thing that has stimulated a lot of media and fans, that is, the naturalized players who are considered to be the core of the national football team after 3 years have left the Chinese Super League and returned to Brazil. This person is The guangzhou team's midfield core Gaulat. After the national football team drew with Oman, when the fans were still struggling with the game, Gaulat took a family and a young man on a plane to Brazil. And according to the media, Gaulat has terminated his contract with the Guangzhou team and returned his house in Guangzhou. And Gaulat also said before leaving that leaving now is a good choice for everyone.

Don't be sorry for Gaulat! The national football team has found a new core in the midfield, and the 27-year-old Tarzan back has become the new Zheng Zhi

Moreover, the football professional media "Football News" analyzed that the termination of the contract with guangzhou team to return to Brazil means that he will also choose to give up his Chinese citizenship at the same time. Brazil recognizes dual nationality, although because China does not recognize dual nationality, Gaulat has first renounced Brazilian nationality when he was naturalized, but because he was born in Brazil, after renouncing Chinese nationality and returning to Brazil, there is no obstacle to regaining Brazilian nationality. That is to say, Gaulat is likely to give up naturalization after this departure, and he does not want to wait until the age of 33 to play for the national football team. That is to say, it is hard to hope that the national football team can have a midfield core in the future, so it is gone again.

Don't be sorry for Gaulat! The national football team has found a new core in the midfield, and the 27-year-old Tarzan back has become the new Zheng Zhi

In fact, everyone knows that the biggest problem of the national football team now is the midfield, because our national football team lacks an organizational core that can really hold the ball and organize it to attack, and this type of local player does not currently have, so we can only look forward to naturalized players, and at present, only Gaulat has this opportunity, but Gaulat himself gave up, that is, there is none.

Don't be sorry for Gaulat! The national football team has found a new core in the midfield, and the 27-year-old Tarzan back has become the new Zheng Zhi

However, in fact, the role of the front waist position in the current football has been diluted, and now a lot of organizational work is assisted by players from the back and the front court. Therefore, it is actually possible to have a good back, just like the national team where Zheng Zhi was still in the past, there was no good organization of the front waist, and it could also show a certain degree of control. Because Zheng Zhi can take care of the defense at the same time, he can take the ball in midfield and push the ball forward. But now that Zheng Zhi is older, he has no speed, the conversion has become slower, and there is no way to help the national team anymore. At this time, the crisis of the national team's midfield appeared. It's the need for Gaulat to be able to organize with the ball, and we can come up with a homegrown midfielder to do tandem, and the other two backs are mainly doing interception and defense, and can also seek a control and balance. So Gaulat picked a no more, and this thing could not be done anymore.

Don't be sorry for Gaulat! The national football team has found a new core in the midfield, and the 27-year-old Tarzan back has become the new Zheng Zhi

And what makes us feel strongly is that when Li Tie replaced Xu Xin, the national football midfielder immediately lost control, and then let the other party use the front of the penalty area to easily shoot long-range, creating a corner, and after the corner kick came out, he scored. So when you compare before and after, you will know how much Xu Xin has helped and played a role in the national football team. And Xu Xin is only 27 years old this year, it is the year of the fight, the future use of him, the national football midfielder can still stand. Even if you can't enter the World Cup, there will still be a dozen asian cups or other Asian competitions in the future.

Don't be sorry for Gaulat! The national football team has found a new core in the midfield, and the 27-year-old Tarzan back has become the new Zheng Zhi

So now everyone feels sorry that it should not be Gao Lat who left, but why didn't he go to Xuxin earlier? Why didn't you find him earlier? This is actually worth thinking about our national coaching staff. What do you think? Friends are welcome to discuss together in the comment area! #国足1-1 Oman ##Xuxin##Li Tie##郑智 #

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